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tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop > Class Template Reference

#include <AbstractProperty.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >:


class  MetaValueCalculator

Public Member Functions

 AbstractProperty (Graph *, const std::string &n="")
int compare (const node n1, const node n2) const override
int compare (const edge e1, const edge e2) const override
void computeMetaValue (node n, Graph *sg, Graph *mg) override
void computeMetaValue (edge e, tlp::Iterator< edge > *itE, Graph *mg) override
bool copy (const node destination, const node source, PropertyInterface *property, bool ifNotDefault=false) override
bool copy (const edge destination, const edge source, PropertyInterface *property, bool ifNotDefault=false) override
void copy (PropertyInterface *property) override
unsigned int edgeValueSize () const override
void erase (const node n) override
void erase (const edge e) override
DataMem * getEdgeDataMemValue (const edge e) const override
DataMem * getEdgeDefaultDataMemValue () const override
std::string getEdgeDefaultStringValue () const override
Tedge::RealType getEdgeDefaultValue () const
virtual tlp::Iterator< edge > * getEdgesEqualTo (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v, const Graph *g=nullptr) const
std::string getEdgeStringValue (const edge e) const override
tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue getEdgeValue (const edge e) const
DataMem * getNodeDataMemValue (const node n) const override
DataMem * getNodeDefaultDataMemValue () const override
std::string getNodeDefaultStringValue () const override
Tnode::RealType getNodeDefaultValue () const
virtual tlp::Iterator< node > * getNodesEqualTo (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v, const Graph *g=nullptr) const
std::string getNodeStringValue (const node n) const override
tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue getNodeValue (const node n) const
DataMem * getNonDefaultDataMemValue (const node n) const override
DataMem * getNonDefaultDataMemValue (const edge e) const override
tlp::Iterator< edge > * getNonDefaultValuatedEdges (const Graph *g=nullptr) const override
tlp::Iterator< node > * getNonDefaultValuatedNodes (const Graph *g=nullptr) const override
bool hasNonDefaultValuatedEdges (const Graph *g=nullptr) const override
bool hasNonDefaultValuatedNodes (const Graph *g=nullptr) const override
unsigned int nodeValueSize () const override
unsigned int numberOfNonDefaultValuatedEdges (const Graph *=nullptr) const override
unsigned int numberOfNonDefaultValuatedNodes (const Graph *g=nullptr) const override
virtual AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop > & operator= (AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop > &prop)
bool readEdgeDefaultValue (std::istream &) override
bool readEdgeValue (std::istream &, edge) override
bool readNodeDefaultValue (std::istream &) override
bool readNodeValue (std::istream &, node) override
void setAllEdgeDataMemValue (const DataMem *v) override
bool setAllEdgeStringValue (const std::string &inV) override
bool setAllEdgeStringValue (const std::string &inV, const Graph *graph) override
virtual void setAllEdgeValue (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v)
virtual void setAllEdgeValue (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v, const Graph *graph)
void setAllNodeDataMemValue (const DataMem *v) override
bool setAllNodeStringValue (const std::string &inV) override
bool setAllNodeStringValue (const std::string &inV, const Graph *graph) override
virtual void setAllNodeValue (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v)
virtual void setAllNodeValue (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v, const Graph *graph)
void setEdgeDataMemValue (const edge e, const DataMem *v) override
bool setEdgeDefaultStringValue (const std::string &inV) override
virtual void setEdgeDefaultValue (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v)
bool setEdgeStringValue (const edge inE, const std::string &inV) override
virtual void setEdgeValue (const edge e, typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v)
void setMetaValueCalculator (PropertyInterface::MetaValueCalculator *mvCalc) override
void setNodeDataMemValue (const node n, const DataMem *v) override
bool setNodeDefaultStringValue (const std::string &inV) override
virtual void setNodeDefaultValue (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v)
bool setNodeStringValue (const node inN, const std::string &inV) override
virtual void setNodeValue (const node n, typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v)
bool setStringValueToGraphEdges (const std::string &inV, const Graph *graph) override
bool setStringValueToGraphNodes (const std::string &inV, const Graph *graph) override
virtual void setValueToGraphEdges (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v, const Graph *graph)
virtual void setValueToGraphNodes (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v, const Graph *graph)
void writeEdgeDefaultValue (std::ostream &) const override
void writeEdgeValue (std::ostream &, edge) const override
void writeNodeDefaultValue (std::ostream &) const override
void writeNodeValue (std::ostream &, node) const override

Protected Member Functions

virtual void clone_handler (AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop > &)

Protected Attributes

Tedge::RealType edgeDefaultValue
MutableContainer< typename Tedge::RealType > edgeProperties
Tnode::RealType nodeDefaultValue
MutableContainer< typename Tnode::RealType > nodeProperties


class Graph
class GraphView

Detailed Description

template<class Tnode, class Tedge, class Tprop = PropertyInterface>
class tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >

This class extends upon PropertyInterface, and adds type-safe methods to get and set the node and edge values, through the magic of template programming.

Nodes and Edges can have different types (e.g. tlp::LayoutProperty has tlp::PointType as node type and tlp::LineType as edge type), but most of the time they have the same type (e.g. tlp::DoubleProperty, tlp::IntegerProperty).

Some of the pure virtual functions of PropertyInterface are implemented in this class (e.g. erase()).

The actual data is stored in this class, and it manages the default values.

Definition at line 56 of file AbstractProperty.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone_handler()

template<class Tnode, class Tedge, class Tprop = PropertyInterface>
virtual void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::clone_handler ( AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop > &  )

Enable to clone part of sub_class.

Definition at line 596 of file AbstractProperty.h.

◆ erase() [1/2]

template<class Tnode, class Tedge, class Tprop = PropertyInterface>
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::erase ( const node  n)

Resets the value of a node to the default value.

nThe node to reset the value of.

Definition at line 276 of file AbstractProperty.h.

◆ erase() [2/2]

template<class Tnode, class Tedge, class Tprop = PropertyInterface>
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::erase ( const edge  e)

Resets the value of an edge to the default value.

eThe edge to reset the value of.

Definition at line 287 of file AbstractProperty.h.

◆ getEdgeDefaultValue()

template<class Tnode , class Tedge , class Tprop >
Tedge::RealType tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::getEdgeDefaultValue ( ) const

Gets the default edge value of the property.

The default value of edges.

Definition at line 41 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEdgesEqualTo()

template<class Tnode , class Tedge, class Tprop >
tlp::Iterator< tlp::edge > * tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::getEdgesEqualTo ( typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v,
const Graph g = nullptr 
) const

Returns an iterator through all edges belonging to g whose associated value is equal to val. If g is nullptr, the graph given when creating the property is considered.

Definition at line 78 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

◆ getEdgeValue()

template<class Tnode , class Tedge , class Tprop >
tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::getEdgeValue ( const edge  e) const

Returns the value associated to the edge e in this property. If there is no value, it returns the default edge value.

eThe edge for which we want to get the value of the property.
:StoredType< Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue The value of the property for this edge.

Definition at line 54 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNodeDefaultValue()

template<class Tnode , class Tedge , class Tprop >
Tnode::RealType tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::getNodeDefaultValue ( ) const

Gets the default node value of the property.

The default value of nodes.

Definition at line 35 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNodesEqualTo()

template<class Tnode, class Tedge , class Tprop >
tlp::Iterator< tlp::node > * tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::getNodesEqualTo ( typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v,
const Graph g = nullptr 
) const

Returns an iterator through all nodes belonging to g whose associated value is equal to val. If g is nullptr, the graph given when creating the property is considered.

Definition at line 60 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

◆ getNodeValue()

template<class Tnode , class Tedge , class Tprop >
tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::getNodeValue ( const node  n) const

Returns the value associated with the node n in this property. If there is no value, it returns the default node value.

nThe node for which we want to get the value of the property.
:StoredType< Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue The value of the property for this node.

Definition at line 47 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

template<class Tnode, class Tedge, class Tprop = PropertyInterface>
virtual AbstractProperty<Tnode, Tedge, Tprop>& tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::operator= ( AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop > &  prop)

This operator overload allows to copy a property using the following syntax :

IntegerProperty* shape = graph->getProperty<IntegerProperty>("viewShape");
IntegerProperty* backup = graph->getProperty<IntegerProperty>("shapeBackup");
*backup = *shape; // all the values from 'shape' will be copied into 'backup'.
propThe property to copy the values from.
This property with the values copied.

Definition at line 303 of file AbstractProperty.h.

◆ setAllEdgeValue() [1/2]

template<class Tnode , class Tedge, class Tprop >
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setAllEdgeValue ( typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v)

Sets the value of all edges and notify the observers. All previous values are lost and the given value is assigned as the default one to the future added edges.

vThe value to set to all edges.

Definition at line 220 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

◆ setAllEdgeValue() [2/2]

template<class Tnode , class Tedge, class Tprop >
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setAllEdgeValue ( typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v,
const Graph graph 

Sets the value of all edges in a graph and notify the observers. Only the edges from that graph will have their value modified in the property and the default edge value will not be modified.

Tulip 4.10
Since Tulip 5.0 this method signature is deprecated, use method setValueToGraphEdges instead
vThe value to set to all edges.
graphA graph that defines the set of edges
If the provided graph is not a descendant of the one associated to that property (including itself), no edge value will be modified.

Definition at line 229 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

◆ setAllNodeValue() [1/2]

template<class Tnode, class Tedge , class Tprop >
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setAllNodeValue ( typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v)

Sets the value of all nodes and notify the observers. All previous values are lost and the given value is assigned as the default one to the future added nodes.

vThe value to set to all nodes.

Definition at line 114 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

◆ setAllNodeValue() [2/2]

template<class Tnode, class Tedge , class Tprop >
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setAllNodeValue ( typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v,
const Graph graph 

Sets the value of all nodes in a graph and notify the observers. Only the nodes from that graph will have their value modified in the property and the default node value will not be modified.

Tulip 4.10
Since Tulip 5.0 this method signature is deprecated, use method setValueToGraphNodes instead
vThe value to set to all nodes.
graphA graph that defines the set of nodes
If the provided graph is not a descendant of the one associated to that property (including itself), no node value will be modified.

Definition at line 163 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

◆ setEdgeDefaultValue()

template<class Tnode , class Tedge, class Tprop >
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setEdgeDefaultValue ( typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v)

Sets the value assigned as the default one to the future added edges.

Tulip 5.0
valuethe new value to set on future added edges.
Whether the given string was a correct representation for this property's type. If not, the default value is not set.

Definition at line 179 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

◆ setEdgeValue()

template<class Tnode , class Tedge, class Tprop >
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setEdgeValue ( const edge  e,
typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v 

Set the value of an edge and notify the observers of a modification.

eThe edge to set the value of.
vThe value to affect for this edge.

Definition at line 105 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

◆ setNodeDefaultValue()

template<class Tnode, class Tedge , class Tprop >
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setNodeDefaultValue ( typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v)

Sets the value assigned as the default one to the future added nodes.

Tulip 5.0
vthe new value to set on future added nodes.
Whether the given string was a correct representation for this property's type. If not, the default value is not set.

Definition at line 123 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

◆ setNodeValue()

template<class Tnode, class Tedge , class Tprop >
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setNodeValue ( const node  n,
typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v 

Sets the value of a node and notify the observers of a modification.

nThe node to set the value of.
vThe value to affect for this node.

Definition at line 96 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

◆ setValueToGraphEdges()

template<class Tnode , class Tedge, class Tprop >
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setValueToGraphEdges ( typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v,
const Graph graph 

Sets the value of all edges in a graph and notify the observers. Only the edges from that graph will have their value modified in the property and the default edge value will not be modified.

Tulip 5.0
vThe value to set to all edges.
graphA graph on which to modify
If the provided graph is not a descendant of the one associated to that property (including itself), no edge value will be modified.

Definition at line 235 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.

◆ setValueToGraphNodes()

template<class Tnode, class Tedge , class Tprop >
void tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setValueToGraphNodes ( typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue  v,
const Graph graph 

Sets the value of all nodes in a graph and notify the observers. Only the nodes from that graph will have their value modified in the property and the default node value will not be modified.

Tulip 5.0
vThe value to set to all nodes.
graphA graph that defines the set of nodes
If the provided graph is not a descendant of the one associated to that property (including itself), no node value will be modified.

Definition at line 169 of file AbstractProperty.cxx.