module API¶
Parametric curves computation¶
(controlPoints, t)¶ Computes the position of the point at t (0 <= t <= 1) along a Bezier curve defined by a set of control points.
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of
) – the control points of the Bezier curve - t (float) – the curve parameter
Return type: tlp.Coord
- controlPoints (list of
(controlPoints[, nbCurvePoints=100])¶ Computes a set of points approximating a Bezier curve.
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of
) – the control points of the Bezier curve - nbCurvePoints (integer) – the number of curve points to compute
Return type: list of
- controlPoints (list of
(controlPoints, t[, closedCurve=False, alpha=0.5])¶ Computes the position of the point at t (0 <= t <= 1) along a Catmull-Rom curve defined by a set of control points. The features of this type of spline are the following :
- the spline passes through all of the control points
- the spline is C1 continuous, meaning that there are no discontinuities in the tangent direction and magnitude
- the spline is not C2 continuous. The second derivative is linearly interpolated within each segment, causing the curvature to vary linearly over the length of the segment
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of
) – the control points of the Catmull Rom curve - t (float) – the curve parameter
- closedCurve (boolean) – if
, the curve will be closed, meaning a Bezier segment will connect the last and first control point - alpha (float) – curve parameterization parameter (0 <= alpha <= 1), alpha = 0 -> uniform parameterization, alpha = 0.5 -> centripetal parameterization, alpha = 1.0 -> chord-length parameterization
Return type: tlp.Coord
(controlPoints[, closedCurve=False, nbCurvePoints=100, alpha=0.5])¶ Computes a set of points approximating a Catmull-Rom curve.
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of
) – the control points of the Catmull Rom curve - closedCurve (boolean) – if
, the curve will be closed, meaning a Bezier segment will connect the last and first control point - nbCurvePoints (integer) – the number of curve points to compute
- alpha (floatts to compute) – curve parameterization parameter (0 <= alpha <= 1), alpha = 0 -> uniform parameterization, alpha = 0.5 -> centripetal parameterization, alpha = 1.0 -> chord-length parameterization
Return type: list of
- controlPoints (list of
(controlPoints, t[, curveDegree=3])¶ Computes the position of the point at t (0 <= t <= 1) along an open uniform B-spline curve defined by a set of control points. An uniform B-spline is a piecewise collection of Bezier curves of the same degree, connected end to end. The features of this type of spline are the following :
- the spline is C^2 continuous, meaning there is no discontinuities in curvature
- the spline has local control : its parameters only affect a small part of the entire spline
A B-spline is qualified as open when it passes through its first and last control points.
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of
) – the control points of the B-spline curve - t (float) – the curve parameter
- curveDegree (integer) – the B-spline degree
Return type: tlp.Coord
(controlPoints[, curveDegree=3, nbCurvePoints=100])¶ Computes a set of points approximating an open uniform B-spline curve.
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of
) – the control points of the Catmull Rom curve - curveDegree (integer) – the B-spline degree
- nbCurvePoints (integer) – the number of curve points to compute
Return type: list of
- controlPoints (list of
¶ New in version 4.4.
That class holds all the rendering parameters for a Tulip OpenGL graph drawing. Use
to get an instance on a such object.-
()¶ Returns the boolean property used to filter the rendering of graph elements.
Return type: tulip.tlp.BooleanProperty
()¶ Returns the stencil value for edges labels.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the stencil value for edges.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the double property used for the ordered rendering of graph elements.
Return type: tulip.tlp.NumericProperty
()¶ Returns the absolute path used for fonts loading (.ttf files).
Return type: string
()¶ Returns the state of the labels billboarding (always facing the camera).
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the labels density value.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the maximum size of labels. That value is only used if the labels are not scaled to nodes sizes.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the stencil value for meta-nodes labels.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the stencil value for meta-nodes.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the minimum size of labels. That value is only used if the labels are not scaled to nodes sizes.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the stencil value for nodes labels.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the stencil value for nodes.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the stencil value for selected edges.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the stencil value for selected meta-nodes.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the stencil value for selected nodes.
Return type: integer
()¶ Returns the color of selection.
Return type: tulip.tlp.Color
()¶ Returns the absolute path used for texture loading.
Return type: string
()¶ Returns if antialiasing rendering is activated.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the displaying of edges.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the displaying of meta-nodes.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the displaying of nodes.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the 3d edge rendering.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the edge color interpolation.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the edge size interpolation.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the ordered rendering of graph elements.
Return type: boolean
()¶ New in version 4.8.
Returns if the graph elements are sorted in descending order when the element ordering is activated
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the z-ordered rendering.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the scaling of labels to nodes sizes.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the displaying of arrows along the graph edges.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the displaying of edges labels.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the displaying of labels inside meta-nodes.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the displaying of nodes labels.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Returns the state of the displaying of labels for elements outside the screen.
Return type: boolean
()¶ Activates/desactivates antialiasing.
Parameters: antialiasing (boolean) – the antialiasing state
(displayEdges)¶ Activates / desactivates the displaying of edges.
Parameters: displayEdges (boolean) – the state of the displaying of edges.
(property)¶ Sets the boolean property used to filter the rendering of graph elements. If sets to
, the filtering is desactivated. If the value for a node / edge in that property isFalse
, it will not be displayed.Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.BooleanProperty
) – the boolean property used to filter the rendering of graph elements
(displayMetaNodes)¶ Activates / desactivates the displaying of nodes.
Parameters: displayMetaNodes (boolean) – the state of the displaying of meta-nodes.
(displayNodes)¶ Activates / desactivates the displaying of nodes.
Parameters: displayNodes (boolean) – the state of the displaying of nodes.
(edge3d)¶ Activates / desactivates the 3d displaying of edges instead of 2d lines.
Parameters: edge3d (boolean) – the state of the 3d edge rendering
(interpolate)¶ Activates / desactivates the interpolation of nodes colors along edges.
Parameters: interpolate (boolean) – the state of the edge color interpolation
(interpolate)¶ Activates / desactivates the interpolation of nodes sizes along edges.
Parameters: interpolate (boolean) – the state of the edge size interpolation
(stencil)¶ Sets the stencil value for edges labels. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
(stencil)¶ Sets the stencil value for edges. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
(elementOrdered)¶ Activates / desactivates the ordered rendering of graph elements according to the values in the element ordering property.
Parameters: elementsOrdered – the state of the ordered rendering
(elementOrderedDescending)¶ New in version 4.8.
Defines if the graph elements are sorted in descending order when the element ordering is activated.
Parameters: elementsOrderedDescending – whether graph elements have to be sorted in descending order
(property)¶ Defines which property should be used for the ordered rendering of graph elements. Setting it to
will use the “viewMetric” property if the ordering is enabled.Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.NumericProperty
) – the property to use to order the rendering of graph elements
(zOrdering)¶ Activates / desactivates the ordered rendering of elements according to their distance to the camera.
Parameters: zOrdering (boolean) – the state of the z-ordered rendering
(path)¶ Sets the absolute path for fonts loading (.ttf files).
Parameters: path (string) – the absolute path of a directory for fonts loading.
(fixedFontSize)¶ Parameters: fixedFontSize (boolean) – the state of using fixed font size with labels
(labelScaled)¶ Activates / desactivates the scaling of labels to nodes sizes.
Parameters: labelScaled (boolean) – the state of the scaling of labels to nodes sizes.
(billboardLabels)¶ Activates / desactivates labels billboarding (always facing the camera).
Parameters: billboardLabels (boolean) – the state of labels billboarding
(density)¶ Sets the labels density value. It must be in the range [-100, 100]. The labels are displayed according to that value :
- -100 : no labels are displayed
- 0 : only non overlapping labels are displayed
- 100 : all labels are displayed
Parameters: density (integer) – a value in the range [-100, 100]
(size)¶ Sets the maximum size of labels. That value is only used if the labels are not scaled to nodes sizes.
Parameters: size – the maximum size of labels Type: integer
()¶ Sets the stencil value for meta-nodes labels. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
(stencil)¶ Sets the stencil value for meta-nodes. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
(size)¶ Sets the minimum size of labels. That value is only used if the labels are not scaled to nodes sizes.
Parameters: size – the minimum size of labels Type: integer
(stencil)¶ Sets the stencil value for nodes labels. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
(stencil)¶ Sets the stencil value for nodes. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
(stencil)¶ Sets the stencil value for selected edges. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 2.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
(stencil)¶ Sets the stencil value for selected meta-nodes. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 2.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
(stencil)¶ Sets the stencil value for selected nodes. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 2.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
(color)¶ Sets the color of selected elements.
Parameters: color ( tulip.tlp.Color
) – the selection color
(path)¶ Sets the absolute path for textures loading.
Parameters: path (string) – the absolute path of a directory for textures loading.
(arrow)¶ Activates / desactivates the displaying of arrows along the graph edges.
Parameters: arrow (boolean) – the state of the arrows rendering
(edgeLabel)¶ Activates / desactivates the displaying of edges labels.
Parameters: edgeLabel (boolean) – the state of the edges labels rendering
(metaLabel)¶ Activates / desactivates the displaying of labels inside meta-nodes.
Parameters: metaLabel – the state of the displaying of labels inside meta-nodes.
(nodeLabel)¶ Activates / desactivates the displaying of nodes labels.
Parameters: nodeLabel (boolean) – the state of the nodes labels rendering
(outScreenLabel)¶ Activates / desactivates the displaying of labels for elements outside the screen.
Parameters: outScreenLabel (boolean) – the state of the labels rendering for elements outside the screen.
¶ New in version 4.4.
That class defines all the visual properties used to render a graph (layout, colors, sizes, ...). By default, Tulip creates a pool of default properties whose name is prefixed by “view”. Through the use of that class, you can set other properties as rendering input data.
to get an instance on a such object.-
()¶ Returns the color property that defines the current borders colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.LayoutProperty
()¶ Returns the double property that defines the current borders widths of graph elements (see Border width of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty
()¶ Returns the color property that defines the current colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.ColorProperty
()¶ Returns the string property that defines the current font files used to render the labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.StringProperty
()¶ Returns the integer property that defines the current font size for labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
()¶ Returns the string property that defines the current labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.StringProperty
()¶ Returns the color property that defines the current labels border colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.ColorProperty
()¶ Returns the double property that defines the current labels borders widths of graph elements (see Border width of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty
()¶ Returns the color property that defines the current labels colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.ColorProperty
()¶ Returns the integer property that defines the current labels positions of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
()¶ Returns the layout property that defines the current layout of graph elements (see Graph layout).
Return type: tulip.tlp.LayoutProperty
()¶ Returns the double property that defines the current rotations of graph nodes (see Rotations of the nodes).
Return type: tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty
()¶ Returns the boolean property that defines the current selection of graph elements (see Selection).
Return type: tulip.tlp.BooleanProperty
()¶ Returns the integer property that defines the current shapes of graph elements (see Shapes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
()¶ Returns the size property that defines the current sizes of graph elements (see Sizes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.SizeProperty
()¶ Returns the integer property that defines the current shapes of the source edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
()¶ Returns the size property that defines the current sizes of the source edges extremities (see Sizes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.SizeProperty
()¶ Returns the string property that defines the current image files used to texture the shapes of graph elements (see Applying a texture to nodes or edges).
Return type: tulip.tlp.StringProperty
()¶ Returns the integer property that defines the current shapes of the target edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
()¶ Returns the size property that defines the current sizes of the target edges extremities (see Sizes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.SizeProperty
()¶ Returns the graph associated to these data.
Return type: tulip.tlp.Graph
()¶ Restores all default graph visual properties (whose name is prefixed by “view”) as rendering input data.
(property)¶ Sets the color property that defines the current borders colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.ColorProperty
) – a color property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the double property that defines the current borders widths of graph elements (see Border width of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty
) – a double property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the color property that defines the current colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.ColorProperty
) – a color property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the string property that defines the current font files used to render the labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.StringProperty
) – a string property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the integer property that defines the current font size for labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
) – an integer property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the string property that defines the current labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.StringProperty
) – a string property attached to the graph associated to these data.
()¶ Sets the color property that defines the current labels borders colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.ColorProperty
) – a color property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the double property that defines the current labels borders widths of graph elements (see Border width of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty
) – a double property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the color property that defines the current labels colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.ColorProperty
) – a color property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the integer property that defines the current labels positions of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
) – an integer property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the layout property that defines the current layout of graph elements (see Graph layout).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.LayoutProperty
) – a layout property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the double property that defines the current rotations graph nodes (see Rotations of the nodes).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty
) – a double property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the boolean property that defines the current selection of graph elements (see Selection).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.BooleanProperty
) – a boolean property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the integer property that defines the current shapes of graph elements (see Shapes of graph elements).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
) – an integer property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the size property that defines the current sizes of graph elements (see Sizes of graph elements).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.SizeProperty
) – a size property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the integer property that defines the current shapes of the source edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
) – an integer property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the size property that defines the current sizes of the source edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.SizeProperty
) – a size property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the string property that defines the current image files used to texture the shapes of graph elements (see Applying a texture to nodes or edges).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.StringProperty
) – a string property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the integer property that defines the current shapes of the target edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
) – an integer property attached to the graph associated to these data.
(property)¶ Sets the size property that defines the current sizes of the target edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Parameters: property ( tulip.tlp.SizeProperty
) – a size property attached to the graph associated to these data.