Better Visualization Through Research
This is the complete list of members for tlp::Graph, including all inherited members.
addCloneSubGraph(const std::string &name="unnamed", bool addSibling=false, bool addSiblingProperties=false) | tlp::Graph | virtual |
addEdge(const node source, const node target)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
addEdge(const edge e)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
addEdges(const std::vector< std::pair< node, node > > &edges, std::vector< edge > &addedEdges)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
addEdges(Iterator< edge > *edges)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
addEdges(const std::vector< edge > &edges) | tlp::Graph | |
addListener(Observable *const listener) const | tlp::Observable | |
addLocalProperty(const std::string &name, PropertyInterface *prop)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
addNode()=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
addNode(const node n)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
addNodes(unsigned int nbNodes, std::vector< node > &addedNodes)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
addNodes(Iterator< node > *nodes)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
addNodes(const std::vector< node > &nodes) | tlp::Graph | |
addObserver(Observable *const observer) const | tlp::Observable | |
addSubGraph(BooleanProperty *selection=NULL, const std::string &name="unnamed")=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
addSubGraph(const std::string &name) | tlp::Graph | |
applyAlgorithm(const std::string &algorithm, std::string &errorMessage, DataSet *dataSet=NULL, PluginProgress *progress=NULL) | tlp::Graph | |
applyPropertyAlgorithm(const std::string &algorithm, PropertyInterface *result, std::string &errorMessage, PluginProgress *progress=NULL, DataSet *parameters=NULL) | tlp::Graph | |
attributeExist(const std::string &name) | tlp::Graph | inline |
bfs(const node root=node()) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
canDeleteProperty(Graph *g, PropertyInterface *prop) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotectedvirtual |
canPop()=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
canPopThenUnpop()=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
canUnpop()=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
circularCalls (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
clear()=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
clearSubGraphs()=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
countListeners() const | tlp::Observable | |
countObservers() const | tlp::Observable | |
createMetaNode(const std::set< node > &nodeSet, bool multiEdges=true, bool delAllEdge=true) | tlp::Graph | |
createMetaNode(Graph *subGraph, bool multiEdges=true, bool delAllEdge=true) | tlp::Graph | |
createMetaNodes(Iterator< Graph * > *itS, Graph *quotientGraph, std::vector< node > &metaNodes) | tlp::Graph | |
deg(const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
delAllSubGraphs(Graph *graph)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
delEdge(const edge e, bool deleteInAllGraphs=false)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
delEdges(Iterator< edge > *itE, bool deleteInAllGraphs=false)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
delEdges(const std::vector< edge > &edges, bool deleteInAllGraphs=false) | tlp::Graph | |
delLocalProperty(const std::string &name)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
delNode(const node n, bool deleteInAllGraphs=false)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
delNodes(Iterator< node > *it, bool deleteInAllGraphs=false)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
delNodes(const std::vector< node > &nodes, bool deleteInAllGraphs=false) | tlp::Graph | |
dfs(const node root=node()) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
ends(const edge e) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
existEdge(const node source, const node target, bool directed=true) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
existLocalProperty(const std::string &name) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
existProperty(const std::string &name) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getAttribute(const std::string &name, ATTRIBUTETYPE &value) const | tlp::Graph | |
getAttribute(const std::string &name) const | tlp::Graph | |
getAttributes() const | tlp::Graph | inline |
getDescendantGraph(unsigned int id) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getDescendantGraph(const std::string &name) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getDescendantGraphs() const | tlp::Graph | |
getEdgeMetaInfo(const edge metaEdge) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getEdges() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getEdges(const node source, const node target, bool directed=true) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getId() const | tlp::Graph | inline |
getInEdges(const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getInheritedObjectProperties() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getInheritedProperties() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getInNode(const node n, unsigned int i) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getInNodes(const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getInOutEdges(const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getInOutNodes(const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getLocalObjectProperties() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getLocalProperties() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getLocalProperty(const std::string &name) | tlp::Graph | |
getLocalProperty(const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &propertyType) | tlp::Graph | |
getName() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getNode(const tlp::Observable *obs) | tlp::Observable | static |
getNodeMetaInfo(const node metaNode) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getNodes() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getNonConstAttributes()=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
getNthSubGraph(unsigned int n) const | tlp::Graph | virtual |
getObject(tlp::node n) | tlp::Observable | static |
getObjectProperties() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getObservableGraph() | tlp::Observable | static |
getObservables() const | tlp::Observable | protected |
getOneEdge() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getOneNode() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getOutEdges(const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getOutNode(const node n, unsigned int i) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getOutNodes(const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getProperties() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getProperty(const std::string &name) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getProperty(const std::string &name) | tlp::Graph | |
getProperty(const std::string &propertyName, const std::string &propertyType) | tlp::Graph | |
getRandomEdge() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getRandomNode() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getReceived() const | tlp::Observable | |
getRoot() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getScheduled(tlp::node n) | tlp::Observable | static |
getSent() const | tlp::Observable | |
getSource() const | tlp::Graph | virtual |
getSubGraph(unsigned int id) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getSubGraph(const std::string &name) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getSubGraphs() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
getSuperGraph() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
Graph() (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inline |
GraphAbstract (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | friend |
GraphDecorator (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | friend |
GraphUpdatesRecorder (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | friend |
hasEdge(const node source, const node target, bool directed=true) const | tlp::Graph | inlinevirtual |
hasOnlookers() const | tlp::Observable | protected |
holdObservers() | tlp::Observable | static |
id (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
indeg(const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
inducedSubGraph(const std::set< node > &nodeSet, Graph *parentSubGraph=NULL) | tlp::Graph | |
isAlive(tlp::node n) | tlp::Observable | static |
isDescendantGraph(const Graph *subGraph) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
isElement(const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
isElement(const edge e) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
isMetaEdge(const edge e) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
isMetaNode(const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
isSubGraph(const Graph *subGraph) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
notifyAddEdge(const edge e) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyAddEdge(Graph *, const edge e) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyAddLocalProperty(const std::string &) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyAddLocalProperty(Graph *, const std::string &name) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyAddNode(const node n) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyAddNode(Graph *, const node n) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyAfterAddDescendantGraph(const Graph *) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyAfterAddSubGraph(const Graph *) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyAfterAddSubGraph(Graph *, const Graph *sg) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyAfterDelDescendantGraph(const Graph *) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyAfterDelLocalProperty(const std::string &) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyAfterDelSubGraph(const Graph *) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyAfterDelSubGraph(Graph *, const Graph *sg) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyAfterSetAttribute(const std::string &) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyAfterSetAttribute(Graph *, const std::string &name) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyAfterSetEnds(const edge e) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyAfterSetEnds(Graph *, const edge e) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyBeforeAddDescendantGraph(const Graph *) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyBeforeAddLocalProperty(const std::string &) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyBeforeAddSubGraph(const Graph *) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyBeforeAddSubGraph(Graph *, const Graph *sg) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyBeforeDelDescendantGraph(const Graph *) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyBeforeDelLocalProperty(const std::string &) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyBeforeDelSubGraph(const Graph *) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyBeforeDelSubGraph(Graph *, const Graph *sg) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyBeforeSetAttribute(const std::string &) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyBeforeSetAttribute(Graph *, const std::string &name) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyBeforeSetEnds(const edge e) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyBeforeSetEnds(Graph *, const edge e) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyDelEdge(const edge e) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyDelEdge(Graph *, const edge e) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyDelLocalProperty(Graph *, const std::string &name) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyDelNode(const node n) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyDelNode(Graph *, const node n) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyDestroy() (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyDestroy(Graph *) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyObservers() | tlp::Observable | protected |
notifyRemoveAttribute(const std::string &) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyRemoveAttribute(Graph *, const std::string &name) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
notifyReverseEdge(const edge e) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protected |
notifyReverseEdge(Graph *, const edge e) (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlineprotected |
numberOfDescendantGraphs() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
numberOfEdges() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
numberOfNodes() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
numberOfSubGraphs() const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
Observable() (defined in tlp::Observable) | tlp::Observable | protected |
Observable(const Observable &) (defined in tlp::Observable) | tlp::Observable | protected |
observableDeleted() | tlp::Observable | protected |
observersHoldCounter() | tlp::Observable | inlinestatic |
openMetaNode(node n, bool updateProperties=true) | tlp::Graph | |
operator=(const Observable &) (defined in tlp::Observable) | tlp::Observable | protected |
opposite(const edge e, const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
outdeg(const node n) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
pop(bool unpopAllowed=true)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
PropertyInterface (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | friend |
PropertyManager (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | friend |
push(bool unpopAllowed=true, std::vector< PropertyInterface * > *propertiesToPreserveOnPop=NULL)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
removeAttribute(const std::string &name) | tlp::Graph | inline |
removeEdge(const edge)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
removeListener(Observable *const listener) const | tlp::Observable | |
removeNode(const node)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
removeObserver(Observable *const observerver) const | tlp::Observable | |
removeSubGraph(Graph *)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
renameLocalProperty(PropertyInterface *prop, const std::string &newName)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
reserveEdges(unsigned int nbEdges)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
reserveNodes(unsigned int nbNodes)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
restoreEdge(edge, node source, node target)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
restoreEdges(const std::vector< edge > &edges, const std::vector< std::pair< node, node > > &ends)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
restoreNode(node)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
restoreNodes(const std::vector< node > &nodes)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
restoreSubGraph(Graph *)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
reverse(const edge e)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
sendEvent(const Event &message) | tlp::Observable | protected |
setAttribute(const std::string &name, const ATTRIBUTETYPE &value) | tlp::Graph | |
setAttribute(const std::string &name, const DataType *value) | tlp::Graph | |
setEdgeOrder(const node n, const std::vector< edge > &edges)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
setEnds(const edge e, const node source, const node target)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
setName(const std::string &name)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
setSource(const edge e, const node source)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
setSubGraphToKeep(Graph *)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
setSuperGraph(Graph *)=0 (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
setTarget(const edge e, const node target)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
source(const edge e) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
swapEdgeOrder(const node n, const edge e1, const edge e2)=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
target(const edge e) const =0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
treatEvent(const Event &message) | tlp::Observable | protectedvirtual |
treatEvents(const std::vector< Event > &events) | tlp::Observable | protectedvirtual |
unholdObservers() | tlp::Observable | static |
unpop()=0 | tlp::Graph | pure virtual |
~Graph() (defined in tlp::Graph) | tlp::Graph | inlinevirtual |
~Observable() (defined in tlp::Observable) | tlp::Observable | protectedvirtual |