Graph/Properties observation¶
Tulip offers a mechanism to observe and get informed on modifications
performed on the graph structure, the sub-graphs hierarchy and the properties
values attached to the graph. This is achieved by implementing an object deriving
from the tlp.Observable
. To get informed on modifications performed on
the graph or properties values, you have to implement the tlp.Observable.treatEvent()
Observing a graph¶
A special type of event is available to keep track of graph modifications : tlp.GraphEvent
Instances of that type of event are sent by instances of tlp.Graph
. Call tlp.Observable.addListener()
to register an observer to a graph. The sample code below illustrates that observation mechanism:
from tulip import tlp
class GraphObserver(tlp.Observable):
def __init__(self):
def treatEvent(self, event):
if isinstance(event, tlp.GraphEvent):
graph = event.getGraph()
if event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_ADD_NODE:
print("The node", event.getNode(), "has been added to the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_DEL_NODE:
print("The node", event.getNode(), "has been deleted from the graph", graph)
if event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_ADD_EDGE:
print("The edge", event.getEdge(), "has been added to the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_DEL_EDGE:
print("The edge", event.getEdge(), "has been deleted from the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_REVERSE_EDGE:
print("The edge", event.getEdge(), "has been reversed in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_BEFORE_SET_ENDS:
print("The edge", event.getEdge(), "will have its ends modified. Current source is", graph.source(event.getEdge()),\
"Current target is",
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_AFTER_SET_ENDS:
print("The edge", event.getEdge(), "had its ends modified. Current source is", graph.source(event.getEdge()),\
"Current target is",
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_ADD_NODES:
print("The nodes", event.getNodes(), "have been added to the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_ADD_EDGES:
print("The edges", event.getEdges(), "have been added to the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_BEFORE_ADD_DESCENDANTGRAPH:
print("A descendant graph", event.getSubGraph(), "is about to be added in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_AFTER_ADD_DESCENDANTGRAPH:
print("A descendant graph", event.getSubGraph(), "has been added in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_BEFORE_DEL_DESCENDANTGRAPH:
print("A descendant graph", event.getSubGraph(), "is about to be deleted in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_AFTER_DEL_DESCENDANTGRAPH:
print("A descendant graph", event.getSubGraph(), "has been deleted in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_BEFORE_ADD_SUBGRAPH:
print("A sub-graph", event.getSubGraph(), "is about to be added in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_AFTER_ADD_SUBGRAPH:
print("A sub-graph", event.getSubGraph(), "has been added in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_BEFORE_DEL_SUBGRAPH:
print("A sub-graph", event.getSubGraph(), "is about to be deleted in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_AFTER_DEL_SUBGRAPH:
print("A sub-graph", event.getSubGraph(), "has been deleted in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_BEFORE_ADD_LOCAL_PROPERTY:
print("A local property", event.getPropertyName(), "is about to be added in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_ADD_LOCAL_PROPERTY:
print("A local property", event.getPropertyName(), "has been added in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_BEFORE_DEL_LOCAL_PROPERTY:
print("A local property", event.getPropertyName(), "is about to be deleted in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_AFTER_DEL_LOCAL_PROPERTY:
print("A local property", event.getPropertyName(), "has been deleted in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_BEFORE_ADD_INHERITED_PROPERTY:
print("An inherited property", event.getPropertyName(), "is about to be added in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_ADD_INHERITED_PROPERTY:
print("An inherited property", event.getPropertyName(), "has been added in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_BEFORE_DEL_INHERITED_PROPERTY:
print("An inherited property", event.getPropertyName(), "is about to be deleted in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_AFTER_DEL_INHERITED_PROPERTY:
print("An inherited property", event.getPropertyName(), "has been deleted in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_BEFORE_SET_ATTRIBUTE:
print("An attribute", event.getAttributeName(), "is about to be set/modified in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_AFTER_SET_ATTRIBUTE:
print("An attribute", event.getAttributeName(), "has been set/modified in the graph", graph)
elif event.getType() == tlp.GraphEvent.TLP_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE:
print("An attribute", event.getAttributeName(), "has been removed in the graph", graph)
root = tlp.newGraph()
graph = root.addSubGraph("graph")
obs = GraphObserver()
n = graph.addNode()
n2 = graph.addNode()
e = graph.addEdge(n, n2)
graph.setEnds(e, n, n2)
nodes = graph.addNodes(4)
edges = graph.addEdges([(nodes[0], nodes[1]), (nodes[2], nodes[3])])
sg = graph.addSubGraph("sg1")
sg2 = sg.addSubGraph("sg2")
prop = graph.getDoubleProperty("metric")
propRoot = root.getDoubleProperty("metric_root")
graph.setAttribute("author", "me")
The output of that script is the following:
The node <node 0> has been added to the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
The node <node 1> has been added to the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
The edge <edge 0> has been added to the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
The edge <edge 0> has been reversed in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
The edge <edge 0> will have its ends modified. Current source is <node 0> Current target is <node 1>
The edge <edge 0> had its ends modified. Current source is <node 0> Current target is <node 1>
The nodes [<node 2>, <node 3>, <node 4>, <node 5>] have been added to the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
The edges [<edge 1>, <edge 2>] have been added to the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A sub-graph <graph "sg1" (id 2) > is about to be added in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A descendant graph <graph "sg1" (id 2) > is about to be added in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A sub-graph <graph "sg1" (id 2) > has been added in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A descendant graph <graph "sg1" (id 2) > has been added in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A descendant graph <graph "sg2" (id 3) > is about to be added in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A descendant graph <graph "sg2" (id 3) > has been added in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A descendant graph <graph "sg2" (id 3) > is about to be deleted in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A descendant graph <graph "sg2" (id 3) > has been deleted in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A sub-graph <graph "sg1" (id 2) > is about to be deleted in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A descendant graph <graph "sg1" (id 2) > is about to be deleted in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A sub-graph <graph "sg1" (id 2) > has been deleted in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A descendant graph <graph "sg1" (id 2) > has been deleted in the sub-graphs hierarchy of graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A local property metric is about to be added in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A local property metric has been added in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
An inherited property metric_root is about to be added in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
An inherited property metric_root has been added in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A local property metric is about to be deleted in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
A local property metric has been deleted in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
An inherited property metric_root is about to be deleted in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
An inherited property metric_root has been deleted in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
An attribute author is about to be set/modified in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
An attribute author has been set/modified in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
An attribute author has been removed in the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
The edge <edge 0> has been deleted from the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
The node <node 0> has been deleted from the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
The node <node 1> has been deleted from the graph <graph "graph" (id 1) >
Observing a graph property¶
Another special type of event is available to keep track of a property modifications : tlp.PropertyEvent
Instances of that type of event are sent by derived instances of tlp.PropertyInterface
. Call tlp.Observable.addListener()
to register an observer to a property. The sample code below illustrates that observation mechanism:
from tulip import tlp
class PropertyObserver(tlp.Observable):
def __init__(self):
def treatEvent(self, event):
if isinstance(event, tlp.PropertyEvent):
prop = event.getProperty()
if event.getType() == tlp.PropertyEvent.TLP_BEFORE_SET_NODE_VALUE:
print("Value for node", event.getNode(), "in property", prop, "is about to be modified. Current value is", prop[event.getNode()])
elif event.getType() == tlp.PropertyEvent.TLP_AFTER_SET_NODE_VALUE:
print("Value for node", event.getNode(), "in property", prop, "has been modified. New value is", prop[event.getNode()])
elif event.getType() == tlp.PropertyEvent.TLP_BEFORE_SET_EDGE_VALUE:
print("Value for edge", event.getEdge(), "in property", prop, "is about to be modified. Current value is", prop[event.getEdge()])
elif event.getType() == tlp.PropertyEvent.TLP_AFTER_SET_EDGE_VALUE:
print("Value for edge", event.getEdge(), "in property", prop, "has been modified. New value is", prop[event.getEdge()])
elif event.getType() == tlp.PropertyEvent.TLP_BEFORE_SET_ALL_NODE_VALUE:
print("Value for all nodes", "in property", prop, "is about to be modified.")
elif event.getType() == tlp.PropertyEvent.TLP_AFTER_SET_ALL_NODE_VALUE:
print("Value for all nodes", "in property", prop, "has been modified.")
elif event.getType() == tlp.PropertyEvent.TLP_BEFORE_SET_ALL_EDGE_VALUE:
print("Value for all edges", "in property", prop, "is about to be modified.")
elif event.getType() == tlp.PropertyEvent.TLP_AFTER_SET_ALL_EDGE_VALUE:
print("Value for all edges", "in property", prop, "has been modified.")
graph = tlp.newGraph()
nodes = graph.addNodes(5)
edges = graph.addEdges([(nodes[0], nodes[1]), (nodes[2], nodes[3])])
obs = PropertyObserver()
metric = graph.getDoubleProperty("metric")
metric[nodes[1]] = 3.2
metric[edges[0]] = 5.7
The output of that script is the following:
Value for all nodes in property <Double property metric> is about to be modified.
Value for all nodes in property <Double property metric> has been modified.
Value for all edges in property <Double property metric> is about to be modified.
Value for all edges in property <Double property metric> has been modified.
Value for node <node 1> in property <Double property metric> is about to be modified. Current value is -1.0
Value for node <node 1> in property <Double property metric> has been modified. New value is 3.2
Value for edge <edge 0> in property <Double property metric> is about to be modified. Current value is -1.0
Value for edge <edge 0> in property <Double property metric> has been modified. New value is 5.7