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tlp::GlScene Class Reference

#include <GlScene.h>

Inherits tlp::GlObservableScene.

Inheritance diagram for tlp::GlScene:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for tlp::GlScene:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

/brief Tulip scene class

Tulip scene class

Public Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

tlp::GlScene::GlScene GlLODCalculator *  calculator = NULL  ) 

tlp::GlScene::~GlScene  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void tlp::GlScene::addGlGraphCompositeInfo GlLayer layer,
GlGraphComposite glGraphComposite

void tlp::GlScene::addLayer GlLayer layer  ) 

Add a layer in the scene

void tlp::GlScene::ajustSceneToSize int  width,
int  height

Ajust camera to have entities near borders

void tlp::GlScene::centerScene  ) 

Center scene

void tlp::GlScene::clearLayersList  )  [inline]

Clear layers list

void tlp::GlScene::computeAjustSceneToSize int  width,
int  height,
Coord *  center,
Coord *  eye,
float *  sceneRadius,
float *  xWhiteFactor,
float *  yWhiteFactor

Compute informations for ajustSceneToSize

void tlp::GlScene::draw  ) 

Draw the scene

Color tlp::GlScene::getBackgroundColor  )  [inline]

Get the background color of the scene

GlLODCalculator* tlp::GlScene::getCalculator  )  [inline]

Return lod calculator used to render this scene

Camera* tlp::GlScene::getCamera  )  [inline]

GlGraphComposite* tlp::GlScene::getGlGraphComposite  )  [inline]

GlLayer* tlp::GlScene::getGraphLayer  )  [inline]

unsigned char* tlp::GlScene::getImage  ) 

Return the RGB image of OpenGL view

GlLayer* tlp::GlScene::getLayer const std::string &  name  ) 

Return the layer with name : name

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, GlLayer*> >* tlp::GlScene::getLayersList  )  [inline]

Return the layer list

Vector<int, 4> tlp::GlScene::getViewport  )  [inline]

Get the viewport of the scene

void tlp::GlScene::getXML std::string &  out  ) 

Get XML description of the scene and children and store it in out string

void tlp::GlScene::initGlParameters  ) 

Init scene's OpenGL parameters

bool tlp::GlScene::insertLayerAfter GlLayer layer,
const std::string &  name

Add a layer just after layer with given name Return true if insert is ok and false if layer with given name is not find

bool tlp::GlScene::insertLayerBefore GlLayer layer,
const std::string &  name

Add a layer just before layer with given name Return true if insert is ok and false if layer with given name is not find

bool tlp::GlScene::isViewOrtho  )  [inline]

Scene is render in orthogonal mode ?

void tlp::GlScene::outputEPS unsigned int  size,
const std::string &  filename

Output the scene in SVG

void tlp::GlScene::outputSVG unsigned int  size,
const std::string &  filename

Output the scene in SVG

void tlp::GlScene::prerenderMetaNodes  ) 

Prerender meta nodes

void tlp::GlScene::removeLayer GlLayer layer,
bool  deleteLayer

Remove a layer and delete it (if bool deleteLayer == true)

void tlp::GlScene::removeLayer const std::string &  name,
bool  deleteLayer

Remove the layer with name and delete it (if bool deleteLayer == true)

void tlp::GlScene::rotateScene const int  x,
const int  y,
const int  z

Rotate camera by (x,y,z)

bool tlp::GlScene::selectEntities RenderingEntitiesFlag  type,
int  x,
int  y,
int  h,
int  w,
GlLayer layer,
std::vector< unsigned long > &  selectedEntities

Select entities with selection flag : type (SelectSimpleEntities,SelectNodes,SelectEdges) Select at position x,y with heigh : h and width : w Select in GlLayer : layer And store result in selectedEntities vector

void tlp::GlScene::setBackgroundColor const Color &  color  )  [inline]

Set the background color of the scene

void tlp::GlScene::setCalculator GlLODCalculator *  calculator  )  [inline]

Set a new lod calculator used to render this scene

void tlp::GlScene::setCamera Camera camera  )  [inline]

void tlp::GlScene::setViewLabel bool  viewLabel  )  [inline]

Render the nodes/edges label

void tlp::GlScene::setViewOrtho bool  viewOrtho  )  [inline]

Set if scene is render in orthogonal mode

void tlp::GlScene::setViewport int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height

Set the viewport of the scene with 4 int

void tlp::GlScene::setViewport Vector< int, 4 >  newViewport  )  [inline]

Set the viewport of the scene with a vector

void tlp::GlScene::setWithXML std::string &  in,
Graph *  graph

Set scene's data and children with a XML

void tlp::GlScene::translateCamera const int  x,
const int  y,
const int  z

Translate camera by (x,y,z)

void tlp::GlScene::zoom int  step  ) 


void tlp::GlScene::zoom float  factor,
const Coord &  dest


void tlp::GlScene::zoomXY int  step,
const int  x,
const int  y

Zoom to x,y

Tulip Software by LaBRI Visualization Team    2001 - 2010