Tulip 3.8.0 is out in its final version.
What's new?
New import plugin for the GEXF file format and new "edge weighted" version of the "Depth" metric plugin.
Python bindings improvements
New geometry functions and Tulip observation mechanism available through thetlp.GraphObserver and tlp.PropertyObserver classes.
New module called tulipgui added to allow the management of Node link diagram views.
More improvements detailed in the updated documentation.
Python script view improvements
Case sensitivity for auto-completion system.
Python developed plugins saved in the graph tlp file for further reloading.
More improvements detailed in the updated documentation.
Two new rendering parameters added in the Node link diagram view Editor.
These allow to enable/disable the "billboarding" of the nodes/edges labels and to keep the same 3D camera point of view when navigating through a hierarchy of subgraphs.
Performance improvements in the Tulip core library especially in the management of edges and subgraphs hierarchy.
Many bugs fixes in the Tulip plugins and GUI.