virtual bool | setEdgeStringValueAsVector (const edge e, const std::string &value, char openChar= '(', char sepChar= ',', char closeChar= ')')=0 |
virtual bool | setNodeStringValueAsVector (const node n, const std::string &value, char openChar= '(', char sepChar= ',', char closeChar= ')')=0 |
virtual PropertyInterface * | clonePrototype (Graph *graph, const std::string &name) const =0 |
virtual int | compare (const node n1, const node n2) const =0 |
virtual int | compare (const edge e1, const edge e2) const =0 |
virtual void | computeMetaValue (node metaNode, Graph *subgraph, Graph *metaGraph)=0 |
virtual void | computeMetaValue (edge metaEdge, tlp::Iterator< edge > *it, Graph *metaGraph)=0 |
virtual bool | copy (const node destination, const node source, PropertyInterface *property, bool ifNotDefault=false)=0 |
virtual bool | copy (const edge destination, const edge source, PropertyInterface *property, bool ifNotDefault=false)=0 |
virtual void | copy (PropertyInterface *source)=0 |
virtual unsigned int | edgeValueSize () const =0 |
virtual void | erase (const node)=0 |
virtual void | erase (const edge)=0 |
virtual DataMem * | getEdgeDataMemValue (const edge e) const =0 |
virtual DataMem * | getEdgeDefaultDataMemValue () const =0 |
virtual std::string | getEdgeDefaultStringValue () const =0 |
virtual std::string | getEdgeStringValue (const edge e) const =0 |
tlp::Graph * | getGraph () const |
MetaValueCalculator * | getMetaValueCalculator () |
const std::string & | getName () const |
virtual DataMem * | getNodeDataMemValue (const node n) const =0 |
virtual DataMem * | getNodeDefaultDataMemValue () const =0 |
virtual std::string | getNodeDefaultStringValue () const =0 |
virtual std::string | getNodeStringValue (const node n) const =0 |
virtual DataMem * | getNonDefaultDataMemValue (const node n) const =0 |
virtual DataMem * | getNonDefaultDataMemValue (const edge e) const =0 |
virtual tlp::Iterator< edge > * | getNonDefaultValuatedEdges (const Graph *=NULL) const =0 |
virtual tlp::Iterator< node > * | getNonDefaultValuatedNodes (const Graph *=NULL) const =0 |
virtual const std::string & | getTypename () const =0 |
virtual unsigned int | nodeValueSize () const =0 |
virtual unsigned int | numberOfNonDefaultValuatedEdges (const Graph *=NULL) const =0 |
virtual unsigned int | numberOfNonDefaultValuatedNodes (const Graph *=NULL) const =0 |
virtual bool | readEdgeDefaultValue (std::istream &)=0 |
virtual bool | readEdgeValue (std::istream &, edge)=0 |
virtual bool | readNodeDefaultValue (std::istream &)=0 |
virtual bool | readNodeValue (std::istream &, node)=0 |
bool | rename (const std::string &newName) |
virtual void | setAllEdgeDataMemValue (const DataMem *v)=0 |
virtual bool | setAllEdgeStringValue (const std::string &value)=0 |
virtual void | setAllNodeDataMemValue (const DataMem *value)=0 |
virtual bool | setAllNodeStringValue (const std::string &value)=0 |
virtual void | setEdgeDataMemValue (const edge e, const DataMem *v)=0 |
virtual bool | setEdgeStringValue (const edge e, const std::string &value)=0 |
virtual void | setMetaValueCalculator (MetaValueCalculator *calculator) |
virtual void | setNodeDataMemValue (const node n, const DataMem *value)=0 |
virtual bool | setNodeStringValue (const node n, const std::string &value)=0 |
virtual void | writeEdgeDefaultValue (std::ostream &) const =0 |
virtual void | writeEdgeValue (std::ostream &, edge) const =0 |
virtual void | writeNodeDefaultValue (std::ostream &) const =0 |
virtual void | writeNodeValue (std::ostream &, node) const =0 |
void | addListener (Observable *const listener) const |
void | addObserver (Observable *const observer) const |
unsigned int | countListeners () const |
unsigned int | countObservers () const |
unsigned int | getReceived () const |
unsigned int | getSent () const |
void | removeListener (Observable *const listener) const |
void | removeObserver (Observable *const observerver) const |
VectorPropertyInterface describes the interface of a graph property whose holded value is a vector (std::vector)
Definition at line 476 of file PropertyInterface.h.