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tlp::LayoutProperty Class Reference

#include <LayoutProperty.h>

Inherits tlp::MinMaxProperty< nodeType, edgeType, propType >.

Public Member Functions

 LayoutProperty (Graph *graph, std::string name="", bool updateOnEdgeReversal=true)
std::vector< double > angularResolutions (const node n, const Graph *subgraph=NULL) const
double averageAngularResolution (const Graph *subgraph=NULL) const
double averageAngularResolution (const node n, const Graph *subgraph=NULL) const
double averageEdgeLength (const Graph *subgraph=NULL) const
void center (Graph *subgraph=NULL)
void center (const Vec3f &newCenter, Graph *subgraph=NULL)
PropertyInterfaceclonePrototype (Graph *, const std::string &)
void computeEmbedding (Graph *subgraph=NULL)
void computeEmbedding (const node n, Graph *subgraph=NULL)
double edgeLength (const edge e) const
Coord getMax (Graph *subgraph=NULL)
Coord getMin (Graph *subgraph=NULL)
std::string getTypename () const
void normalize (Graph *subgraph=NULL)
void perfectAspectRatio ()
void rotateX (const double &alpha, Graph *subgraph=NULL)
void rotateX (const double &alpha, Iterator< node > *itNodes, Iterator< edge > *itEdges)
void rotateY (const double &alpha, Graph *subgraph=NULL)
void rotateY (const double &alpha, Iterator< node > *itNodes, Iterator< edge > *itEdges)
void rotateZ (const double &alpha, Graph *subgraph=NULL)
void rotateZ (const double &alpha, Iterator< node > *itNodes, Iterator< edge > *itEdges)
void scale (const Vec3f &scaleFactors, Graph *subgraph=NULL)
void scale (const Vec3f &scaleFactors, Iterator< node > *itNodes, Iterator< edge > *itEdges)
virtual void setAllEdgeValue (const std::vector< Coord > &v)
virtual void setAllNodeValue (const Coord &v)
virtual void setEdgeValue (const edge, const std::vector< Coord > &v)
virtual void setNodeValue (const node, const Coord &v)
void translate (const Vec3f &move, Graph *subgraph=NULL)
void translate (const Vec3f &move, Iterator< node > *itNodes, Iterator< edge > *itEdges)
- Public Member Functions inherited from tlp::MinMaxProperty< nodeType, edgeType, propType >
 MinMaxProperty (tlp::Graph *graph, std::string name, typename nodeType::RealType NodeMin, typename nodeType::RealType NodeMax, typename edgeType::RealType EdgeMin, typename edgeType::RealType EdgeMax)
edgeType::RealType getEdgeMax (Graph *graph=NULL)
edgeType::RealType getEdgeMin (Graph *graph=NULL)
nodeType::RealType getNodeMax (Graph *graph=NULL)
nodeType::RealType getNodeMin (Graph *graph=NULL)
void updateAllEdgesValues (typename edgeType::RealType newValue)
void updateAllNodesValues (typename nodeType::RealType newValue)
void updateEdgeValue (tlp::edge e, tlp::LineType::RealType newValue)
void updateEdgeValue (tlp::edge e, typename edgeType::RealType newValue)
void updateNodeValue (tlp::node n, typename nodeType::RealType newValue)
- Public Member Functions inherited from tlp::AbstractProperty< nodeType, edgeType, propType >
 AbstractProperty (Graph *, std::string n="")
int compare (const node n1, const node n2) const
int compare (const edge e1, const edge e2) const
virtual void computeMetaValue (node n, Graph *sg, Graph *mg)
virtual void computeMetaValue (edge e, tlp::Iterator< edge > *itE, Graph *mg)
virtual bool copy (const node destination, const node source, PropertyInterface *property, bool ifNotDefault=false)
virtual bool copy (const edge destination, const edge source, PropertyInterface *property, bool ifNotDefault=false)
virtual void copy (PropertyInterface *property)
virtual void erase (const node n)
virtual void erase (const edge e)
virtual DataMem * getEdgeDataMemValue (const edge e) const
virtual DataMem * getEdgeDefaultDataMemValue () const
virtual std::string getEdgeDefaultStringValue () const
virtual edgeType::RealType getEdgeDefaultValue () const
virtual std::string getEdgeStringValue (const edge e) const
virtual tlp::StoredType
< typename edgeType::RealType >
getEdgeValue (const edge e) const
virtual DataMem * getNodeDataMemValue (const node n) const
virtual DataMem * getNodeDefaultDataMemValue () const
virtual std::string getNodeDefaultStringValue () const
virtual nodeType::RealType getNodeDefaultValue () const
virtual std::string getNodeStringValue (const node n) const
virtual tlp::StoredType
< typename nodeType::RealType >
getNodeValue (const node n) const
virtual DataMem * getNonDefaultDataMemValue (const node n) const
virtual DataMem * getNonDefaultDataMemValue (const edge e) const
virtual tlp::Iterator< edge > * getNonDefaultValuatedEdges (const Graph *g=NULL) const
virtual tlp::Iterator< node > * getNonDefaultValuatedNodes (const Graph *g=NULL) const
virtual AbstractProperty
< nodeType, edgeType, propType > & 
operator= (AbstractProperty< nodeType, edgeType, propType > &prop)
virtual void setAllEdgeDataMemValue (const DataMem *v)
virtual bool setAllEdgeStringValue (const std::string &inV)
virtual void setAllEdgeValue (const typename edgeType::RealType &v)
virtual void setAllNodeDataMemValue (const DataMem *v)
virtual bool setAllNodeStringValue (const std::string &inV)
virtual void setAllNodeValue (const typename nodeType::RealType &v)
virtual void setEdgeDataMemValue (const edge e, const DataMem *v)
virtual bool setEdgeStringValue (const edge inE, const std::string &inV)
virtual void setEdgeValue (const edge e, const typename edgeType::RealType &v)
virtual void setMetaValueCalculator (PropertyInterface::MetaValueCalculator *mvCalc)
virtual void setNodeDataMemValue (const node n, const DataMem *v)
virtual bool setNodeStringValue (const node inN, const std::string &inV)
virtual void setNodeValue (const node n, const typename nodeType::RealType &v)

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string propertyTypename

Protected Member Functions

virtual void clone_handler (AbstractProperty< tlp::PointType, tlp::LineType > &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from tlp::MinMaxProperty< nodeType, edgeType, propType >
void computeMinMaxEdge (Graph *graph)
void computeMinMaxNode (Graph *sg)
void computeMinMaxNode (Graph *graph)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from tlp::AbstractProperty< nodeType, edgeType, propType >
virtual void clone_handler (AbstractProperty< nodeType, edgeType, propType > &)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from tlp::MinMaxProperty< nodeType, edgeType, propType >
edgeType::RealType _edgeMax
edgeType::RealType _edgeMin
nodeType::RealType _nodeMax
nodeType::RealType _nodeMin
TLP_HASH_MAP< unsigned int, bool > edgeValueUptodate
TLP_HASH_MAP< unsigned int,
typename edgeType::RealType > 
TLP_HASH_MAP< unsigned int,
typename nodeType::RealType > 
TLP_HASH_MAP< unsigned int,
typename edgeType::RealType > 
TLP_HASH_MAP< unsigned int,
typename nodeType::RealType > 
TLP_HASH_MAP< unsigned int, bool > nodeValueUptodate

Detailed Description

A graph property that maps a tlp::Coord value to graph nodes and std::vector<tlp::Coord> for edges.

clique_import/cliqueimport.cpp, and graph_display/graph_display.cpp.

Definition at line 48 of file LayoutProperty.h.

Member Function Documentation

std::vector<double> tlp::LayoutProperty::angularResolutions ( const node  n,
const Graph subgraph = NULL 
) const

Returns a vector of all angular resolution of a node. It is only defined for 2D drawing, meaning the third coordinate is omitted

nthe graph node on which to compute the angular resolution
subgraphIf not null, only computes the average angular resolution for the node in that sub-graph
double tlp::LayoutProperty::averageAngularResolution ( const Graph subgraph = NULL) const

Returns the average angular resolution of the layout. It is only defined for 2D drawing, meaning the third coordinate is omitted

subgraphIt not null, only computes the average angular resolution for that sub-graph
double tlp::LayoutProperty::averageAngularResolution ( const node  n,
const Graph subgraph = NULL 
) const

Returns the average angular resolution of a node. It is only defined for 2D drawing, meaning the third coordinate is omitted

nthe graph node on which to compute the angular resolution
subgraphIf not null, only computes the average angular resolution for the node in that sub-graph
double tlp::LayoutProperty::averageEdgeLength ( const Graph subgraph = NULL) const

Returns the average edge length of the layout, the bends are taken into account

subgraphIf not null, only compute the average edge length for that sub-graph
void tlp::LayoutProperty::center ( Graph subgraph = NULL)

Centers the layout, meaning translating it in order that the center of its bounding box is (0,0,0)

subgraphIf not null, only centers the layout of that sub-graph
void tlp::LayoutProperty::center ( const Vec3f &  newCenter,
Graph subgraph = NULL 

Centers the layout to newCenter, meaning translating it in order that the center of its bounding box is equal to newCenter

newCenterthe coordinate of the new layout center
subgraphIf not null, only centers the layout of that sub-graph
void tlp::LayoutProperty::computeEmbedding ( Graph subgraph = NULL)

Fixes embedding of the graph according to the layout ie. sort edges around nodes according to their neighbors/bends position in the layout/ Only works in 2D, the third coordinate is not taken into account.

subgraphIt not null, only fixes embedding in that sub-graph
void tlp::LayoutProperty::computeEmbedding ( const node  n,
Graph subgraph = NULL 

Fixes embedding of the node according to the layout ie. sort edges around the node according to its neighbors/bends position in the layout/ Only work in 2D, the third coordinate is not taken into account.

nthe graph node on which to fix embedding
subgraphIf not null, only fixes the embedding of the node in that sub-graph
double tlp::LayoutProperty::edgeLength ( const edge  e) const

Returns the length of an edge, the bends are taken into account. Thus, it measure the length of a polyline.

ethe graph edge on which to compute its length
this function only measure the length of the polyline between bends, when using curves like Bézier etc... the result will not be the length of the curve.
Coord tlp::LayoutProperty::getMax ( Graph subgraph = NULL)

Returns the maximum coordinate of the layout, i.e. the top-right corner of the induced bounding box

subgraphIf not null, returns the maximum coordinate for a sub-graph layout
Coord tlp::LayoutProperty::getMin ( Graph subgraph = NULL)

Returns the minimum coordinate of the layout, i.e. the bottom-left corner of the induced bounding box

subgraphIf not null, returns the minimum coordinate for a sub-graph layout
void tlp::LayoutProperty::normalize ( Graph subgraph = NULL)

Normalizes the layout, meaning dividing each nodes and edges coordinate by the maximum magnitude of the whole coordinates set

subgraphIf not null, only normalizes the layout of that sub-graph
void tlp::LayoutProperty::perfectAspectRatio ( )

Scales the layout in order to approach an aspect ratio (width / height) of 1.0 .

void tlp::LayoutProperty::rotateX ( const double &  alpha,
Graph subgraph = NULL 

Rotates the layout around the X-axis according to an angle in degrees.

alphaan angle in degrees
subgraphIf not null, only rotates the layout of that sub-graph
void tlp::LayoutProperty::rotateX ( const double &  alpha,
Iterator< node > *  itNodes,
Iterator< edge > *  itEdges 

Rotates the layout around the X-axis of the nodes and edges provided through iterators according to an angle in degrees.

alphaan angle in degrees
itNodesan iterator on graph nodes
itEdgesan iterator on graph edges
The iterators are not deleted
void tlp::LayoutProperty::rotateY ( const double &  alpha,
Graph subgraph = NULL 

Rotates the layout around the Y-axis according to an angle in degrees.

alphaan angle in degrees
subgraphIf not null, only rotates the layout of that sub-graph
void tlp::LayoutProperty::rotateY ( const double &  alpha,
Iterator< node > *  itNodes,
Iterator< edge > *  itEdges 

Rotates the layout around the Y-axis of the nodes and edges provided through iterators according to an angle in degrees.

alphaan angle in degrees
itNodesan iterator on graph nodes
itEdgesan iterator on graph edges
The iterators are not deleted
void tlp::LayoutProperty::rotateZ ( const double &  alpha,
Graph subgraph = NULL 

Rotates the layout around the Z-axis according to an angle in degrees.

alphaan angle in degrees
subgraphIf not null, only rotates the layout of that sub-graph
void tlp::LayoutProperty::rotateZ ( const double &  alpha,
Iterator< node > *  itNodes,
Iterator< edge > *  itEdges 

Rotates the layout around the Z-axis of the nodes and edges provided through iterators according to an angle in degrees.

alphaan angle in degrees
itNodesan iterator on graph nodes
itEdgesan iterator on graph edges
The iterators are not deleted
void tlp::LayoutProperty::scale ( const Vec3f &  scaleFactors,
Graph subgraph = NULL 

Scales the current layout according to a vector of scale factors (sx, sy, sz).

scaleFactorsa vector of scale factors
subgraphIf not null, only scales the layout of that sub-graph
void tlp::LayoutProperty::scale ( const Vec3f &  scaleFactors,
Iterator< node > *  itNodes,
Iterator< edge > *  itEdges 

Scales the layout of a set of nodes and edges provided through iterators according to a vector of scale factors (sx, sy, sz).

scaleFactorsa vector of scale factors
itNodesan iterator on graph nodes
itEdgesan iterator on graph edges
The iterators are not deleted
virtual void tlp::LayoutProperty::setNodeValue ( const node  ,
const Coord &  v 

Returns the number of crossings in the layout

void tlp::LayoutProperty::translate ( const Vec3f &  move,
Graph subgraph = NULL 

Translates the current layout according to a movement vector

movea movement vector
subgraphIf not null, only translates the layout of that sub-graph
void tlp::LayoutProperty::translate ( const Vec3f &  move,
Iterator< node > *  itNodes,
Iterator< edge > *  itEdges 

Translates the layout of a set of nodes and edges provided through iterators according to a movement vector

movea movement vector
itNodesan iterator on graph nodes
itEdgesan iterator on graph edges
The iterators are not deleted