Tulip  5.7.4
Large graphs analysis and drawing
1 /*
2  *
3  * This file is part of Tulip (https://tulip.labri.fr)
4  *
5  * Authors: David Auber and the Tulip development Team
6  * from LaBRI, University of Bordeaux
7  *
8  * Tulip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
10  * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
11  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * Tulip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  */
20 #ifndef TULIP_METRIC_H
21 #define TULIP_METRIC_H
23 #include <tulip/PropertyTypes.h>
24 #include <tulip/AbstractProperty.h>
25 #include <tulip/PropertyAlgorithm.h>
26 #include <tulip/minmaxproperty.h>
27 #include <tulip/NumericProperty.h>
29 namespace tlp {
31 class PropertyContext;
33 typedef MinMaxProperty<tlp::DoubleType, tlp::DoubleType, tlp::NumericProperty> DoubleMinMaxProperty;
35 /**
36  * @ingroup Graph
37  * @brief A graph property that maps a double value to graph elements.
38  */
39 class TLP_SCOPE DoubleProperty : public DoubleMinMaxProperty {
40 public:
41  DoubleProperty(Graph *, const std::string &n = "");
42  using DoubleMinMaxProperty::operator=;
43  void clone_handler(
46  PropertyInterface *clonePrototype(Graph *, const std::string &) const override;
47  static const std::string propertyTypename;
48  const std::string &getTypename() const override {
49  return propertyTypename;
50  }
53  void setNodeValue(const node n, tlp::StoredType<double>::ReturnedConstValue v) override;
54  void setEdgeValue(const edge e, tlp::StoredType<double>::ReturnedConstValue v) override;
55  void setAllNodeValue(tlp::StoredType<double>::ReturnedConstValue v) override;
57  void setValueToGraphNodes(tlp::StoredType<double>::ReturnedConstValue v,
58  const Graph *graph) override;
59  void setAllEdgeValue(tlp::StoredType<double>::ReturnedConstValue v) override;
60  void setValueToGraphEdges(tlp::StoredType<double>::ReturnedConstValue v,
61  const Graph *graph) override;
63  enum PredefinedMetaValueCalculator : unsigned int {
64  NO_CALC = StandardMetaValueCalculator::NO_CALC,
65  AVG_CALC = StandardMetaValueCalculator::AVG_CALC,
66  SUM_CALC = StandardMetaValueCalculator::SUM_CALC,
67  MAX_CALC = StandardMetaValueCalculator::MAX_CALC,
68  MIN_CALC = StandardMetaValueCalculator::MIN_CALC
69  };
71  // setMetaValueCalculator overloading
73  void setMetaValueCalculator(PredefinedMetaValueCalculator nodeCalc = AVG_CALC,
74  PredefinedMetaValueCalculator edgeCalc = AVG_CALC);
76  // NumericProperty interface
77  double getNodeDoubleValue(const node n) const override {
78  return getNodeValue(n);
79  }
80  double getNodeDoubleDefaultValue() const override {
81  return getNodeDefaultValue();
82  }
83  double getNodeDoubleMin(const Graph *g = nullptr) override {
84  return getNodeMin(g);
85  }
86  double getNodeDoubleMax(const Graph *g = nullptr) override {
87  return getNodeMax(g);
88  }
89  double getEdgeDoubleValue(const edge e) const override {
90  return getEdgeValue(e);
91  }
92  double getEdgeDoubleDefaultValue() const override {
93  return getEdgeDefaultValue();
94  }
95  double getEdgeDoubleMin(const Graph *g = nullptr) override {
96  return getEdgeMin(g);
97  }
98  double getEdgeDoubleMax(const Graph *g = nullptr) override {
99  return getEdgeMax(g);
100  }
102  void nodesUniformQuantification(unsigned int) override;
104  void edgesUniformQuantification(unsigned int) override;
106  NumericProperty *copyProperty(Graph *g) override {
107  DoubleProperty *newProp = new DoubleProperty(g);
108  newProp->copy(this);
110  return newProp;
111  }
113 private:
114  // override Observable::treatEvent
115  void treatEvent(const Event &) override;
116 };
118 /**
119  * @ingroup Graph
120  * @brief A graph property that maps a std::vector<double> value to graph elements.
121  */
123 class TLP_SCOPE DoubleVectorProperty
124  : public AbstractVectorProperty<tlp::DoubleVectorType, tlp::DoubleType> {
125 public:
126  DoubleVectorProperty(Graph *g, const std::string &n = "")
127  : AbstractVectorProperty<DoubleVectorType, tlp::DoubleType>(g, n) {}
128  // redefinition of some PropertyInterface methods
129  using AbstractVectorProperty<tlp::DoubleVectorType, tlp::DoubleType>::operator=;
130  PropertyInterface *clonePrototype(Graph *, const std::string &) const override;
131  static const std::string propertyTypename;
132  const std::string &getTypename() const override {
133  return propertyTypename;
134  }
136 };
137 } // namespace tlp
138 #endif
This class extends upon PropertyInterface, and adds type-safe methods to get and set the node and edg...
A graph property that maps a double value to graph elements.
const std::string & getTypename() const override
Gets a string describing the type of the property value (e.g. "graph", "double", "layout",...
void setMetaValueCalculator(PropertyInterface::MetaValueCalculator *calc) override
Sets the Calculator for meta nodes and edges.
PropertyInterface * clonePrototype(Graph *, const std::string &) const override
Creates a property of the same type (e.g. tlp::DoubleProperty) in the graph. The new property will no...
A graph property that maps a std::vector<double> value to graph elements.
const std::string & getTypename() const override
Gets a string describing the type of the property value (e.g. "graph", "double", "layout",...
PropertyInterface * clonePrototype(Graph *, const std::string &) const override
Creates a property of the same type (e.g. tlp::DoubleProperty) in the graph. The new property will no...
Abstracts the computation of minimal and maximal values on node and edge values of properties.
Base class for computing values on meta nodes and edges.
PropertyInterface describes the interface of a graph property.
The edge struct represents an edge in a Graph object.
Definition: Edge.h:40
The node struct represents a node in a Graph object.
Definition: Node.h:40