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Tulip 6.0.0 is available

Tulip 6.0.0 is a major release.

It offers new features :

  • a flat styled ui,
  • a unified interactor to navigate and display edge or node properties in a view,
  • a Python ide integrated ui for the management of pip installable packages,
  • a greatly improved version of the Geographic view,
  • the Leiden metric plugin based on the eponymous clustering algorithm,
  • the FORBID layout plugin designed for nodes overlap removal,
  • an array subscript api for c++ Tulip property classes (property[node|edge] = value),
  • the support of Python 3.13,
  • the support of Qt 6.5, Qt 6.8 LTS releases.

It includes bug fixes, especially in :

  • the CSV Import wizard,
  • the Pixel Oriented view,
  • the MCL clustering metric plugin,
  • the Watts Strogatz model and Web Site import plugins,
  • the Python ide.

Download links
Binaries are available for Windows (64-bit), Linux (a 64-bit AppImage) and MacOS platforms from the dedicated SourceForge page.
Source packages can be downloaded from the same page.
Windows and macOS installers without the Python components are also available for users who do not intend to use
specific Python code to interact with their data when using Tulip.
Python modules (tulip-python) are downloadable through pip install command.