Tulip  5.0.0
Large graphs analysis and drawing
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Ctlp::AboutTulipPageThe "About us/Getting help" screen displayed in the Tulip app startup window. This widget is mainly meant to provide links to the user and developer documentations, direct user to Tulip forums and provide basic offline support
 Ctlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >This class extends upon PropertyInterface, and adds type-safe methods to get and set the node and edge values, through the magic of template programming
 Ctlp::AbstractProperty< nodeType, edgeType, propType >
 Ctlp::AbstractProperty< vectType, vectType, propType >
 Ctlp::AdditionalGlSceneAnimationA class which encapsulate a Tulip OpenGL scene animation This class aims to encapsulate a Tulip OpenGL scene animation. Derive it if you want to add extra animations to the Tulip OpenGL scene while a Zoom and Pan is performed
 Ctlp::Array< Obj, SIZE >Fixed-size array encapsulation.In debug mode, a bound check is performed at each access. Stream operators implementations are provided
 Ctlp::Array< Vec3f, 2 >
 Ctlp::Array< Vector< Obj, 1 >, 1 >
 Ctlp::BooleanVectorPropertyA graph property that maps a std::vector<bool> value to graph elements
 Ctlp::ColorScalesManagerHelper class for handling Tulip color scales
 Ctlp::ColorVectorPropertyA graph property that maps a std::vector<tlp::Color> value to graph elements
 Ctlp::CoordVectorPropertyA graph property that maps a std::vector<tlp::Coord> value to graph elements
 Ctlp::DataSetA container that can store data from any type
 Ctlp::DataTypeDescribes a value of any type
 Ctlp::DependencyRepresents a plugin's dependency to another plugin. In addition to maganing plugin registration, Tulip also handles a dependency mechanism between plugins. Every Tulip plugin inherits from the tlp::WithDependency interface which allows to declare that another plugin should be loaded in order for this plugin to run. When declaring a dependency, a plugin state the name and the version of the dependecy. This is done by calling tlp::WithDependency::addDependency()
 Ctlp::DoubleVectorPropertyA graph property that maps a std::vector<double> value to graph elements
 Ctlp::edgeThe edge struct represents an edge in a Graph object
 Ctlp::EventEvent is the base class for all events used in the Observation mechanism
 Ctlp::FileDownloaderHelper class to download the content of a file referenced by an url
 Ctlp::FloatValidatorUtility class used to validate that a QString contains a valid representation of a floating point number including scientific notation
 Ctlp::GlBezierCurveA class to draw Bezier curves
 Ctlp::GlCatmullRomCurveA class to draw a Catmull-Rom curve
 Ctlp::GlDefaultSelectionColorManagerClass to get the default selection color
 Ctlp::GlGraphRendererClass used by GlGraphComposite to render the graph in OpenGL
 Ctlp::GlGraphRenderingParametersThat class defines all the parameters used by GlGraphComposite to render a graph
 Ctlp::GLInteractorComponentInteractorComponent that can do OpenGL rendering on a GlMainWidget
 Ctlp::GlLayerA GlLayer is like an 2D drawing software layer system
 Ctlp::GlMainWidgetThis widget provide a simple system to visualize data/graph with OpenGL 3D engine
 Ctlp::GlOpenUniformCubicBSplineA class to draw open uniform cubic B-splines
 Ctlp::GlSceneZoomAndPanA convenient class to perform Zoom and Pan animation on Tulip OpenGL scene
 Ctlp::GlSimpleEntityBase class for all Tulip OpenGL entities
 Ctlp::IntegerVectorPropertyA graph property that maps a std::vector<int> value to graph elements
 Ctlp::InteractorListerLists compatible interactors for a given tlp::View
 CIterator< itType >Interface for Tulip iterators. Allows basic iteration operations only
 CIterator< TYPE >
 CIterator< unsigned int >
 Ctlp::PropertyInterface::MetaValueCalculatorBase class for computing values on meta nodes and edges
 Ctlp::nodeThe node struct represents a node in a Graph object
 Ctlp::ObservableBase of Tulip's observation system
 Ctlp::ObservableExceptionObservableException is the base class of all exceptions sent by the Observable/Listener/Observer system
 Ctlp::ObserverHolderConvenience class to automatically hold and unhold observers. It performs a call to Observable::holdObserver() at its creation and a call to Observable::unholdObserver() at its destruction. You can use it if you have to hold observers in a function with multiple return points to avoid to call Observable::unholdObserver() for each of them
 Ctlp::ParameterDescriptionDescribes a plugin's parameter
 Ctlp::ParameterDescriptionListThis class describes parameters taken by a plugin
 Ctlp::PluginContextContains runtime parameters for a plugin
 Ctlp::PluginLoaderA callback class when loading plugins into Tulip
 Ctlp::PluginProgressPluginProcess subclasses are meant to notify about the progress state of some process (typically a plugin)
 Ctlp::ProgressPreviewHandlerHandles the way a process handled by a PluginProgress is handled
 Ctlp::ScientificDoubleSpinBoxUtility class implementing a QDoubleSpinBox supporting scientific notation
 Ctlp::SelectedEntityStructure to store selected entities
 Ctlp::SelfLoopsStores all the added information on self loops
 Ctlp::SizeVectorPropertyA graph property that maps a std::vector<tlp::Size> value to graph elements
 Ctlp::SortEdgeIteratorThis Iterator sorts the edges in a sequence based on their values in a NumericProperty
 Ctlp::SortExtremitiesEdgeIteratorThis Iterator sorts the edges based on the values of their extremities nodes in a NumericProperty
 Ctlp::SortNodeIteratorThis Iterator sorts the nodes in a sequence based on their values in a NumericProperty
 Ctlp::SortSourceEdgeIteratorThis Iterator sorts the edges based on the values of their source nodes in a NumericProperty
 Ctlp::SortTargetEdgeIteratorThis Iterator sorts the edges based on the values of their target nodes in a NumericProperty
 Ctlp::StringVectorPropertyA graph property that maps a std::vector<std::string> value to graph elements
 Ctlp::TulipFontAwesomeHelper class for the configuration of a Font Awesome glyph
 Ctlp::TulipMaterialDesignIconsHelper class for the configuration of a Material Design Icon glyph
 Ctlp::TulipProjectThe TulipProject object handles the content of a Tulip project
 Ctlp::WithDependencyDescribes the dependencies of a plug-in on other plug-ins, identified by their name and their version number
 Ctlp::WithParameterThis class describes parameters on a plug-in