63/** \brief A convenient class to perform Zoom and Pan animation on Tulip OpenGL scene
64 *
65 * This class allow to perform a smooth and efficient zooming and panning on Tulip OpenGL scene.
66 * The algorithm used to perform this task is the one published in: Jarke J. van Wijk and Wim A.A. Nuij, "Smooth and efficient zooming and panning"
67 * For more details, the paper can be downloaded at the following url: http://www.win.tue.nl/~vanwijk/zoompan.pdf
68 * Even if this class contains the whole Zoom and Pan implementation, it is not aimed to be used directly because its role is only to compute new camera parameters.
69 * Use the derived class QtGlSceneZoomAndPanAnimator in the tulip-gui library instead to perform the animation.
80 * \param glScene the Tulip OpenGL scene on which to perform zooming and panning
81 * \param boundingBox the bounding box in scene coordinates on which the Tulip OpenGL scene has to be zoomed and panned.
82 * At the end of the animation, the viewport will be zoomed and centered on the content of that bounding box.
83 * \param layerName The name of the layer animation should be done on
84 * \param nbAnimationSteps the number of steps to perform during the animation
85 * \param optimalPath if true zooming and panning will be combined at each step of the animation, if false the scene will be zoomed out/in, panned then zoomed in/out
86 * \param p zoom/pan trade-off parameter, adjust it according to your needs