Tulip  6.0.0
Large graphs analysis and drawing
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Graph model


class  tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >
class  tlp::BooleanProperty
class  tlp::BooleanVectorProperty
class  tlp::ColorProperty
class  tlp::ColorVectorProperty
class  tlp::CoordVectorProperty
class  tlp::DoubleProperty
class  tlp::DoubleVectorProperty
struct  tlp::edge
class  tlp::Graph
class  tlp::GraphProperty
class  tlp::ImportGraphObserver
class  tlp::IntegerProperty
class  tlp::IntegerVectorProperty
class  tlp::LayoutProperty
struct  tlp::node
class  tlp::PropertyInterface
class  tlp::SizeProperty
class  tlp::SizeVectorProperty
class  tlp::StringProperty
class  tlp::StringVectorProperty
class  tlp::VectorPropertyInterface


void tlp::copyToGraph (Graph *outG, const Graph *inG, BooleanProperty *inSelection=nullptr, BooleanProperty *outSelection=nullptr)
bool tlp::exportGraph (Graph *graph, std::ostream &outputStream, const std::string &format, DataSet &dataSet, PluginProgress *progress=nullptr)
Iterator< Graph * > * tlp::getRootGraphs ()
Graphtlp::importGraph (const std::string &format, DataSet &dataSet, PluginProgress *progress=nullptr, Graph *newGraph=nullptr)
Graphtlp::loadGraph (const std::string &filename, tlp::PluginProgress *progress=nullptr)
Graphtlp::newGraph ()
void tlp::removeFromGraph (Graph *ioG, BooleanProperty *inSelection=nullptr)
bool tlp::saveGraph (Graph *graph, const std::string &filename, tlp::PluginProgress *progress=nullptr, tlp::DataSet *data=nullptr)

Detailed Description

Tulip graphs manipulation system Classes in this group are related to the core system of Graph manipulation.

Function Documentation

◆ copyToGraph()

void tlp::copyToGraph ( Graph outG,
const Graph inG,
BooleanProperty inSelection = nullptr,
BooleanProperty outSelection = nullptr 

Appends the selected part of the graph inG (properties, nodes and edges) into the graph outG. If no selection is done (inSel=nullptr), the whole inG graph is appended. The output selection is used to select the appended nodes & edges

The input selection is extended to all selected edge ends.

◆ exportGraph()

bool tlp::exportGraph ( Graph graph,
std::ostream &  outputStream,
const std::string &  format,
DataSet dataSet,
PluginProgress progress = nullptr 

Exports a graph using the specified export plugin with parameters stored in the DataSet.

You determine the destination, whether by using a fstream, or by saving the contents of the stream to the destination of your choice.

graphThe graph to export.
outputStreamThe stream to export to. Can be a standard ostream, an ofstream, or even a gzipped ostream.
formatThe format to use to export the Graph.
dataSetParameters to pass to the export plugin (e.g. additional data, options for the format)
progressA PluginProgress to report the progress of the operation, as well as final state. Defaults to nullptr.
bool Whether the export was successful or not.

◆ getRootGraphs()

Iterator<Graph *>* tlp::getRootGraphs ( )

Gets an iterator over the root graphs. That is all the currently existing graphs which have been created using the tlp::newGraph, tlp::loadGraph or tlp::importGraph functions and are the root graphs of an existing graph hierarchy.

An iterator over all the root graphs. The caller of this function is responsible of the deletion of the returned iterator.

◆ importGraph()

Graph* tlp::importGraph ( const std::string &  format,
DataSet dataSet,
PluginProgress progress = nullptr,
Graph newGraph = nullptr 

Imports a graph using the specified import plugin with the parameters stored in the DataSet.

If no graph is passed, then a new graph will be created. You can pass a graph in order to import data into it. Returns the graph with imported data, or nullptr if the import failed. In this case, the Pluginprogress should have an error that can be displayed.

formatThe format to use to import the graph.
dataSetThe parameters to pass to the import plugin (file to read, ...)
progressA PluginProgress to report the progress of the operation, as well as final state. Defaults to nullptr.
newGraphThe graph to import the data into. This can be useful to import data into a subgraph. Defaults to nullptr.
:Graph* The graph containing the imported data, or nullptr in case of failure.

◆ loadGraph()

Graph* tlp::loadGraph ( const std::string &  filename,
tlp::PluginProgress progress = nullptr 

Loads a graph from a file (extension can be any of the Tulip supported input graph file format).

This function loads a graph serialized in a file through the available Tulip import plugins. Since Tulip 4.8, the selection of the import plugin is based on the provided filename extension. The import will fail if the selected import plugin is not loaded. The graph file formats that can currently be imported are : TLP (*.tlp, *.tlp.gz, *.tlpz), TLP Binary (*.tlpb, *.tlpb.gz, *.tlpbz), TLP JSON (*.json), Gephi (*.gexf), Pajek (*.net, *.paj), GML (*.gml), Graphviz (*.dot) and UCINET (*.txt)

Before Tulip 4.8 and as a fallback, the function uses the "TLP Import" import plugin (always loaded as it is linked into the tulip-core library).

If the import fails (no such file, parse error, ...) nullptr is returned.

filenamethe file in one of the supported formats to parse.
Graph* the imported Graph, nullptr if the import failed.

◆ newGraph()

Graph* tlp::newGraph ( )

Creates a new, empty graph.

This is a simple method factory to create a Graph implementation (remember, Graph is only an interface).

This is the recommended way to create a new Graph.

:Graph* A new, empty graph.

◆ removeFromGraph()

void tlp::removeFromGraph ( Graph ioG,
BooleanProperty inSelection = nullptr 

Removes the selected part of the graph ioG (properties values, nodes and edges). If no selection is done (inSel=nullptr), the whole graph is reset to default value.

The selection is extended to all selected edge ends.

◆ saveGraph()

bool tlp::saveGraph ( Graph graph,
const std::string &  filename,
tlp::PluginProgress progress = nullptr,
tlp::DataSet data = nullptr 

Saves the corresponding graph to a file (extension can be any of the Tulip supported output graph file format)..

This function serializes the corresponding graph and all its subgraphs (depending on the format) to a file through the available Tulip export plugins. Since Tulip 4.8, the selection of the export plugin is based on the provided filename extension. The export will fail if the selected export plugin is not loaded.

Before Tulip 4.8 and as a fallback, this function uses the "TLP Export" export plugin (always loaded as it is linked into the tulip-core library).

graphthe graph to save.
filenamethe file to save the graph to.
progressPluginProgress to report the progress of the operation, as well as final state. Defaults to nullptr.
dataParameters to pass to the export plugin (e.g. additional data, options for the format)
bool whether the export was successful or not.