Welcome to the Tulip user oriented documentation!

We suggest to run Tulip and experiment with the concepts explained while reading this manual. In itself, the interactive part of Tulip (also called Tulip agent on Windows platform) is quite limited. The user interface proposes only three distinct tabs. The first one allow to choose among the projects or Tulip perspectives, the second one is the plugins center and the third one present additional information about the software and the team behind it. When starting the software, the Projects window appears. You can then open one of the perspective by clicking on the corresponding green arrow icon or by double clicking on their description box. The “Open Project” button also allows to directly open one of your Tulip file, graph or project.


The current documentation presents in details the Tulip Perspective. If you are interested in customizing the application, you can develop your own Tulip perspective. One example of such developement is Porgy, available through the Porgy website.
