Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2012-04-17 15:16
Hello again,
We have released another snapshot of the development of Tulip4 in order to get more feedback as the UI changes and evolves, and you can now download Tulip4 alpha3 !
This new release brings a slew of new functionality
- filtering panel (still in the rough)
- the dataset mode to look at the data in a tabular way
- an "expose" mode to look at all the opened views and reorder them
- the "edit" menu is now plugged, allowing the creation of subgraphs, groups, etc.
- The python script view is packaged, and most of the API is wrapped (close to Tulip3's state)
As we are getting more feedback, the development starts to focus more on the UI than the APIs, and the API should be fairly stable from now on, but it will only be frozen when we reach the beta stage.
Do not hesitate to leave feedback on our sourceforge forums so we know which direction you want Tulip4 to take, and which features are a priority for you !