Tulip  5.3.0
Large graphs analysis and drawing
1 /*
2  *
3  * This file is part of Tulip (http://tulip.labri.fr)
4  *
5  * Authors: David Auber and the Tulip development Team
6  * from LaBRI, University of Bordeaux
7  *
8  * Tulip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
10  * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
11  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * Tulip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  */
19 ///@cond DOXYGEN_HIDDEN
24 #include <tulip/GlAxis.h>
26 namespace tlp {
28 /**
29  * \brief A class to render an axis graduated with numerical values for a given range
30  *
31  * This class allows to draw a quantitative axis (i.e. an axis axis graduated with numerical values
32  * for a given range)
33  */
34 class TLP_GL_SCOPE GlQuantitativeAxis : public GlAxis {
36 public:
37  /**
38  * GlQuantitativeAxis constructor. Create an quantitative axis without graduations (need to call
39  * setAxisParameters to build them)
40  *
41  * \param axisName the name of the axis
42  * \axisBaseCoord the base coord of the axis (if the axis is horizontal, it is the the left end,
43  * if vertical it is the down end)
44  * \axisLength the length of the axis
45  * \axisOrientation the orientation of the axis, 2 possible values (HORIZONTAL_AXIS or
47  * \axisColor the color of the axis
48  * \addArrow If true, an arrow will be added to one end of the axis according to the axis order
49  * (ascending or descending)
50  * \ascendingOrder If true, the min value will be at the bottom end and the max will be at the top
51  * end if the axis is vertical (min at the left and max at the right if it is horizontal). If
52  * false this positions are switched
53  */
54  GlQuantitativeAxis(const std::string &axisName, const Coord &axisBaseCoord,
55  const float axisLength, const AxisOrientation &axisOrientation,
56  const Color &axisColor, const bool addArrow = true,
57  const bool ascendingOrder = true);
59  /**
60  * Method to set the quantitative axis parameters. A call to updateAxis has to be done after
61  * calling this method to build or update the axis graduations
62  *
63  * \param min the min value of the range the axis represents
64  * \param max the max value of the range the axis represents
65  * \param nbGraduations the number of graduations to build
66  * \param axisGradsLabelsPosition the relative position of the axis graduations label. Two
67  * possible values : LEFT_OR_BELOW (if the axis is vertical, labels will be on the left of the
68  * axis, otherwise below) or RIGHT_OR_ABOVE
69  * \param drawFirstLabel If false, the first graduation label will not be drawn (usefull when some
70  * axis have the same base coord to avoid labels overlapping)
71  */
72  void setAxisParameters(const double min, const double max, const unsigned int nbGraduations,
73  const LabelPosition &axisGradsLabelsPosition = LEFT_OR_BELOW,
74  const bool drawFirstLabel = true);
76  void setAxisParameters(const long long min, const long long max,
77  const unsigned long long incrementStep,
78  const LabelPosition &axisGradsLabelsPosition = LEFT_OR_BELOW,
79  const bool drawFirstLabel = true);
81  void setAxisParameters(const int min, const int max, const unsigned int incrementStep,
82  const LabelPosition &axisGradsLabelsPosition = LEFT_OR_BELOW,
83  const bool drawFirstLabel = true) {
84  setAxisParameters(static_cast<long long>(min), static_cast<long long>(max),
85  static_cast<unsigned long long>(incrementStep), axisGradsLabelsPosition,
86  drawFirstLabel);
87  }
89  void setNbGraduations(const unsigned int nbGraduations) {
90  this->nbGraduations = nbGraduations;
91  }
93  /**
94  * Method to set a logarithmic scale on the axis. A call to updateAxis has to be done after
95  * calling this method to build or update the axis graduations
96  *
97  * \param logScale If true, activate the logarithmic scale on the axis
98  * \param logBase If filled, set the logarithm base
99  */
100  void setLogScale(const bool logScale, const unsigned int logBase = 10);
102  /**
103  * Method to set the order of the values on the axis (ascending or descending). A call to
104  * updateAxis has to be done after calling this method to build or update the axis graduations
105  */
106  void setAscendingOrder(const bool ascendingOrder) {
107  this->ascendingOrder = ascendingOrder;
108  }
110  /**
111  * Method to update the axis drawing. It has to be called when one (or more) of the setters method
112  * above has been used.
113  * This method redraw the whole axis and the graduations.
114  */
115  void updateAxis() override;
117  /**
118  * Method to get the axis point coordinates for a given value
119  *
120  * \param value the value we want to retrieve axis point coordinates
121  */
122  Coord getAxisPointCoordForValue(double value) const;
124  /**
125  * Method to get the value associated to an axis point
126  *
127  * \param axisPointCoord the axis point coordinates we want to retrieve associated value
128  */
129  double getValueForAxisPoint(const Coord &axisPointCoord);
131  /**
132  * Method to get the order of the values on the axis (ascending or descending)
133  */
134  bool hasAscendingOrder() const {
135  return ascendingOrder;
136  }
138  double getAxisMinValue() const {
139  return min;
140  }
142  double getAxisMaxValue() const {
143  return max;
144  }
146 private:
147  void buildAxisGraduations();
148  void addArrowDrawing();
150  double min, max, scale;
151  double minLog, maxLog;
152  unsigned int nbGraduations;
153  LabelPosition axisGradsLabelsPosition;
154  bool drawFistLabel;
155  bool ascendingOrder;
156  bool addArrow;
157  Coord captionCenterCoord;
158  bool logScale;
159  unsigned int logBase;
160  bool integerScale;
161  unsigned long long incrementStep;
162  bool minMaxSet;
163 };
164 } // namespace tlp
166 #endif /* GLQUANTITATIVEAXIS_H_ */
167 ///@endcond