Submitted by Admin on Wed, 2023-03-22 18:47
Tulip 5.7.1 is essentially a maintenance release.
It provides some improvements with :
- a filter box in the Import Wizard,
- an enhanced display of plugins documentation,
- the addition of Qt 6.2 support.
It includes bug fixes in :
- the Geographic and Histogram views,
- the ToLabels and Import BibTex plugins,
- the selection interactors for MacOS,
- the management and documentation of inout plugins parameters,
- the font icon rendering.
Download links
Binaries are available for Windows (64-bit), Linux (a 64-bit AppImage) and MacOSX platforms from the dedicated SourceForge page.
Source packages can be downloaded from the same page.
Windows and macOS installers without the Python components are also available for users who do not intend to use
specific Python code to interact with their data when using Tulip.
Python modules (tulip-python) are downloadable through pip install command.