Tulip  5.3.0
Large graphs analysis and drawing
tlp Namespace Reference


class  AboutTulipPage
class  AbstractProperty
class  AcyclicTest
class  AdditionalGlSceneAnimation
class  Algorithm
class  AlgorithmContext
class  AroundTexturedSphere
class  BiconnectedTest
class  BooleanAlgorithm
class  BooleanProperty
class  BooleanVectorProperty
struct  BoundingBox
class  Camera
struct  CheckAllFunctor
class  ColorAlgorithm
class  ColorProperty
class  ColorScale
class  ColorScalesManager
class  ColorVectorProperty
struct  ConcatIterator
class  ConnectedTest
class  ConversionIterator
class  CoordVectorProperty
class  DataSet
struct  DataType
struct  Dependency
class  DoubleAlgorithm
class  DoubleProperty
class  DoubleVectorProperty
struct  edge
class  Event
class  FileDownloader
class  FilterIterator
class  FloatValidator
class  Gl2DRect
class  GlAbstractPolygon
class  GlAxis
class  GlBezierCurve
class  GlBox
class  GlCatmullRomCurve
class  GlCircle
class  GlComplexPolygon
class  GlComposite
class  GlDefaultSelectionColorManager
class  GlGraphComposite
class  GlGraphRenderer
class  GlGraphRenderingParameters
class  GlGrid
class  GlHexagon
class  GLInteractorComponent
class  GLInteractorComposite
class  GlLabel
class  GlLayer
class  GlMainView
class  GlMainWidget
class  GlOpenUniformCubicBSpline
class  GlPentagon
class  GlPolygon
class  GlRect
class  GlRegularPolygon
class  GlScene
class  GlSceneZoomAndPan
class  GlSimpleEntity
class  GlSphere
class  GlStar
class  GlTriangle
class  Graph
class  GraphEvent
class  GraphNeedsSavingObserver
class  GraphProperty
class  IntegerAlgorithm
class  IntegerProperty
class  IntegerVectorProperty
class  Interactor
class  InteractorComposite
class  InteractorLister
struct  Iterator
class  LayoutAlgorithm
class  LayoutProperty
class  MinMaxProperty
class  MPConversionIterator
struct  node
class  NodeLinkDiagramComponentInteractor
class  NumericProperty
class  Observable
class  ObservableException
class  ObserverHolder
class  OuterPlanarTest
class  ParameterDescription
struct  ParameterDescriptionList
class  Perspective
class  PerspectiveContext
class  PlanarityTest
class  Plugin
class  PluginContext
class  PluginLister
struct  PluginLoader
struct  PluginLoaderTxt
class  PluginProgress
class  ProgressPreviewHandler
class  PropertyAlgorithm
class  PropertyEvent
class  PropertyInterface
class  QtGlSceneZoomAndPanAnimator
class  ScientificDoubleSpinBox
struct  SelectedEntity
struct  SelfLoops
class  SimpleTest
class  SizeAlgorithm
class  SizeProperty
class  SizeVectorProperty
struct  SortEdgeIterator
struct  SortExtremitiesEdgeIterator
class  SortIterator
struct  SortNodeIterator
struct  SortSourceEdgeIterator
struct  SortTargetEdgeIterator
class  StableIterator
class  StlIterator
class  StringAlgorithm
class  StringProperty
class  StringVectorProperty
class  TemplateAlgorithm
class  ThreadManager
class  TreeTest
class  TriconnectedTest
class  TulipFontAwesome
class  TulipIconicFont
class  TulipMaterialDesignIcons
class  TulipProject
class  UniqueIterator
class  VectorPropertyInterface
class  View
class  ViewWidget
class  WithDependency
struct  WithParameter


typedef AbstractProperty< tlp::ColorType, tlp::ColorType > AbstractColorProperty
typedef AbstractProperty< tlp::GraphType, tlp::EdgeSetType > AbstractGraphProperty
typedef AbstractProperty< tlp::PointType, tlp::LineType > AbstractLayoutProperty
typedef AbstractProperty< tlp::SizeType, tlp::SizeType > AbstractSizeProperty
typedef AbstractProperty< tlp::StringType, tlp::StringType > AbstractStringProperty
template<typename T , size_t N>
using Array = std::array< T, N >
typedef MinMaxProperty< tlp::DoubleType, tlp::DoubleType, tlp::NumericPropertyDoubleMinMaxProperty
typedef MinMaxProperty< tlp::IntegerType, tlp::IntegerType, tlp::NumericPropertyIntegerMinMaxProperty
typedef MinMaxProperty< tlp::PointType, tlp::LineType > LayoutMinMaxProperty
typedef CoordVectorProperty LayoutVectorProperty


enum  ElementType { NODE = 0, EDGE = 1 }
enum  ParameterDirection { IN_PARAM = 0, OUT_PARAM = 1, INOUT_PARAM = 2 }
enum  ProgressState { TLP_CONTINUE, TLP_CANCEL, TLP_STOP }


template<typename T >
auto begin (Iterator< T > *it) -> decltype(it->begin())
QColor colorToQColor (const Color &color)
template<class T >
Iterator< T > * concatIterator (Iterator< T > *itOne, Iterator< T > *itTwo)
template<typename TOUT , typename ConversionFunc , typename TIN >
ConversionIterator< TIN, TOUT, ConversionFunc > * conversionIterator (tlp::Iterator< TIN > *it, ConversionFunc convFunc)
template<typename TOUT , typename ConversionFunc , typename Container >
std::enable_if< has_const_iterator< Container >::value, ConversionIterator< typename Container::value_type, TOUT, ConversionFunc > * >::type conversionIterator (const Container &stlContainer, ConversionFunc convFunc)
void convexHull (const std::vector< Coord > &points, std::vector< unsigned int > &convexHull)
void convexHull (const std::vector< Coord > &points, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int >> &convexHullFacets, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int >> &facetNeighbors)
void copyToGraph (Graph *outG, const Graph *inG, BooleanProperty *inSelection=nullptr, BooleanProperty *outSelection=nullptr)
std::string demangleClassName (const char *className, bool hideTlp=false)
std::string demangleTlpClassName (const char *className)
void disableQtUserInput ()
void enableQtUserInput ()
template<typename T >
auto end (Iterator< T > *it) -> decltype(it->end())
bool exportGraph (Graph *graph, std::ostream &outputStream, const std::string &format, DataSet &dataSet, PluginProgress *progress=nullptr)
template<typename TYPE , typename FILTER >
FilterIterator< TYPE, FILTER > * filterIterator (Iterator< TYPE > *it, FILTER filter)
template<typename Container , typename FILTER >
std::enable_if< has_const_iterator< Container >::value, MPFilterIterator< typename Container::value_type, FILTER > * >::type filterIterator (const Container &stlContainer, FILTER filter)
bool getColorDialog (const QColor &color, QWidget *parent, const QString &title, QColor &result)
std::istream * getIgzstream (const std::string &name, int open_mode=std::ios::in)
std::istream * getInputFileStream (const std::string &filename, std::ios_base::openmode open_mode=std::ios::in)
std::string getMajor (const std::string &release)
std::string getMinor (const std::string &release)
std::ostream * getOgzstream (const std::string &name, int open_mode=std::ios::out)
std::ostream * getOutputFileStream (const std::string &filename, std::ios_base::openmode open_mode=std::ios::out)
QString getPluginLocalInstallationDir ()
QString getPluginPackageName (const QString &pluginName)
QString getPluginStagingDirectory ()
Iterator< Graph * > * getRootGraphs ()
unsigned int getSeedOfRandomSequence ()
GraphimportGraph (const std::string &format, DataSet &dataSet, PluginProgress *progress=nullptr, Graph *newGraph=nullptr)
void initRandomSequence ()
void initTulipLib (const char *appDirPath=nullptr)
void initTulipSoftware (PluginLoader *loader=nullptr, bool removeDiscardedPlugins=false)
template<typename T >
unsigned int iteratorCount (Iterator< T > *it)
template<typename T >
bool iteratorCountCheck (Iterator< T > *it, unsigned int minNbElements)
template<typename T >
bool iteratorEmpty (Iterator< T > *it)
template<typename T >
std::list< T > iteratorList (Iterator< T > *it)
template<typename T , class MapFunction >
void iteratorMap (Iterator< T > *it, MapFunction &&mapFunction)
template<typename T , typename reduceType , class ReduceFunction >
reduceType iteratorReduce (Iterator< T > *it, const reduceType &initVal, ReduceFunction reduceFunction)
template<typename T >
std::set< T > iteratorSet (Iterator< T > *it)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > iteratorVector (Iterator< T > *it)
GraphloadGraph (const std::string &filename, tlp::PluginProgress *progress=nullptr)
QString localPluginsPath ()
GraphnewGraph ()
template<typename T , size_t N>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Array< T, N > &array)
template<typename T , size_t N>
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Array< T, N > &array)
QString propertyInterfaceToPropertyTypeLabel (const tlp::PropertyInterface *const property)
std::string propertyTypeLabelToPropertyType (const QString &typeNameLabel)
QString propertyTypeToPropertyTypeLabel (const std::string &typeName)
Color QColorToColor (const QColor &color)
bool QStringCaseCmp (const QString &s1, const QString &s2)
std::string QStringToTlpString (const QString &toConvert)
double randomDouble (double max=1.0)
int randomInteger (int max)
unsigned int randomUnsignedInteger (unsigned int max)
void redirectDebugOutputToQDebug ()
void redirectErrorOutputToQCritical ()
void redirectWarningOutputToQWarning ()
void removeFromGraph (Graph *ioG, BooleanProperty *inSelection=nullptr)
bool saveGraph (Graph *graph, const std::string &filename, tlp::PluginProgress *progress=nullptr, tlp::DataSet *data=nullptr)
void setSeedOfRandomSequence (unsigned int seed=UINT_MAX)
template<typename T , typename CompareFunction >
SortIterator< T, CompareFunction > * sortIterator (Iterator< T > *it, CompareFunction &&compFunc)
template<typename Container , typename CompareFunction >
std::enable_if< has_const_iterator< Container >::value, SortIterator< typename Container::value_type, CompareFunction > * >::type sortIterator (const Container &stlContainer, CompareFunction &&compFunc)
template<class T >
StableIterator< T > * stableIterator (Iterator< T > *it)
template<typename Container >
std::enable_if< has_const_iterator< Container >::value, StableIterator< typename Container::value_type > * >::type stableIterator (const Container &stlContainer)
int statPath (const std::string &pathname, tlp_stat_t *buf)
template<typename Container >
std::enable_if< has_const_iterator< Container >::value, StlIterator< typename Container::value_type, typename Container::const_iterator > * >::type stlIterator (const Container &stlContainer)
template<typename EdgeIndexFunction >
void TLP_MAP_EDGES_AND_INDICES (const tlp::Graph *graph, const EdgeIndexFunction &edgeIndexFunction)
template<typename NodeIndexFunction >
void TLP_MAP_NODES_AND_INDICES (const tlp::Graph *graph, const NodeIndexFunction &nodeIndexFunction)
template<typename EdgeFunction >
void TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_EDGES (const tlp::Graph *graph, const EdgeFunction &edgeFunction)
template<typename EdgeFunction >
void TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_EDGES_AND_INDICES (const tlp::Graph *graph, const EdgeFunction &edgeFunction)
template<typename IdxFunction >
void TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_INDICES (size_t maxIdx, const IdxFunction &idxFunction)
template<typename NodeFunction >
void TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_NODES (const tlp::Graph *graph, const NodeFunction &nodeFunction)
template<typename NodeFunction >
void TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_NODES_AND_INDICES (const tlp::Graph *graph, const NodeFunction &nodeFunction)
template<typename EltType , typename IdxFunction >
void TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_VECTOR (const std::vector< EltType > &vect, const IdxFunction &idxFunction)
template<typename EltType , typename IdxFunction >
void TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_VECTOR_AND_INDICES (const std::vector< EltType > &vect, const IdxFunction &idxFunction)
template<typename F1 , typename F2 >
void TLP_PARALLEL_SECTIONS (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2)
template<typename F1 , typename F2 , typename F3 >
void TLP_PARALLEL_SECTIONS (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3)
template<typename F1 , typename F2 , typename F3 , typename F4 >
void TLP_PARALLEL_SECTIONS (const F1 &f1, const F2 &f2, const F3 &f3, const F4 &f4)
QString tlpStringToQString (const std::string &toConvert)
template<typename T , typename CheckFunc = CheckAllFunctor<T>>
UniqueIterator< T > * uniqueIterator (Iterator< T > *it, CheckFunc checkFunctor=CheckFunc())
template<typename Container , typename CheckFunc = CheckAllFunctor<typename Container::value_type>>
std::enable_if< has_const_iterator< Container >::value, UniqueIterator< typename Container::value_type, CheckFunc > * >::type uniqueIterator (const Container &stlContainer, CheckFunc checkFunctor=CheckFunc())


static const std::string ALGORITHM_CATEGORY = "Algorithm"
static const std::string BOOLEAN_ALGORITHM_CATEGORY = "Selection"
static const std::string COLOR_ALGORITHM_CATEGORY = "Coloring"
static const std::string DOUBLE_ALGORITHM_CATEGORY = "Measure"
static const std::string INTEGER_ALGORITHM_CATEGORY = "Measure"
static const std::string INTERACTOR_CATEGORY = "Interactor"
static const std::string LAYOUT_ALGORITHM_CATEGORY = "Layout"
static const std::string PERSPECTIVE_CATEGORY = "Perspective"
static const std::string PROPERTY_ALGORITHM_CATEGORY = "Property"
static const std::string SIZE_ALGORITHM_CATEGORY = "Resizing"
static const std::string STRING_ALGORITHM_CATEGORY = "Labeling"
std::string TulipBitmapDir
std::string TulipLibDir
std::string TulipPluginsPath
std::string TulipShareDir
static const std::string VIEW_CATEGORY = "Panel"

Detailed Description

This file is part of Tulip (http://tulip.labri.fr)

Authors: David Auber and the Tulip development Team from LaBRI, University of Bordeaux

Tulip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Tulip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ElementType


This element describes a node


This element describes an edge

Definition at line 48 of file Graph.h.

Function Documentation

◆ concatIterator()

template<class T >
Iterator<T>* tlp::concatIterator ( Iterator< T > *  itOne,
Iterator< T > *  itTwo 

Convenient function for creating a ConcatIterator.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a ConcatIterator from two other Iterators. The returned Iterator takes ownership of the one provided as parameter.

itOnethe first input Iterator
itTwothe second input Iterator
a ConcatIterator

Definition at line 84 of file ConcatIterator.h.

◆ conversionIterator() [1/2]

template<typename TOUT , typename ConversionFunc , typename TIN >
ConversionIterator<TIN, TOUT, ConversionFunc>* tlp::conversionIterator ( tlp::Iterator< TIN > *  it,
ConversionFunc  convFunc 

Convenient function for creating a ConversionIterator.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a ConversionIterator from another Iterator and a conversion function. The returned Iterator takes ownership of the one provided as parameter.

ita Tulip Iterator
convFuncfunctor or lambda function converting a value of type TYPEIN to type TYPEOUT
a ConversionIterator

Definition at line 94 of file ConversionIterator.h.

◆ conversionIterator() [2/2]

template<typename TOUT , typename ConversionFunc , typename Container >
std::enable_if<has_const_iterator<Container>::value, ConversionIterator<typename Container::value_type, TOUT, ConversionFunc> *>::type tlp::conversionIterator ( const Container &  stlContainer,
ConversionFunc  convFunc 

Convenient function for creating a ConversionIterator from a STL container.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a ConversionIterator from a STL container (std::list, std::vector, std::set, std::map, ...) and a conversion function.

stlContainerany STL container
convFuncfunctor or lambda function converting a value from the container to type TYPEOUT
a ConversionIterator

Definition at line 118 of file ConversionIterator.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ convexHull() [1/2]

void tlp::convexHull ( const std::vector< Coord > &  points,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  convexHull 

function for computing a 2D convex hull

Computes a 2D convex hull using the Qhull library (www.qhull.org)

Computes the 2D convex hull and returns a list of indexes for the points on the convex hull in counterclockwise order.

The convexHull vector is automatically cleared.

◆ convexHull() [2/2]

void tlp::convexHull ( const std::vector< Coord > &  points,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int >> &  convexHullFacets,
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int >> &  facetNeighbors 

function for computing a 2D/3D convex hull

Computes a 2D/3D convex hull using the Qhull library (www.qhull.org)

Computes a 2D/3D convex hull and returns a list of the hull facets (segments for 2D, triangles for 3D) and a list of neighbors facets for each facet. A facet is defined by a list of indexes in the points vector. The neighbors facets of a facet are defined by a list of indexes in the convexHullFacets vector (facetNeighbors[i] stores the neighbors of facet convexHullFacets[i]).

The convexHullFacets and facetNeighbors vectors are automatically cleared.

◆ filterIterator() [1/2]

template<typename TYPE , typename FILTER >
FilterIterator<TYPE, FILTER>* tlp::filterIterator ( Iterator< TYPE > *  it,
FILTER  filter 

Convenient function for creating a FilterIterator.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a FilterIterator from another iterator and a filter function. The returned iterator takes ownership of the one provided as parameter.

ita Tulip iterator
filterthe functor or lambda function that enables to test whether or not an element is filtered
a FilterIterator

Definition at line 106 of file FilterIterator.h.

◆ filterIterator() [2/2]

template<typename Container , typename FILTER >
std::enable_if<has_const_iterator<Container>::value, MPFilterIterator<typename Container::value_type, FILTER> *>::type tlp::filterIterator ( const Container &  stlContainer,
FILTER  filter 

Convenient function for creating a FilterIterator from a STL container.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a FilterIterator from a STL container (std::list, std::vector, std::set, std::map, ...) and a filter function.

stlContainerany STL container
filterthe functor or lambda function that enables to test whether or not an element is filtered
a FilterIterator

Definition at line 127 of file FilterIterator.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getIgzstream()

std::istream* tlp::getIgzstream ( const std::string &  name,
int  open_mode = std::ios::in 

Returns an istream to read from a gzipped file (uses gzstream lib). The stream has to be deleted after use.

nameThe name of the file to read from.
open_modeThe mode to open the file with. Defaults to std::ios::in.
istream gzipped input stream from a file.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInputFileStream()

std::istream* tlp::getInputFileStream ( const std::string &  filename,
std::ios_base::openmode  open_mode = std::ios::in 

Cross-platform function to get an input file stream. Its purpose is to support paths on windows platform containing non-ascii characters.

filenamean utf-8 encoded string containing the path of the file to open for performing input operations
open_modethe stream opening mode flags (bitwise combination of std::ios_base::openmode constants).
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOgzstream()

std::ostream* tlp::getOgzstream ( const std::string &  name,
int  open_mode = std::ios::out 

Returns an ostream to write to a gzipped file (uses gzstream lib). The stream has to be deleted after use.

Don't forget to check the stream with ios::bad()!
nameThe name of the file to write to.
open_modeThe mode to open the file with. Defaults to std::ios::out.
ostream gzipped output stream to a file.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOutputFileStream()

std::ostream* tlp::getOutputFileStream ( const std::string &  filename,
std::ios_base::openmode  open_mode = std::ios::out 

Cross-platform function to get an output file stream. Its purpose is to support paths on windows platform containing non-ascii characters.

filenamean utf-8 encoded string containing the path of the file to open for performing output operations
open_modethe stream opening mode flags (bitwise combination of std::ios_base::openmode constants).
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPluginPackageName()

QString tlp::getPluginPackageName ( const QString &  pluginName)

Gets the name of the package to retrieve for this version of tulip. The package name uses the Tulip release, platform (windows, unix, ...), architecture (x86, x86_64), and compiler used (GCC, Clang, MSVC) to determine which package this version can use.

pluginNameThe name of the plugin for which we want the package name.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSeedOfRandomSequence()

unsigned int tlp::getSeedOfRandomSequence ( )

Returns the value of the seed used for further initialization of a random sequence.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initRandomSequence()

void tlp::initRandomSequence ( )

Initializes a random sequence with the seed previously set Further calls to rand() or random() will return the elements of that sequence.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ initTulipSoftware()

void tlp::initTulipSoftware ( PluginLoader loader = nullptr,
bool  removeDiscardedPlugins = false 

Sets up environment when creating an executable using Tulip libraries This method performs basic operations when starting a software using Tulip: .

  • It initializes the tulip library
  • it checks plugins to be discarded and uninstalls them
  • It loads plugins from the application path
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ iteratorCount()

template<typename T >
unsigned int tlp::iteratorCount ( Iterator< T > *  it)

Counts the number of iterated elements.

Tulip 5.2

Counts the number of elements iterated by the provided iterator. That function takes ownership of the iterator and will delete it.

ita Tulip iterator
The number of iterated elements

Definition at line 175 of file Iterator.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ iteratorCountCheck()

template<typename T >
bool tlp::iteratorCountCheck ( Iterator< T > *  it,
unsigned int  minNbElements 

Checks a mimimum amount of iterated elements.

Tulip 5.2

Checks if the iterator returns at least n values. That function takes ownership of the iterator and will delete it.

ita Tulip iterator
true if the iterator returns at least n values

Definition at line 199 of file Iterator.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ iteratorEmpty()

template<typename T >
bool tlp::iteratorEmpty ( Iterator< T > *  it)

Checks if an iterator is empty.

Tulip 5.2

Checks if the iterator does not return any value. That function takes ownership of the iterator and will delete it.

ita Tulip iterator
true if the iterator is empty

Definition at line 227 of file Iterator.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ iteratorList()

template<typename T >
std::list<T> tlp::iteratorList ( Iterator< T > *  it)

Converts an iterator to a std::list.

Tulip 5.2

Returns a std::list filled with the iterated elements. That function takes ownership of the iterator and will delete it.

ita Tulip iterator
a std::list filled with iterated elements

Definition at line 307 of file Iterator.h.

◆ iteratorMap()

template<typename T , class MapFunction >
void tlp::iteratorMap ( Iterator< T > *  it,
MapFunction &&  mapFunction 

Applies a function to each iterated element.

Tulip 5.2

Applies a function to each element iterated by the provided iterator. That function takes ownership of the iterator and will delete it.

ita Tulip iterator
mapFunctionfunctor or lambda function taking one parameter of the same type of the iterated elements

Definition at line 247 of file Iterator.h.

◆ iteratorReduce()

template<typename T , typename reduceType , class ReduceFunction >
reduceType tlp::iteratorReduce ( Iterator< T > *  it,
const reduceType &  initVal,
ReduceFunction  reduceFunction 

Reduces iterated elements to a single value.

Tulip 5.2

Produces a single value from the iterated elements (e.g. sum). That function takes ownership of the iterator and will delete it.

ita Tulip iterator
initValinitial value of the reduced result
reduceFunctionfunctor or lambda function taking two parameters : first one being the current reduced value, second one being the current iterated element and returning intermediate reduced value
the reduced value from the iterated elements

Definition at line 278 of file Iterator.h.

◆ iteratorSet()

template<typename T >
std::set<T> tlp::iteratorSet ( Iterator< T > *  it)

Converts an iterator to a std::set.

Tulip 5.2

Returns a std::set filled with the iterated elements. That function takes ownership of the iterator and will delete it.

ita Tulip iterator
a std::set filled with iterated elements

Definition at line 353 of file Iterator.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ iteratorVector()

template<typename T >
std::vector<T> tlp::iteratorVector ( Iterator< T > *  it)

Converts an iterator to a std::vector.

Tulip 5.2

Returns a std::vector filled with the iterated elements. That function takes ownership of the iterator and will delete it.

ita Tulip iterator
a std::vector filled with iterated elements

Definition at line 330 of file Iterator.h.

◆ operator<<()

template<typename T , size_t N>
std::ostream& tlp::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Array< T, N > &  array 

operator << stream operator to easily print an array, or save it to a file.

osThe stream to output to.
arrayThe array to output.
The stream to output to, to chain calls.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator>>()

template<typename T , size_t N>
std::istream& tlp::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Array< T, N > &  array 

operator >> stream operator to easily read an array

isThe stream to read from.
arrayA reference to an array, that will be written to.
The stream to read from, to chain calls.

◆ propertyInterfaceToPropertyTypeLabel()

QString tlp::propertyInterfaceToPropertyTypeLabel ( const tlp::PropertyInterface *const  property)

Get the string to display as property type for the given property. The property type label is the string to display in the GUI instead of the property type string. By example for a property of type "double" the label displayed in the GUI will be "Metric".

Definition at line 78 of file TlpQtTools.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ propertyTypeLabelToPropertyType()

std::string tlp::propertyTypeLabelToPropertyType ( const QString &  typeNameLabel)

Convert the label of a property type to it's corresponding property type. The property type label is the string to display in the GUI instead of the property type string. By example for a property of type "double" the label displayed in the GUI will be "Metric".

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ propertyTypeToPropertyTypeLabel()

QString tlp::propertyTypeToPropertyTypeLabel ( const std::string &  typeName)

Convert the property type string to a label to display in the GUI. The property type label is the string to display in the GUI instead of the basic property type string.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ QStringCaseCmp()

bool tlp::QStringCaseCmp ( const QString &  s1,
const QString &  s2 

Case insensitive comparison of two QStrings.

Definition at line 62 of file TlpQtTools.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ QStringToTlpString()

std::string tlp::QStringToTlpString ( const QString &  toConvert)

Convert a QString to a Tulip UTF-8 encoded std::string.


Definition at line 49 of file TlpQtTools.h.

◆ randomDouble()

double tlp::randomDouble ( double  max = 1.0)

Returns a random double in the range [0, max].

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ randomInteger()

int tlp::randomInteger ( int  max)

Returns a random integer in the range [0, max] if max is positive or in the range [max, 0] if max is negative.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ randomUnsignedInteger()

unsigned int tlp::randomUnsignedInteger ( unsigned int  max)

Returns a random unsigned integer in the range [0, max].

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ redirectDebugOutputToQDebug()

void tlp::redirectDebugOutputToQDebug ( )

redirect tlp::debug() to qDebug()

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ redirectErrorOutputToQCritical()

void tlp::redirectErrorOutputToQCritical ( )

redirect tlp::error() to qCritical()

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ redirectWarningOutputToQWarning()

void tlp::redirectWarningOutputToQWarning ( )

redirect tlp::warning() to qWarning()

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setSeedOfRandomSequence()

void tlp::setSeedOfRandomSequence ( unsigned int  seed = UINT_MAX)

Gives the value of the seed used for further initialization of a random sequence (with further calls to rand() or random()).

seedthe value of the seed. Set seed to UINT_MAX if you need a random choice of the seed.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sortIterator() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename CompareFunction >
SortIterator<T, CompareFunction>* tlp::sortIterator ( Iterator< T > *  it,
CompareFunction &&  compFunc 

Convenient function for creating a SortIterator.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a SortIterator from another Iterator and a comparison function. The returned Iterator takes ownership of the one provided as parameter.

ita Tulip Iterator
compFuncfunctor or lambda function taking two parameters of type const T& and returning a boolean: true if the first parameter is lesser or equal than the second one, false otherwise
a SortIterator

Definition at line 239 of file SortIterator.h.

◆ sortIterator() [2/2]

template<typename Container , typename CompareFunction >
std::enable_if<has_const_iterator<Container>::value, SortIterator<typename Container::value_type, CompareFunction> *>::type tlp::sortIterator ( const Container &  stlContainer,
CompareFunction &&  compFunc 

Convenient function for creating a SortIterator from a STL container.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a SortIterator from another Iterator and a comparison function.

stlContainerany STL container
compFuncfunctor or lambda function taking two parameters of type const T& and returning a boolean: true if the first parameter is lesser or equal than the second one, false otherwise
a SortIterator

Definition at line 262 of file SortIterator.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stableIterator() [1/2]

template<class T >
StableIterator<T>* tlp::stableIterator ( Iterator< T > *  it)

Convenient function for creating a StableIterator.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a StableIterator from another Iterator. The returned Iterator takes ownership of the one provided as parameter.

ita Tulip Iterator
a StableIterator

Definition at line 136 of file StableIterator.h.

◆ stableIterator() [2/2]

template<typename Container >
std::enable_if<has_const_iterator<Container>::value, StableIterator<typename Container::value_type> *>::type tlp::stableIterator ( const Container &  stlContainer)

Convenient function for creating a StableIterator from a STL container.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a StableIterator from a STL container (std::list, std::vector, std::set, std::map, ...).

stlContainerany STL container
a StableIterator

Definition at line 154 of file StableIterator.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ statPath()

int tlp::statPath ( const std::string &  pathname,
tlp_stat_t *  buf 

Cross-platform function to stat a path on a filesystem. Its purpose is to support paths on windows platform containing non-ascii characters.

pathnamean utf-8 encoded string containing the path name to stat
bufa pointer to a tlp_stat_t structure (a typedef for struct stat)
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stlIterator()

template<typename Container >
std::enable_if< has_const_iterator<Container>::value, StlIterator<typename Container::value_type, typename Container::const_iterator> *>::type tlp::stlIterator ( const Container &  stlContainer)

Convenient function for creating a StlIterator from a stl container.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a StlIterator from a STL container (std::list, std::vector, std::set, std::map, ...).

stlContainerany STL container
a StlIterator

Definition at line 95 of file StlIterator.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:


template<typename EdgeFunction >
void tlp::TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_EDGES ( const tlp::Graph graph,
const EdgeFunction &  edgeFunction 

Template function to ease the creation of OpenMP parallel jobs taking a graph edge as parameter.

Tulip 5.2
graphthe graph on which to run job on the edges
edgeFunctioncallable object (e.g. lambda function) taking a tlp::edge as parameter

Example of use:

auto computationIntensiveTask = [&](const tlp::edge &e) {
double result = 0;
return result;
tlp::EdgeStaticProperty<double> result(graph);
TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_EDGES(graph, [&](const tlp::edge &e) {
// run task in a thread
result[e] = computationIntensiveTask(e);

Definition at line 141 of file GraphParallelTools.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:


template<typename EdgeFunction >
void tlp::TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_EDGES_AND_INDICES ( const tlp::Graph graph,
const EdgeFunction &  edgeFunction 

Template function to ease the creation of OpenMP parallel jobs taking a graph edge and its iteration index as parameter.

Tulip 5.2
graphthe graph on which to run job on the edges
edgeIndexFunctioncallable object (e.g. lambda function) taking a tlp::edge and and unsigned integer as parameter

Example of use:

auto computationIntensiveTask = [&](const tlp::edge &e, unsigned int i) {
double result = 0;
return result;
tlp::EdgeStaticProperty<double> result(graph);
TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_EDGES(graph, [&](const tlp::edge &e, unsigned int i) {
// run task in a thread
result[e] = computationIntensiveTask(e, i);

Definition at line 173 of file GraphParallelTools.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:


template<typename IdxFunction >
void tlp::TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_INDICES ( size_t  maxIdx,
const IdxFunction &  idxFunction 

Template function to ease the creation of parallel threads taking an index as parameter (0 <= index < maxIdx).

Tulip 5.2
maxIdxthe upper bound exclusive of the indices range
idxFunctioncallable object (e.g. lambda function) taking an unsigned integer as parameter

Example of use:

auto computationIntensiveTask = [&](unsigned int id) {
double result = 0;
return result;
const unsigned int N = ... ;
std::vector<double> result(N);
TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_INDICES(N, [&](unsigned int i) {
// run task in a thread
result[i] = computationIntensiveTask(i);

Definition at line 248 of file ParallelTools.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:


template<typename NodeFunction >
void tlp::TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_NODES ( const tlp::Graph graph,
const NodeFunction &  nodeFunction 

Template function to ease the creation of OpenMP parallel jobs taking a graph node as parameter.

Tulip 5.2
graphthe graph on which to run job on the nodes
nodeFunctioncallable object (e.g. lambda function) taking a tlp::node as parameter

Example of use:

auto computationIntensiveTask = [&](const tlp::node &n) {
double result = 0;
return result;
tlp::NodeStaticProperty<double> result(graph);
TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_NODES(graph, [&](const tlp::node &n) {
// run task in a thread
result[n] = computationIntensiveTask(n);

Definition at line 66 of file GraphParallelTools.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:


template<typename NodeFunction >
void tlp::TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_NODES_AND_INDICES ( const tlp::Graph graph,
const NodeFunction &  nodeFunction 

Template function to ease the creation of OpenMP parallel jobs taking a graph node and its iteration index as parameter.

Tulip 5.2
graphthe graph on which to run job on the nodes
nodeIndexFunctioncallable object (e.g. lambda function) taking a tlp::node and and unsigned integer as parameter

Example of use:

auto computationIntensiveTask = [&](const tlp::node &n, unsigned int i) {
double result = 0;
return result;
tlp::NodeStaticProperty<double> result(graph);
TLP_PARALLEL_MAP_EDGES(graph, [&](const tlp::node &n, unsigned int i) {
// run task in a thread
result[n] = computationIntensiveTask(n, i);

Definition at line 98 of file GraphParallelTools.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tlpStringToQString()

QString tlp::tlpStringToQString ( const std::string &  toConvert)

Convert a Tulip UTF-8 encoded std::string to a QString.

Definition at line 55 of file TlpQtTools.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ uniqueIterator() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename CheckFunc = CheckAllFunctor<T>>
UniqueIterator<T>* tlp::uniqueIterator ( Iterator< T > *  it,
CheckFunc  checkFunctor = CheckFunc() 

Convenient function for creating a UniqueIterator.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a UniqueIterator from another Iterator. The returned Iterator takes ownership of the one provided as parameter.

ita Tulip Iterator
checkFunctora functor or a lambda function that enables to indicate whether or not the element could be duplicated (default test all elements)
a UniqueIterator

Definition at line 139 of file UniqueIterator.h.

◆ uniqueIterator() [2/2]

template<typename Container , typename CheckFunc = CheckAllFunctor<typename Container::value_type>>
std::enable_if<has_const_iterator<Container>::value, UniqueIterator<typename Container::value_type, CheckFunc> *>::type tlp::uniqueIterator ( const Container &  stlContainer,
CheckFunc  checkFunctor = CheckFunc() 

Convenient function for creating a UniqueIterator from a STL container.

Tulip 5.2

Creates a UniqueIterator from a STL container (std::list, std::vector, std::set, std::map, ...).

stlContainerany STL container
checkFunctora functor or a lambda function that enables to indicate whether or not the element could be duplicated (default test all elements)
a UniqueIterator

Definition at line 161 of file UniqueIterator.h.

+ Here is the call graph for this function: