Tulip  6.0.0
Large graphs analysis and drawing
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Ctlp::AcyclicTestThis class provides tests for acyclicity on a graph. Results are cached in a map of graphs and result. This class observes the graphs that have been tested to remove the result from this graph if it is modified. This forces the use of the singleton pattern instead of simply using static functions/members
 Ctlp::BiconnectedTestPerforms a test of biconnexity on the graph, and provides a function to make a graph biconnected. From Wikipedia: "A biconnected graph is connected and nonseparable, meaning that if any vertex were to be removed, the graph will remain connected."
 Ctlp::BoundingBoxThis class represents the 3D bounding box of an object. It is mostly used to determine whether or not two object are in a state of collision
 Ctlp::ConnectedTestPerforms a test of connexity on the graph, and provides a function to make a graph connected. From Wikipedia: "A graph is said to be connected if every pair of vertices in the graph are connected." (i.e. there is a path between every pair of vertices)
 Ctlp::DataSetA container that can store data from any type
 Ctlp::DataTypeDescribes a value of any type
 Ctlp::edgeThe edge struct represents an edge in a Graph object
 Ctlp::PropertyInterface::edgeStringValueRefInner class used to overload the operator[] to set an edge string value
 Ctlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::edgeValueRefInner class used to overload the operator[] to set an edge value
 Ctlp::EventEvent is the base class for all events used in the Observation mechanism
 Ctlp::PropertyEventContains additional information about events on a property, such as the property it happened on, the node/edge eventually concerned and such. It also contains the detailed type of the event
 Ctlp::GlBezierCurveA class to draw Bezier curves
 Ctlp::GlCatmullRomCurveA class to draw a Catmull-Rom curve
 Ctlp::GlGraphRendererClass used by GlGraphComposite to render the graph in OpenGL
 Ctlp::GlGraphRenderingParametersThat class defines all the parameters used by GlGraphComposite to render a graph
 Ctlp::GLInteractorComponentInteractorComponent that can do OpenGL rendering on a GlMainWidget
 Ctlp::GlLayerA GlLayer is like an 2D drawing software layer system
 Ctlp::GlMainWidgetThis widget provide a simple system to visualize data/graph with OpenGL 3D engine
 Ctlp::GlOpenUniformCubicBSplineA class to draw open uniform cubic B-splines
 Ctlp::GlSimpleEntityBase class for all Tulip OpenGL entities
 Ctlp::GlAbstractPolygonClass to create a abstract polygon
 Ctlp::GlPolygonClass to create a polygon GlEntity
 Ctlp::GlBoxGeneral class used to render boxes as GlSimpleEntity
 Ctlp::GlComplexPolygonClass to create a complex polygon (concave polygon or polygon with hole) If you want to create a complex polygon you have 4 constructors : Constructors with vector of coords : to create a complex polygon without hole
 Ctlp::GlStarClass to create a star
 Ctlp::GlCompositeGlSimpleEntity used to aggregate other GlEntity
 Ctlp::GlAxisA base class to draw an axis with graduations
 Ctlp::GlGraphCompositeClass use to visualize graph in OpenGL Tulip engine
 Ctlp::GlGridGeneral class used to render grids as GlSimpleEntity
 Ctlp::GlLabelCreate a label into Tulip 3D engine
 Ctlp::GlSphereClass to create a sphere with GlEntity system
 Ctlp::ImportGraphObserverNew graph observation
 Ctlp::Iterator< T >Interface for Tulip iterators. Allows basic iteration operations only
 Ctlp::ConversionIterator< TIN, TOUT, ConversionFunc >
 Ctlp::MPConversionIterator< TIN, TOUT, ConversionFunc >MPConversionIterator implements memory pool for ConversionIterator
 Ctlp::StableIterator< tlp::node >
 Ctlp::SortNodeIteratorThis Iterator sorts the nodes in a sequence based on their values in a NumericProperty
 Ctlp::StableIterator< tlp::edge >
 Ctlp::SortEdgeIteratorThis Iterator sorts the edges in a sequence based on their values in a NumericProperty
 Ctlp::SortExtremitiesEdgeIteratorThis Iterator sorts the edges based on the values of their extremities nodes in a NumericProperty
 Ctlp::SortSourceEdgeIteratorThis Iterator sorts the edges based on the values of their source nodes in a NumericProperty
 Ctlp::SortTargetEdgeIteratorThis Iterator sorts the edges based on the values of their target nodes in a NumericProperty
 Ctlp::ConcatIterator< T >This Iterator iterates over the sequence formed by the concatenation of the sequences it is given
 Ctlp::StableIterator< T >Stores the elements of an iterator and iterates a copy
 Ctlp::SortIterator< T, CompareFunction >Iterator that wraps an existing one and sorts its iterated elements based on comparison function
 Ctlp::StlIterator< T, ITERATOR >StlIterator wraps a stl iterator
 Ctlp::Iterator< KEY >
 Ctlp::Iterator< std::pair< KEY, VALUE > >
 Ctlp::Iterator< TYPE >
 Ctlp::FilterIterator< TYPE, FILTER >Iterator that enables to filter an other Iterator
 Ctlp::Iterator< TYPEIN >
 Ctlp::Iterator< TYPEOUT >
 Ctlp::ConversionIterator< TYPEIN, TYPEOUT, ConversionFunc >Iterator that enables to convert an Iterator of type TYPEIN to an Iterator of type TYPEOUT
 Ctlp::Iterator< unsigned int >
 Ctlp::PropertyInterface::MetaValueCalculatorBase class for computing values on meta nodes and edges
 Ctlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::MetaValueCalculatorThis class is used to delegate the computation of the values associated to meta nodes or edges
 Ctlp::nodeThe node struct represents a node in a Graph object
 Ctlp::PropertyInterface::nodeStringValueRefInner class used to overload the operator[] to set a node string value
 Ctlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::nodeValueRefInner class used to overload the operator[] to set a node value
 Ctlp::ObservableBase of Tulip's observation system
 Ctlp::CameraTulip OpenGL camera object
 Ctlp::ColorScaleThis class represents a color scale to perform color mapping. The color scale can be either a gradient or defined by colors associated to consecutive intervals. If the color scale is a gradient, returned colors are interpolated in function of a position between 0.0 and 1.0. If the color scale is not a gradient returned colors are computed according to the interval the position belongs to
 Ctlp::GlGraphCompositeClass use to visualize graph in OpenGL Tulip engine
 Ctlp::GlSceneTulip scene class
 Ctlp::PropertyInterfacePropertyInterface describes the interface of a graph property
 Ctlp::AbstractProperty< nodeType, edgeType, PropertyInterface >
 Ctlp::AbstractProperty< tlp::BooleanType, tlp::BooleanType >
 Ctlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >This class extends upon PropertyInterface, and adds type-safe methods to get and set the node and edge values, through the magic of template programming
 Ctlp::NumericPropertyInterface all numerical properties. Property values are always returned as double
 Ctlp::VectorPropertyInterfaceVectorPropertyInterface describes the interface of a graph property whose holded value is a vector (std::vector)
 Ctlp::ViewView plugins provide a way to dynamically add to a Tulip plateform various ways to visualize a graph
 Ctlp::ViewWidgetViewWidget provides convenience functions to allow the user to build a view plugin that displays a QWidget as its main element
 Ctlp::ObserverHolderConvenience class to automatically hold and unhold observers. It performs a call to Observable::holdObservers() at its creation and a call to Observable::unholdObservers() at its destruction. You can use it if you have to hold observers in a function with multiple return points to avoid to call Observable::unholdObservers() for each of them
 Ctlp::OuterPlanarTestProvides functions to test if a graph is Outer Planar
 Ctlp::PlanarityTestPerforms tests to check whether a graph is planar. From wikipedia: "A planar graph is a graph that can be embedded in the plane, i.e., it can be drawn on the plane in such a way that its edges intersect only at their endpoints."
 Ctlp::PluginTop-level interface for plug-ins
 Ctlp::AlgorithmThis abstract class describes a basic algorithm plugin
 Ctlp::PropertyAlgorithmA non-template interface for tlp::TypedPropertyAlgorithm
 Ctlp::InteractorInteractor provides a way to handle user inputs over a view. Basically, The interactor class is an overlay to the Qt's event filtering mechanism. It adds several features like the ability to define priorities, custom cursors, etc
 Ctlp::PerspectiveA Perspective is a Tulip plugin that completely re-defines the user interface
 Ctlp::ViewView plugins provide a way to dynamically add to a Tulip plateform various ways to visualize a graph
 Ctlp::PluginContextContains runtime parameters for a plugin
 Ctlp::AlgorithmContextParameters structure for a tlp::Algorithm
 Ctlp::PerspectiveContextA context data structure for tlp::Perspective instances
 Ctlp::PluginListerSingleton used to list plugins currently loaded into Tulip and retrieve information about them
 Ctlp::PluginLoaderA callback class when loading plugins into Tulip
 Ctlp::PluginLoaderTxtA simple implementation of tlp::PluginLoader to display load state into the console
 Ctlp::PluginProgressPluginProcess subclasses are meant to notify about the progress state of some process (typically a plugin)
 Ctlp::ProgressPreviewHandlerHandles the way a process handled by a PluginProgress is handled
 Ctlp::QtGlSceneZoomAndPanAnimatorA convenient class to perform a Zoom and Pan animation on a GlMainWidget
 Ctlp::SelectedEntityStructure to store selected entities
 Ctlp::SelfLoopsStores all the added information on self loops
 Ctlp::SimpleTestPerforms test to check if a graph is Simple. An undirected graph is simple if it has no loops and no more than one edge between any unordered pair of vertices. A directed graph is simple if has no loops and no more than one edge between any ordered pair of vertices
 Ctlp::TreeTestPerforms test to check whether a graph is a simple or rooted tree. From wikipedia: "A tree is an undirected graph in which any two vertices are connected by exactly one simple path." Free trees have no designated root, while rooted trees do
 Ctlp::TriconnectedTestProvides functions to test if a graph is triconnected