Tulip  5.7.4
Large graphs analysis and drawing
1 /*
2  *
3  * This file is part of Tulip (https://tulip.labri.fr)
4  *
5  * Authors: David Auber and the Tulip development Team
6  * from LaBRI, University of Bordeaux
7  *
8  * Tulip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
10  * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
11  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * Tulip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  */
20 #ifndef Tulip_GLSCENE_H
21 #define Tulip_GLSCENE_H
23 #include <climits>
25 #include <tulip/tulipconf.h>
26 #include <tulip/BoundingBox.h>
27 #include <tulip/GlLODCalculator.h>
28 #include <tulip/GlLayer.h>
29 #include <tulip/Color.h>
30 #include <tulip/Observable.h>
32 namespace tlp {
34 class GlSimpleEntity;
35 class Graph;
36 class GlGraphComposite;
38 /**
39  * @ingroup OpenGL
40  * @brief Structure to store selected entities
41  *
42  * After a selection, objects of SelectedEntity is returned
43  * To use this object the first thing to do is to call getEntity type to know the type of Entity
44  * After that you can :
45  * - Get the GlSimpleEntity pointer (getSimpleEntity())
46  * - Get the id of node/edge and the graph associated (getComplexEntityId() and
47  * getComplexEntityGraph())
48  *
49  */
52  enum SelectedEntityType {
57  };
60  : simpleEntity(nullptr), complexEntityId(UINT_MAX), entityType(UNKNOW_SELECTED) {}
62  : simpleEntity(entity), complexEntityId(UINT_MAX), entityType(SIMPLE_ENTITY_SELECTED) {}
63  SelectedEntity(Graph *graph, unsigned int id, SelectedEntityType type)
64  : complexEntityGraph(graph), complexEntityId(id), entityType(type) {
65  assert((type == NODE_SELECTED) || (type == EDGE_SELECTED));
66  }
68  GlSimpleEntity *getSimpleEntity() const {
69  assert((entityType == SIMPLE_ENTITY_SELECTED) && (simpleEntity != nullptr));
70  return simpleEntity;
71  }
73  unsigned int getComplexEntityId() const {
74  assert((entityType != SIMPLE_ENTITY_SELECTED) && (complexEntityId != UINT_MAX));
75  return complexEntityId;
76  }
78  Graph *getComplexEntityGraph() const {
79  assert((entityType != SIMPLE_ENTITY_SELECTED) && (complexEntityGraph != nullptr));
80  return complexEntityGraph;
81  }
83  SelectedEntityType getEntityType() const {
84  return entityType;
85  }
86  /**
87  * @return the selected node if the entity type is correct or an invalid node else.
88  */
89  node getNode() const {
90  assert((entityType == NODE_SELECTED) || (complexEntityId == UINT_MAX));
91  return node(complexEntityId);
92  }
94  /**
95  * @return the selected edge if the entity type is correct or an invalid edge else.
96  */
97  edge getEdge() const {
98  assert((entityType == EDGE_SELECTED) || (complexEntityId == UINT_MAX));
99  return edge(complexEntityId);
100  }
102 protected:
103  union {
104  GlSimpleEntity *simpleEntity;
105  Graph *complexEntityGraph;
106  };
107  unsigned int complexEntityId;
108  SelectedEntityType entityType;
109 };
111 /**
112  * @ingroup OpenGL
113  * @brief Tulip scene class
114  *
115  * The GlScene class is the core of the tulip rendering system
116  * This class is used to render entities and graph in OpenGL
117  *
118  * If you want to render entities and graph, you have to use GlLayer system. You just have to create
119  * GlLayer and add GlEntity in.
120  * If you create more than one GlLayer, layers are rendered one after one, so the first GlLayer
121  * added is rendered in first.
122  * @see GlLayer
123  * @see GlSimpleEntity
124  *
125  *
126  * After adding layers you can do a centerScene() and a draw()
127  *
128  * \code
129  * GlLayer *mainLayer=new GlLayer("Main");
130  * GlGraphComposite *graphComposite=new GlGraphComposite(graph);
131  * mainLayer->addGlEntity(graphComposite,"graph");
132  * GlLayer *otherLayer=new GlLayer("Other");
133  * GlCircle *circle=new GlCircle();
134  * otherLayer->addGlEntity(circle,"circle");
135  * glScene.addLayer(mainLayer);
136  * glScene.addLayer(otherLayer);
137  * glScene.centerScene();
138  * glScene.draw();
139  * \endcode
140  *
141  * If you want to create a widget with a visualisation is better to use GlMainWidget class (this
142  * class use a GlScene inside)
143  */
144 class TLP_GL_SCOPE GlScene : public Observable {
146 public:
147  /** \brief Constructor
148  * Default scene is empty
149  * @param calculator By default GlScene use a GlCPULODCalculator to compute LOD but you can change
150  * this default lod calculator, to do that : put your calculator in constructor parameters
151  * Available calculators are : GlCPULODCalculator and GlQuadTreeLODCalculator
152  */
153  GlScene(GlLODCalculator *calculator = nullptr);
155  ~GlScene() override;
157  /**
158  * @brief Init scene's OpenGL parameters.
159  * You don't have to call this function, it is call when you do a draw
160  */
163  /**
164  * @brief Draw the scene
165  * This function is the most important function of GlScene. If you want to render a scene into an
166  * OpenGL widget : call this function
167  */
168  void draw();
170  /**
171  * Center scene
172  * After this function all entities are visible on the screen
173  */
174  void centerScene();
176  /**
177  * Compute information for adjustSceneToSize
178  * @param width request width
179  * @param height request height
180  * @param center the result center will be stored in (if center != nullptr)
181  * @param eye the result eye will be stored in (if eye != nullptr)
182  * @param sceneRadius the result sceneRadius will be stored in (if sceneRadius != nullptr)
183  * @param xWhiteFactor the white part on x borders (left and right), the computed empty space size
184  * will be stored in (if xWhiteFactor != nullptr)
185  * @param yWhiteFactor the white part on y borders (top and bottom), the computed empty space size
186  * will be stored in (if yWhiteFactor != nullptr)
187  * @param sceneBoundingBox the computed sceneBoundingBox will be stored in (if sceneBoundingBox !=
188  * nullptr)
189  * @param zoomFactor the computed zoomFactor will be stored in (if zoomFactor != nullptr)
190  */
191  void computeAdjustSceneToSize(int width, int height, Coord *center, Coord *eye,
192  float *sceneRadius, float *xWhiteFactor, float *yWhiteFactor,
193  BoundingBox *sceneBoundingBox = nullptr,
194  float *zoomFactor = nullptr);
196  // use computeAdjustSceneToSize instead
197  _DEPRECATED void computeAjustSceneToSize(int width, int height, Coord *center, Coord *eye,
198  float *sceneRadius, float *xWhiteFactor,
199  float *yWhiteFactor,
200  BoundingBox *sceneBoundingBox = nullptr,
201  float *zoomFactor = nullptr) {
202  computeAdjustSceneToSize(width, height, center, eye, sceneRadius, xWhiteFactor, yWhiteFactor,
203  sceneBoundingBox, zoomFactor);
204  }
206  /**
207  * Adjust camera to have entities near borders
208  * @param width requested width
209  * @param height requested height
210  */
211  void adjustSceneToSize(int width, int height);
213  _DEPRECATED inline void ajustSceneToSize(int width, int height) {
214  adjustSceneToSize(width, height);
215  }
217  /**
218  * @brief Zoom by step to given x,y screen coordinates
219  * @param step of zoom
220  */
221  void zoomXY(int step, const int x, const int y);
223  /**
224  * @brief Zoom by factor
225  * @param factor of zoom
226  */
227  void zoomFactor(float factor);
229  /**
230  * @brief Zoom to given world coordinate
231  * \warning factor parameter isn't be used
232  */
233  void zoom(float factor, const Coord &dest);
235  /**
236  * @brief Zoom by step
237  * @param step of zoom
238  */
239  void zoom(int step) {
240  zoomFactor(powf(1.1f, step));
241  }
243  /**
244  * @brief Translate camera by (x,y,z)
245  */
246  void translateCamera(const int x, const int y, const int z);
248  /**
249  * @brief Rotate camera by (x,y,z)
250  * @param x rotation over X axis in degree
251  * @param y rotation over Y axis in degree
252  * @param z rotation over Z axis in degree
253  */
254  void rotateCamera(const int x, const int y, const int z);
256  // use rotateCamera instead
257  _DEPRECATED inline void rotateScene(const int x, const int y, const int z) {
258  rotateCamera(x, y, z);
259  }
261  /**
262  * @brief Select entities in scene
263  * @param type Entities type to select (SelectSimpleEntities,SelectNodes,SelectEdges)
264  * @param x screen coordinates
265  * @param y screen coordinates
266  * @param h height in screen coordinates
267  * @param w width in screen coordinates
268  * @param layer where the selection will be performed
269  * @param selectedEntities the result of the selection is stored on it
270  */
271  bool selectEntities(RenderingEntitiesFlag type, int x, int y, int h, int w, GlLayer *layer,
272  std::vector<SelectedEntity> &selectedEntities);
274  /**
275  * @brief Return the RGB image of GlScene
276  */
277  unsigned char *getImage();
279  /**
280  * @brief Set the viewport of the scene with a vector
281  * The viewport must be in many case the size of the widget containing the scene
282  */
283  void setViewport(Vector<int, 4> &newViewport) {
284  viewport = newViewport;
285  }
287  /**
288  * @brief Set the viewport of the scene with 4 int
289  * The viewport must be in many case the size of the widget containing the scene
290  */
291  void setViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
292  viewport[0] = x;
293  viewport[1] = y;
294  viewport[2] = width;
295  viewport[3] = height;
296  }
298  /**
299  * @brief Get the viewport of the scene
300  * The viewport will be in many case the size of the widget containing the scene
301  */
302  const Vector<int, 4> &getViewport() const {
303  return viewport;
304  }
306  /**
307  * @brief Set the background color of the scene
308  */
309  void setBackgroundColor(const Color &color) {
310  backgroundColor = color;
311  }
313  /**
314  * @brief Get the background color of the scene
315  */
316  Color getBackgroundColor() const {
317  return backgroundColor;
318  }
320  /**
321  * @brief Set if scene is render in orthogonal mode
322  */
323  void setViewOrtho(bool viewOrtho) {
324  this->viewOrtho = viewOrtho;
325  }
327  /**
328  * @brief Scene is render in orthogonal mode ?
329  */
330  bool isViewOrtho() {
331  return viewOrtho;
332  }
334  /**
335  * @brief Create a layer with the given name in the scene
336  * This layer is added to the layers list
337  * Now the scene have the ownership of this GlLayer
338  * so you don't have to delete this GlLayer
339  */
340  GlLayer *createLayer(const std::string &name);
342  /**
343  * @brief Create a layer with the given name in the scene just before layer with given name
344  * This layer is added to the layers list
345  * Return nullptr if the layer with beforeLayerWithName is not find
346  * Now the scene have the ownership of this GlLayer
347  * so you don't have to delete this GlLayer
348  */
349  GlLayer *createLayerBefore(const std::string &layerName, const std::string &beforeLayerWithName);
351  /**
352  * @brief Create a layer with the given name in the scene just after layer with given name
353  * This layer is added to the layers list
354  * Return nullptr if the layer with beforeLayerWithName is not find
355  * Now the scene have the ownership of this GlLayer
356  * so you don't have to delete this GlLayer
357  */
358  GlLayer *createLayerAfter(const std::string &layerName, const std::string &afterLayerWithName);
360  /**
361  * @brief Add an existing layer in the scene
362  * Now the scene have the ownership of this GlLayer
363  * so you don't have to delete this GlLayer
364  */
365  void addExistingLayer(GlLayer *layer);
367  /**
368  * @brief Add an existing layer in the scene just before layer with given name
369  * Return false if the layer with beforeLayerWithName is not find
370  * Now the scene have the ownership of this GlLayer
371  * so you don't have to delete this GlLayer
372  */
373  bool addExistingLayerBefore(GlLayer *layer, const std::string &beforeLayerWithName);
375  /**
376  * @brief Add an existing layer in the scene just after layer with given name
377  * Return false if the layer with beforeLayerWithName is not find
378  * Now the scene have the ownership of this GlLayer
379  * so you don't have to delete this GlLayer
380  */
381  bool addExistingLayerAfter(GlLayer *layer, const std::string &afterLayerWithName);
383  /**
384  * @brief Return the layer with name : name
385  * Return nullptr if the layer doesn't exist in the scene
386  */
387  GlLayer *getLayer(const std::string &name);
389  /**
390  * @brief Remove the layer with name
391  * This GlLayer is automatically deleted
392  * If you want to keep this GlLayer you can put false to deleteLayer parameters
393  * but after that you have the ownership of the GlLayer
394  */
395  void removeLayer(const std::string &name, bool deleteLayer = true);
397  /**
398  * @brief Remove the layer with name
399  * This GlLayer is automatically deleted
400  * If you want to keep this GlLayer you can put false to deleteLayer parameters
401  * but after that you have the ownership of the GlLayer
402  */
403  void removeLayer(GlLayer *layer, bool deleteLayer = true);
405  /**
406  * @brief Return the layer list
407  */
408  const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, GlLayer *>> &getLayersList() {
409  return layersList;
410  }
412  /**
413  * @brief Clear layers list
414  * Layers will not be deleted in this function
415  */
417  for (auto &it : layersList)
418  delete it.second;
420  layersList.clear();
421  }
423  /**
424  * @brief Get XML description of the scene and children and store it in out string
425  */
426  void getXML(std::string &out);
428  /**
429  * @brief Get XML description of cameras of the scene and store it in out string
430  */
431  void getXMLOnlyForCameras(std::string &out);
433  /**
434  * @brief Set scene's data and children with a XML
435  */
436  void setWithXML(std::string &in, Graph *graph);
438  /**
439  * @brief Return lod calculator used to render this scene
440  */
441  GlLODCalculator *getCalculator() {
442  return lodCalculator;
443  }
445  /**
446  * @brief Set a new lod calculator used to render this scene
447  */
448  void setCalculator(GlLODCalculator *calculator) {
449  lodCalculator = calculator;
450  calculator->setScene(*this);
451  }
453  /**
454  * @brief Return the bounding box of the scene (in 3D coordinates)
455  * \warning This bounding box is computed in rendering, so if you add an entity in a layer the
456  * bounding box includes this entity if a draw is called
457  */
460  /**
461  * @brief Return the current GlGraphComposite used by the scene
462  */
464  return glGraphComposite;
465  }
467  /**
468  * @brief Return the layer containing the current GlGraphComposite
469  */
471  return graphLayer;
472  }
474  /**
475  * @brief By default the most important layer is the layer where the graph is visualized
476  * This function return the camera of this layer
477  */
479  assert(graphLayer != nullptr);
480  return graphLayer->getCamera();
481  }
483  /**
484  * @brief By default the most important layer is the layer where the graph is visualized
485  * This function set the camera of this layer
486  */
487  void setGraphCamera(Camera *camera) {
488  assert(graphLayer != nullptr);
489  graphLayer->setCamera(camera);
490  }
492  /**
493  * @brief Set if OpenGL buffer will be cleared at draw
494  */
495  void setClearBufferAtDraw(bool clear) {
496  clearBufferAtDraw = clear;
497  }
499  /**
500  * @brief If false, color buffer will not be cleared before drawing the scene.
501  */
502  bool getClearBufferAtDraw() const {
503  return clearBufferAtDraw;
504  }
506  /**
507  * @brief Set if OpenGL depth buffer will be cleared at draw
508  */
509  void setClearDepthBufferAtDraw(bool clear) {
510  clearDepthBufferAtDraw = clear;
511  }
513  /**
514  * @brief If false, depth buffer will not be cleared before drawing the scene.
515  */
517  return clearDepthBufferAtDraw;
518  }
520  /**
521  * @brief Set if OpenGL stencil buffer will be cleared at draw
522  */
523  void setClearStencilBufferAtDraw(bool clear) {
524  clearStencilBufferAtDraw = clear;
525  }
527  /**
528  * @brief If false, color buffer will not be cleared before drawing the scene.
529  */
531  return clearStencilBufferAtDraw;
532  }
534 private:
535  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, GlLayer *>> layersList;
536  GlLODCalculator *lodCalculator;
537  Vector<int, 4> viewport;
538  Color backgroundColor;
539  bool viewOrtho;
541  GlGraphComposite *glGraphComposite;
542  GlLayer *graphLayer;
544  bool clearBufferAtDraw;
546  bool inDraw;
548  bool clearDepthBufferAtDraw;
550  bool clearStencilBufferAtDraw;
552 public:
553  ///@cond DOXYGEN_HIDDEN
555  /**
556  * @brief You don't have to call this function
557  * This function is automatically called when a GlGraphComposite is added in a layer in the scene
558  * You don't have to call this function
559  */
560  void glGraphCompositeAdded(GlLayer *layer, GlGraphComposite *composite);
562  /**
563  * @brief You don't have to call this function
564  * This function is automatically called when a GlGraphComposite is added in a layer in the scene
565  * You don't have to call this function
566  */
567  void glGraphCompositeRemoved(GlLayer *layer, GlGraphComposite *composite);
569  /**
570  * @brief You don't have to call this function
571  * This function is called by GlLayer and GlComposite to send layer modification event
572  */
573  void notifyModifyLayer(const std::string &name, GlLayer *layer);
575  /**
576  * @brief You don't have to call these functions
577  * They are called by GlComposite to send entity modification event
578  */
579  void notifyModifyEntity(GlSimpleEntity *entity);
580  void notifyDeletedEntity(GlSimpleEntity *entity);
582  ///@endcond
583 };
584 } // namespace tlp
586 #endif // Tulip_GLSCENE_H
Tulip OpenGL camera object.
Definition: Camera.h:47
Class use to visualize graph in OpenGL Tulip engine.
A GlLayer is like an 2D drawing software layer system.
Definition: GlLayer.h:54
Tulip scene class.
Definition: GlScene.h:144
void setViewport(Vector< int, 4 > &newViewport)
Set the viewport of the scene with a vector The viewport must be in many case the size of the widget ...
Definition: GlScene.h:283
void zoomFactor(float factor)
Zoom by factor.
GlGraphComposite * getGlGraphComposite()
Return the current GlGraphComposite used by the scene.
Definition: GlScene.h:463
void addExistingLayer(GlLayer *layer)
Add an existing layer in the scene Now the scene have the ownership of this GlLayer so you don't have...
void getXML(std::string &out)
Get XML description of the scene and children and store it in out string.
bool selectEntities(RenderingEntitiesFlag type, int x, int y, int h, int w, GlLayer *layer, std::vector< SelectedEntity > &selectedEntities)
Select entities in scene.
void getXMLOnlyForCameras(std::string &out)
Get XML description of cameras of the scene and store it in out string.
void setCalculator(GlLODCalculator *calculator)
Set a new lod calculator used to render this scene.
Definition: GlScene.h:448
const Vector< int, 4 > & getViewport() const
Get the viewport of the scene The viewport will be in many case the size of the widget containing the...
Definition: GlScene.h:302
bool getClearStencilBufferAtDraw() const
If false, color buffer will not be cleared before drawing the scene.
Definition: GlScene.h:530
BoundingBox getBoundingBox()
Return the bounding box of the scene (in 3D coordinates)
GlScene(GlLODCalculator *calculator=nullptr)
Constructor Default scene is empty.
Camera & getGraphCamera()
By default the most important layer is the layer where the graph is visualized This function return t...
Definition: GlScene.h:478
void setViewOrtho(bool viewOrtho)
Set if scene is render in orthogonal mode.
Definition: GlScene.h:323
void zoomXY(int step, const int x, const int y)
Zoom by step to given x,y screen coordinates.
void centerScene()
void setWithXML(std::string &in, Graph *graph)
Set scene's data and children with a XML.
void setViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Set the viewport of the scene with 4 int The viewport must be in many case the size of the widget con...
Definition: GlScene.h:291
bool getClearDepthBufferAtDraw() const
If false, depth buffer will not be cleared before drawing the scene.
Definition: GlScene.h:516
bool addExistingLayerAfter(GlLayer *layer, const std::string &afterLayerWithName)
Add an existing layer in the scene just after layer with given name Return false if the layer with be...
bool addExistingLayerBefore(GlLayer *layer, const std::string &beforeLayerWithName)
Add an existing layer in the scene just before layer with given name Return false if the layer with b...
GlLayer * getLayer(const std::string &name)
Return the layer with name : name Return nullptr if the layer doesn't exist in the scene.
void setBackgroundColor(const Color &color)
Set the background color of the scene.
Definition: GlScene.h:309
GlLayer * getGraphLayer()
Return the layer containing the current GlGraphComposite.
Definition: GlScene.h:470
void rotateCamera(const int x, const int y, const int z)
Rotate camera by (x,y,z)
void initGlParameters()
Init scene's OpenGL parameters. You don't have to call this function, it is call when you do a draw.
void setClearStencilBufferAtDraw(bool clear)
Set if OpenGL stencil buffer will be cleared at draw.
Definition: GlScene.h:523
void removeLayer(const std::string &name, bool deleteLayer=true)
Remove the layer with name This GlLayer is automatically deleted If you want to keep this GlLayer you...
GlLODCalculator * getCalculator()
Return lod calculator used to render this scene.
Definition: GlScene.h:441
Color getBackgroundColor() const
Get the background color of the scene.
Definition: GlScene.h:316
bool isViewOrtho()
Scene is render in orthogonal mode ?
Definition: GlScene.h:330
void clearLayersList()
Clear layers list Layers will not be deleted in this function.
Definition: GlScene.h:416
void zoom(float factor, const Coord &dest)
Zoom to given world coordinate.
unsigned char * getImage()
Return the RGB image of GlScene.
void setClearBufferAtDraw(bool clear)
Set if OpenGL buffer will be cleared at draw.
Definition: GlScene.h:495
void adjustSceneToSize(int width, int height)
void setClearDepthBufferAtDraw(bool clear)
Set if OpenGL depth buffer will be cleared at draw.
Definition: GlScene.h:509
void translateCamera(const int x, const int y, const int z)
Translate camera by (x,y,z)
GlLayer * createLayer(const std::string &name)
Create a layer with the given name in the scene This layer is added to the layers list Now the scene ...
void setGraphCamera(Camera *camera)
By default the most important layer is the layer where the graph is visualized This function set the ...
Definition: GlScene.h:487
bool getClearBufferAtDraw() const
If false, color buffer will not be cleared before drawing the scene.
Definition: GlScene.h:502
void zoom(int step)
Zoom by step.
Definition: GlScene.h:239
GlLayer * createLayerAfter(const std::string &layerName, const std::string &afterLayerWithName)
Create a layer with the given name in the scene just after layer with given name This layer is added ...
GlLayer * createLayerBefore(const std::string &layerName, const std::string &beforeLayerWithName)
Create a layer with the given name in the scene just before layer with given name This layer is added...
void removeLayer(GlLayer *layer, bool deleteLayer=true)
Remove the layer with name This GlLayer is automatically deleted If you want to keep this GlLayer you...
void draw()
Draw the scene This function is the most important function of GlScene. If you want to render a scene...
const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, GlLayer * > > & getLayersList()
Return the layer list.
Definition: GlScene.h:408
void computeAdjustSceneToSize(int width, int height, Coord *center, Coord *eye, float *sceneRadius, float *xWhiteFactor, float *yWhiteFactor, BoundingBox *sceneBoundingBox=nullptr, float *zoomFactor=nullptr)
Base class for all Tulip OpenGL entities.
The Observable class is the base of Tulip's observation system.
Definition: Observable.h:127
This class represents the 3D bounding box of an object. It is mostly used to determine whether or not...
Definition: BoundingBox.h:67
Structure to store selected entities.
Definition: GlScene.h:50
node getNode() const
Definition: GlScene.h:89
edge getEdge() const
Definition: GlScene.h:97
The edge struct represents an edge in a Graph object.
Definition: Edge.h:40
The node struct represents a node in a Graph object.
Definition: Node.h:40