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tlp::GlMainWidget Class Reference

#include <GlMainWidget.h>

Inherits QGLWidget.

Public Types

enum  RenderingOption { RenderScene =0x1, SwapBuffers =0x2 }

Public Slots

void centerScene ()
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *e)
void draw (bool graphChanged=true)
void emitGraphChanged ()
void redraw ()


void closing (GlMainWidget *, QCloseEvent *)
void glResized (int w, int h)
void graphChanged ()
void viewDrawn (GlMainWidget *glWidget, bool graphChanged)
void viewRedrawn (GlMainWidget *glWidget)

Public Member Functions

 GlMainWidget (QWidget *parent, View *view=NULL)
void computeInteractors ()
void createPicture (const std::string &pictureName, int width, int height, bool center=true)
QImage createPicture (int width, int height, bool center=true)
QGLFramebufferObject * createTexture (const std::string &textureName, int width, int height)
void doSelect (const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height, std::vector< tlp::node > &sNode, std::vector< tlp::edge > &sEdge, tlp::GlLayer *layer=NULL)
bool doSelect (const int x, const int y, tlp::ElementType &type, tlp::node &n, tlp::edge &e, tlp::GlLayer *layer=NULL)
void drawInteractors ()
tlp::GlScenegetScene ()
virtual QImage grabFrameBuffer (bool withAlpha=false)
virtual void makeCurrent ()
bool outputEPS (int size, int doSort, const char *filename)
bool outputSVG (int size, const char *filename)
bool pickGlEntities (const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height, std::vector< SelectedEntity > &pickedEntities, tlp::GlLayer *layer=NULL)
bool pickGlEntities (const int x, const int y, std::vector< SelectedEntity > &pickedEntities, tlp::GlLayer *layer=NULL)
void pickNodesEdges (const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height, std::vector< SelectedEntity > &selectedNode, std::vector< SelectedEntity > &seletedEdge, tlp::GlLayer *layer=NULL)
bool pickNodesEdges (const int x, const int y, SelectedEntity &selectedEntity, tlp::GlLayer *layer=NULL)
void render (RenderingOptions options=RenderingOptions(RenderScene|SwapBuffers), bool checkVisibility=true)
void resizeGL (int w, int h)
bool selectGlEntities (const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height, std::vector< GlSimpleEntity * > &pickedEntities, tlp::GlLayer *layer=NULL)
bool selectGlEntities (const int x, const int y, std::vector< GlSimpleEntity * > &pickedEntities, tlp::GlLayer *layer=NULL)

Static Public Member Functions

static void clearFirstQGLWidget ()
static QGLWidget * getFirstQGLWidget ()
static void getTextureRealSize (int width, int height, int &textureRealWidth, int &textureRealHeight)

Protected Slots

void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *)

Detailed Description

This widget provide a simple system to visualize data/graph with OpenGL 3D engine.

This widget is an interface between Qt Widget system and tulip OpenGL engine The central object of GlMainWidget is the GlScene member

See Also

To use this class you have to :

See Also

If you only want to visualise a graph, you can call the setGraph function

After scene construction you can perform some operation on GlMainWidget :


Definition at line 66 of file GlMainWidget.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Configure the rendering process ( see render function)

See Also

Force to render the graph even if there is a previous buffered render. You need to call this option if the graph is updated to regenerate the buffer. If not set try to use the last buffered graph render, if there is no valid buffer this flag is forced.

Definition at line 74 of file GlMainWidget.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

tlp::GlMainWidget::GlMainWidget ( QWidget *  parent,
View view = NULL 

Constructor of GlMainWidget.

Create a GlMainWidget with the GlScene associated to it

parentQt Widget parent system
viewif you want to link this GlMainWidget to a view : use this parameter

Member Function Documentation

void tlp::GlMainWidget::centerScene ( )

Convinience function that call center function on the current scene and draw the view. Same thing than.

void tlp::GlMainWidget::closing ( GlMainWidget ,
QCloseEvent *   

This signal is emit when the GlMainWidget will be deleted

void tlp::GlMainWidget::computeInteractors ( )

Compute interactors before drawing

void tlp::GlMainWidget::createPicture ( const std::string &  pictureName,
int  width,
int  height,
bool  center = true 

Take a snapshot of the Widget and put it in a picture.

centerif true this function call a centerScene() before picture output
QImage tlp::GlMainWidget::createPicture ( int  width,
int  height,
bool  center = true 

Take a snapshot of the Widget and return it

centerif true this function call a centerScene() before picture output
QGLFramebufferObject* tlp::GlMainWidget::createTexture ( const std::string &  textureName,
int  width,
int  height 

Take a snapshot of the Widget and put it in an OpenGl texture.

widthpower of two number (for example 256)
heightpower of two number (for example 256) You can use this texture with Tulip texture system
See Also
void tlp::GlMainWidget::doSelect ( const int  x,
const int  y,
const int  width,
const int  height,
std::vector< tlp::node > &  sNode,
std::vector< tlp::edge > &  sEdge,
tlp::GlLayer layer = NULL 
this function should not be used anymore, use pickNodesEdges()

Definition at line 125 of file GlMainWidget.h.

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::doSelect ( const int  x,
const int  y,
tlp::ElementType &  type,
tlp::node n,
tlp::edge e,
tlp::GlLayer layer = NULL 
this function should not be used anymore, use pickNodesEdges()

Definition at line 145 of file GlMainWidget.h.

void tlp::GlMainWidget::draw ( bool  graphChanged = true)

Draw the GlScene and the interactors

void tlp::GlMainWidget::drawInteractors ( )

Draw interactors

static QGLWidget* tlp::GlMainWidget::getFirstQGLWidget ( )

This function return the first QGLWidget created This function is use to share OpenGL context

tlp::GlScene* tlp::GlMainWidget::getScene ( )

Get the GlScene of this GlMainWidget You have to add yours GlLayer and GlEntity to this GlScene At the construction this GlScene is empty.

See Also
GlScene::createLayer(const std::string &name)
GlLayer::addGlEntity(GlSimpleEntity *entity,const std::string& name)

Definition at line 98 of file GlMainWidget.h.

static void tlp::GlMainWidget::getTextureRealSize ( int  width,
int  height,
int &  textureRealWidth,
int &  textureRealHeight 

Compute texture size in power of two with given height and width For example if you set width to 94 and height to 256, this function set textureRealWidth to 128 and textureRealHeight to 256.

virtual QImage tlp::GlMainWidget::grabFrameBuffer ( bool  withAlpha = false)

Grab the FrameBuffer of this GlMainWidget

withAlphause alpha chanel
virtual void tlp::GlMainWidget::makeCurrent ( )

Extend makeCurrent function of QGLWidget to inform TextureManager and DisplayListManager of context changement

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::outputEPS ( int  size,
int  doSort,
const char *  filename 

EPS output of the GlMainWidget.

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::outputSVG ( int  size,
const char *  filename 

SVG output of the GlMainWidget.

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::pickGlEntities ( const int  x,
const int  y,
const int  width,
const int  height,
std::vector< SelectedEntity > &  pickedEntities,
tlp::GlLayer layer = NULL 

Function to do picking on entities. It just calls selectEntities on the GlScene instance.

xscreen coordinates
yscreen coordinates
widthscreen size
heightscreen size
pickedEntitiesfilled with entity under the selection screen rectangle
layerif you want to do the selection only on one GlLayer
bool tlp::GlMainWidget::pickGlEntities ( const int  x,
const int  y,
std::vector< SelectedEntity > &  pickedEntities,
tlp::GlLayer layer = NULL 

Function to do picking on entities. It just calls selectEntities on the GlScene instance with a small window of twelve pixels.

xscreen coordinates
yscreen coordinates
pickedEntitiesfilled with entity under the selection screen rectangle
layerif you want to do the selection only on one GlLayer
void tlp::GlMainWidget::pickNodesEdges ( const int  x,
const int  y,
const int  width,
const int  height,
std::vector< SelectedEntity > &  selectedNode,
std::vector< SelectedEntity > &  seletedEdge,
tlp::GlLayer layer = NULL 

Select nodes and edges in a region of the screen.

Select all nodes and edges lying in the area of the screen of given width and height, and with its upper-left corner at (x,y)

selectedNodefilled by the method with the nodes found in the region
selectedEdgefilled by the method with the edges found in the region
bool tlp::GlMainWidget::pickNodesEdges ( const int  x,
const int  y,
SelectedEntity selectedEntity,
tlp::GlLayer layer = NULL 

Select a node or edge at a point Select either a node or edge at point (x,y)

typetells what has been found: NODE, EDGE
true if something has been found, false otherwise
void tlp::GlMainWidget::redraw ( )

That function is given for optimisation purpose. If the hardware enable it, it enables to redraw only the Augmented display and the interactors and not the graph it is really usefull for interactors such as zoom box etc.. Warning, if you change the graph or the porperties of element (Colors, size, etc...) applying that fonction will not display the change, in that case, use the draw function.

void tlp::GlMainWidget::render ( RenderingOptions  options = RenderingOptions(RenderScene|SwapBuffers),
bool  checkVisibility = true 

This function performs all the rendering process of the graph. Use this function only for advanced purpose, if you want to perform simple rendering use the draw or redraw functions instead.

optionsConfigure the rendering process, see the RenderingOption documentation for more informations on each rendering option effect.
See Also
checkVisibilityIf check visibility is set as true : the engine check if GlMainWidget QWidget is visible. If set at false : the engine render the scene in all cases
void tlp::GlMainWidget::resizeGL ( int  w,
int  h 

Resize openGL view

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::selectGlEntities ( const int  x,
const int  y,
const int  width,
const int  height,
std::vector< GlSimpleEntity * > &  pickedEntities,
tlp::GlLayer layer = NULL 
this function should not be used anymore, please use pickGlEntities() instead.

Definition at line 237 of file GlMainWidget.h.

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::selectGlEntities ( const int  x,
const int  y,
std::vector< GlSimpleEntity * > &  pickedEntities,
tlp::GlLayer layer = NULL 
this function should not be used anymore, please use pickGlEntities() instead.

Definition at line 258 of file GlMainWidget.h.

void tlp::GlMainWidget::viewDrawn ( GlMainWidget glWidget,
bool  graphChanged 

This signal is emit when GlMainWidget::draw() is call

void tlp::GlMainWidget::viewRedrawn ( GlMainWidget glWidget)

This signal is emit when GlMainWidget::redraw() is call