Better Visualization Through Research
tlp | |
_TLP_IT | Encapsulation of a Tulip Iterator intended to be allocated on the stack instead of the heap, so it gets deleted when out of scope |
AbstractProperty | This class extends upon PropertyInterface, and adds type-safe methods to get and set the node and edge values, through the magic of template programming |
MetaValueCalculator | This class is used to delegate the computation of the values associated to meta nodes or edges |
AcyclicTest | This class provides tests for acyclicity on a graph. Results are cached in a map of graphs and result. This class observes the graphs that have been tested to remove the result from this graph if it is modified. This forces the use of the singleton pattern instead of simply using static functions/members |
AdditionalGlSceneAnimation | A class which encapsulate a Tulip OpenGL scene animation This class aims to encapsulate a Tulip OpenGL scene animation. Derive it if you want to add extra animations to the Tulip OpenGL scene while a Zoom and Pan is performed |
Algorithm | This abstract class describes a basic algorithm plugin |
AlgorithmContext | Parameters structure for a tlp::Algorithm |
Array | Fixed-size array encapsulation.In debug mode, a bound check is performed at each access. Stream operators implementations are provided |
BiconnectedTest | Performs a test of biconnexity on the graph, and provides a function to make a graph biconnected. From Wikipedia: "A biconnected graph is connected and nonseparable, meaning that if any vertex were to be removed, the graph will remain connected." |
BooleanAlgorithm | The boolean algorithm takes a graph as input and output its results as a tlp::BooleanProperty |
BooleanProperty | A graph property that maps a boolean value to graph elements |
BooleanVectorProperty | A graph property that maps a std::vector<bool> value to graph elements |
BoundingBox | This class represents the 3D bounding box of an object. It is mostly used to determine whether or not two object are in a state of collision |
Camera | Tulip OpenGL camera object |
ColorAlgorithm | The color algorithm takes a graph as input and output its results as a tlp::ColorProperty |
ColorProperty | A graph property that maps a tlp::Color value to graph elements |
ColorVectorProperty | A graph property that maps a std::vector<tlp::Color> value to graph elements |
ConnectedTest | Performs a test of connexity on the graph, and provides a function to make a graph connected. From Wikipedia: "A graph is said to be connected if every pair of vertices in the graph are connected." (i.e. there is a path between every pair of vertices) |
CoordVectorProperty | A graph property that maps a std::vector<tlp::Coord> value to graph elements |
DataSet | A container that can store data from any type |
DataType | Describes a value of any type |
Dependency | Represents a plugin's dependency to another plugin. In addition to maganing plugin registration, Tulip also handles a dependency mechanism between plugins. Every Tulip plugin inherits from the tlp::WithDependency interface which allows to declare that another plugin should be loaded in order for this plugin to run. When declaring a dependency, a plugin state the name and the version of the dependecy. This is done by calling tlp::WithDependency::addDependency() |
DoubleAlgorithm | The double algorithm takes a graph as input and output its results as a tlp::DoubleProperty |
DoubleProperty | A graph property that maps a double value to graph elements |
DoubleVectorProperty | A graph property that maps a std::vector<double> value to graph elements |
edge | The edge struct represents an edge in a Graph object |
Event | Event is the base class for all events used in the Observation mechanism |
FactoryInterface | The base class for plugin factories |
FileDownloader | Helper class to download the content of a file referenced by an url |
Gl2DRect | Create a 2D rectangle |
GlAbstractPolygon | Class to create a abstract polygon |
GlAxis | A base class to draw an axis with graduations |
GlBezierCurve | A class to draw Bezier curves |
GlBox | General class used to render boxes as GlSimpleEntity |
GlCatmullRomCurve | A class to draw a Catmull-Rom curve |
GlCircle | Class used to render circles as GlEntity |
GlComplexPolygon | Class to create a complex polygon (concave polygon or polygon with hole) If you want to create a complex polygon you have 4 constructors : Constructors with vector of coords : to create a complex polygon without hole |
GlComposite | GlSimpleEntity used to agregate other GlEntity |
GlDefaultSelectionColorManager | Class to get the default selection color |
GlGraphComposite | Class use to visualize graph in OpenGL Tulip engine |
GlGraphRenderer | Class used by GlGraphComposite to render the graph in OpenGL |
GlGraphRenderingParameters | That class defines all the parameters used by GlGraphComposite to render a graph |
GlGrid | General class used to render grids as GlSimpleEntity |
GlHexagon | Class to create an hexagon in Tulip 3D Engine |
GLInteractorComponent | InteractorComponent that can do OpenGL rendering on a GlMainWidget |
GLInteractorComposite | Behaves like a InteractorComposite but is meant to store GLInteractorComponent |
GlLabel | Create a label into Tulip 3D engine |
GlLayer | A GlLayer is like an 2D drawing software layer system |
GlMainView | An abstract view that displays a GlMainWidget as its central widget |
GlMainWidget | This widget provide a simple system to visualize data/graph with OpenGL 3D engine |
GlOpenUniformCubicBSpline | A class to draw open uniform cubic B-splines |
GlPentagon | Class to create an pentagon |
GlPolygon | Class to create a polygon GlEntity |
GlRect | This is a general class for the rendering of 2D rectangles |
GlRegularPolygon | Class to create a regular polygon |
GlScene | Tulip scene class |
GlSceneZoomAndPan | A convenient class to perform Zoom and Pan animation on Tulip OpenGL scene |
GlSimpleEntity | Base class for all Tulip OpenGL entities |
GlSphere | Class to create a sphere with GlEntity system |
GlStar | Class to create a star |
GlTriangle | Class to create a triangle |
Graph | |
GraphEvent | |
GraphNeedsSavingObserver | Will observe a graph and tells if it has been modified |
GraphProperty | A graph property that maps a tlp::Graph* value to graph elements |
IntegerAlgorithm | The integer algorithm takes a graph as input and output its results as a tlp::IntegerProperty |
IntegerProperty | A graph property that maps an integer value to graph elements |
IntegerVectorProperty | A graph property that maps a std::vector<int> value to graph elements |
Interactor | Interactor provides a way to handle user inputs over a view. Basically, The interactor class is an overlay to the Qt's event filtering mechanism. It adds several features like the ability to define priorities, custom cursors, etc |
InteractorComposite | |
InteractorLister | Lists compatible interactors for a given tlp::View |
LayoutAlgorithm | The layout algorithm takes a graph as input and output its results as a tlp::LayoutProperty |
LayoutProperty | A graph property that maps a tlp::Coord value to graph nodes and std::vector<tlp::Coord> for edges |
MinMaxProperty | Abstracts the computation of minimal and maximal values on node and edge values of properties |
node | The node struct represents a node in a Graph object |
NodeLinkDiagramComponentInteractor | Tulip interactor abstract class for NodeLinkDiagramComponent |
NumericProperty | Interface all numerical properties. Property values are always returned as double |
Observable | Base of Tulip's observation system |
ObservableException | ObservableException is the base class of all exceptions sent by the Observable/Listener/Observer system |
ObserverHolder | Convenience class to automatically hold and unhold observers. It performs a call to Observable::holdObserver() at its creation and a call to Observable::unholdObserver() at its destruction. You can use it if you have to hold observers in a function with multiple return points to avoid to call Observable::unholdObserver() for each of them |
ParameterDescription | Describes a plugin's parameter |
ParameterDescriptionList | This class describes parameters taken by a plugin |
Perspective | A Perspective is a Tulip plugin that completely re-defines the user interface |
PerspectiveContext | A context data structure for tlp::Perspective instances |
Plugin | Top-level interface for plug-ins |
PluginContext | Contains runtime parameters for a plugin |
PluginLibraryLoader | This class takes care of the actual loading of the libraries. You can use it to load a single plugin (loadPluginLibrary) or all the plugins in a given folder (loadPlugins).0 |
PluginLister | Singleton used to list plugins currently loaded into Tulip and retrieve information about them |
PluginLoader | A callback class when loading plugins into Tulip |
PluginLoaderTxt | A simple implementation of tlp::PluginLoader to display load state into the console |
PluginProgress | PluginProcess subclasses are meant to notify about the progress state of some process (typically a plugin) |
ProgressPreviewHandler | Handles the way a process handled by a PluginProgress is handled |
PropertyAlgorithm | A non-template interface for tlp::TemplateAlgorithm |
PropertyEvent | Contains additional information about events on a property, such as the property it happened on, the node/edge eventually concerned and such. It also contains the detailed type of the event |
PropertyInterface | PropertyInterface describes the interface of a graph property |
MetaValueCalculator | Base class for computing values on meta nodes and edges |
QtGlSceneZoomAndPanAnimator | A convenient class to perform a Zoom and Pan animation on a GlMainWidget |
SelectedEntity | Structure to store selected entities |
SelfLoops | Stores all the added information on self loops |
SizeAlgorithm | The size algorithm takes a graph as input and output its results as a tlp::SizeProperty |
SizeProperty | A graph property that maps a tlp::Size value to graph elements |
SizeVectorProperty | A graph property that maps a std::vector<tlp::Size> value to graph elements |
StringAlgorithm | The string algorithm takes a graph as input and output its results as a tlp::StringProperty |
StringProperty | A graph property that maps a std::string value to graph elements |
StringVectorProperty | A graph property that maps a std::vector<std::string> value to graph elements |
TemplateAlgorithm | The TemplateAlgorithm class describes a plugin that can operate on a single graph's property |
TulipFontAwesome | Helper class for the configuration of a Font Awesome glyph |
TulipProject | The TulipProject object handles the content of a Tulip project |
VectorPropertyInterface | VectorPropertyInterface describes the interface of a graph property whose holded value is a vector (std::vector) |
View | View plugins provide a way to dynamically add to a Tulip plateform various ways to visualize a graph |
ViewWidget | ViewWidget provides convenience functions to allow the user to build a view plugin that displays a QWidget as its main element |
WithDependency | Describes the dependencies of a plug-in on other plug-ins, identified by their name and their version number |
WithParameter | This class describes parameters on a plug-in |
TLPBExport | Export plugin for TLPB format |
TLPBImport | Import plugin for TLPB format |
ValueWrapper | Simple implementation of the copy-on-write idiom |