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Function Documentation

void tlp::GlMainWidget::addForegroundEntity ForegroundEntity entity  )  [inline, inherited]

add a foregroundEntity to this GlMainWidget

QColor tlp::TulipTableWidget::backgroundColor const int  row  )  const [inherited]

void tlp::GlMainWidget::computeInteractors  )  [inherited]

Compute interactors before drawing

void tlp::GlMainWidget::createPicture const std::string &  pictureName,
int  width,
int  height,
bool  center = true

Take a snapshot of the Widget and put it in a picture

QGLFramebufferObject* tlp::GlMainWidget::createTexture const std::string &  textureName,
int  width,
int  height

Take a snapshot of the Widget and put it in an OpenGl texture

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::doSelect const int  x,
const int  y,
tlp::ElementType &  type,
tlp::node &  ,
tlp::edge &  ,
tlp::GlLayer *  layer = NULL

select a node or edge at a point select either a node or edge at point (x,y)

type tells what has been found: NODE, EDGE
true if something has been found, false otherwise

void tlp::GlMainWidget::doSelect const int  x,
const int  y,
const int  width,
const int  height,
std::vector< tlp::node > &  sNode,
std::vector< tlp::edge > &  sEdge,
tlp::GlLayer *  layer = NULL

select nodes and edges in a region of the screen

select all nodes and edges lying in the area of the screen of given width and height, and with its upper-left corner at (x,y)

sNode filled by the method with the nodes found in the region
sEdge filled by the method with the edges found in the region

void tlp::GlMainWidget::drawForegroundEntities  )  [inherited]

Draw foreground entities

void tlp::GlMainWidget::drawInteractors  )  [inherited]

Draw interactors

bool tlp::GWOverviewWidget::eventFilter QObject *  ,
QEvent * 

QColor tlp::TulipTableWidget::getBackColor1  )  const [inherited]

QColor tlp::TulipTableWidget::getBackColor2  )  const [inherited]

DataSet tlp::GlMainWidget::getData  )  [inherited]

Get data of GlMainWidget

static QGLWidget* tlp::GlMainWidget::getFirstQGLWidget  )  [static, inherited]

Graph* tlp::GlMainWidget::getGraph  )  [inherited]

GetGraph of GlMainWidget

unsigned char* tlp::GlMainWidget::getImage  )  [inherited]

Take a snapshot of the Widget

an array of dimension width*height*3 char (8bits per color RGB). The pointer has to be freed after (with free, not delete)

GlMainWidget* tlp::GWOverviewWidget::getObservedView  )  [inherited]

tlp::GlScene* tlp::GlMainWidget::getScene  )  [inline, inherited]

Get the scene of this glMainWidget

static void tlp::GlMainWidget::getTextureRealSize int  width,
int  height,
int &  textureRealWidth,
int &  textureRealHeight
[static, inherited]

Compute real texture size with given height and width

void tlp::GlMainWidget::getTextureShift int  width,
int  height,
float &  xTextureShift,
float &  yTextureShift

QString tlp::TulipTableWidget::getTulipEdgeValue const int  row,
const int  col
const [inherited]

QString tlp::TulipTableWidget::getTulipNodeValue const int  row,
const int  col
const [inherited]

bool tlp::TulipTableWidget::getUpdateColumnTitle  )  const [inherited]

GlMainWidget* tlp::GWOverviewWidget::getView  )  [inherited]

View* tlp::GlMainWidget::getView  )  [inline, inherited]

Get the view who use this GlMainWidget

tlp::GlMainWidget::GlMainWidget QWidget *  parent,
AbstractView view = NULL

Construct the GlMainWidget

virtual QImage tlp::GlMainWidget::grabFrameBuffer bool  withAlpha = false  )  [virtual, inherited]

Grab the image of this widget

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::hasHulls  )  const [inherited]

virtual void tlp::GlMainWidget::makeCurrent  )  [virtual, inherited]

Extend makeCurrent function of QGLWidget to inform TextureManager and DisplayListManager of context changement

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::outputEPS int  size,
int  doSort,
const char *  filename

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::outputSVG int  size,
const char *  filename

void tlp::GlMainWidget::resizeGL int  w,
int  h

Resize openGL view

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::selectGlEntities const int  x,
const int  y,
std::vector< tlp::GlEntity * > &  pickedEntities,
tlp::GlLayer *  layer = NULL

Function to do picking on entities. It just calls selectEntities on the GlScene instance with a small window of twelve pixels.

bool tlp::GlMainWidget::selectGlEntities const int  x,
const int  y,
const int  width,
const int  height,
std::vector< tlp::GlEntity * > &  pickedEntities,
tlp::GlLayer *  layer = NULL

Function to do picking on entities. It just calls selectEntities on the GlScene instance.

void tlp::GlMainWidget::setData Graph *  graph,
DataSet  dataSet

Set graph and data of GlMainWidget

void tlp::GWOverviewWidget::setDrawIfNotVisible bool  drawIfNotVisible  )  [inline, inherited]

void tlp::GlMainWidget::setGraph Graph *  graph  )  [inherited]

Set the graph

void tlp::TulipTableWidget::setTulipEdgeItem const PropertyInterface *  ,
const std::string  propertyName,
const edge &  ,
const int  row,
const int  col

void tlp::TulipTableWidget::setTulipNodeItem const PropertyInterface *  ,
const std::string  propertyName,
const node &  ,
const int  row,
const int  col

void tlp::GlMainWidget::setViewLabel bool  viewLabel  )  [inline, inherited]

set if the label is rendered in this widget

tlp::TulipTableWidget::TulipTableWidget QWidget *  ,
const char * 

void tlp::GlMainWidget::useHulls bool  hasHulls  )  [inherited]

tlp::GlMainWidget::~GlMainWidget  )  [inherited]

tlp::GWOverviewWidget::~GWOverviewWidget  )  [inherited]

tlp::TulipTableWidget::~TulipTableWidget  )  [inherited]

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