Table of Contents
The goal of this part is to make a graph and to save your work.
Select the File->Import
Select an import method. For instance, Grid approximation
Accept with the default parameters.
A graph with nodes and edges is now displayed.
With the mouse wheel, you can zoom on the graph to see a specific node.
By moving the mouse with the left button pressed, you can translate the graph in the plane of the view.
Pressing the SHIFT key allows to rotate the graph, and the Ctrl key (Alt on Mac) allows to rotate around the z axis and zoom.
In order to come back to the first and default point of view, Select View->Center view
from the contextual menu.
Select Algorithm->Measure->Misc->Id
from the menu, to compute a value (metric) for each node and edge of the graph.
The graph is now displayed with colors depending on the metric.
You can change the colors with the menu : Algorithm->Color->Metric Mapping
This plug-in allows you to choose any number of colors, and computes an interpolation to fill in the blanks if needed (or you can force colors to some values by using the enumerated mode).
In this section, we will learn how to create a new graph, element by element.
Select File->New
from the menu to create a new graph.
Create a graph by adding nodes and edges.
To add a node, select the tool and click Where you want to add a node.
To add an edge, select the
Click on the source node, then on the target node.
You can control whether to display or hide edges with the
visibility checkbox in the Layer Manager
tab, located in the View Editor
tab, in the left-hand dock.
Visibility checkboxes are in the first column, the second column contains stencil checkboxes (When one layer has the stencil, it is displayed on top of layers who do not have it).
There are several other checkboxes here, most notable are options to display or not nodes, node labels and edge labels.
In the same way, you can display or hide the arrows indicating the edge direction in the Rendering Parameters
tab, by checking the Arrows
checkbox in the Edges
To delete elements of the graph. Select the tool, then click on the element you want to delete.
To save your work, you just have to select File->Save
or File->Save as
A dialog will appear allowing to enter the author of the graph and some comments; then after clicking on the 'OK' button, type the file name and choose its location.
The second way to save is to export the graph in one of the formats Tulip supports.
By default, only GML and TLP exports are installed.
To install more, look at the Plug-ins Management
section of this help.
Select File->Export
and the format of your choice, then choose the file name and location.
This part explains how to apply an algorithm to a graph.
You need an open graph to apply an algorithm on (you can create or import one).
All the algorithms you can apply on graphs are located in the Algorithm
There are Layout algorithms, Measures, Selection, Clustering (in General
) and more !
For instance, select a layout algorithm by navigating to Algorithm->Layout
, and then select Hierarchical->Hierarchical Graph
this algorithm deals with the layout of the nodes and the edges.
Some layout
algorithms may not apply to your graph if it does not belong to the right category of graphs.
Trying to apply the Bubble Tree
to a grid is not possible, as this algorithms needs a tree-like graph to be applied.
In these cases, a pop-up message will display an explanation of the problem.