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tlp::GlMainView Class Reference

#include <GlMainView.h>

Inherits tlp::ViewWidget.

Public Slots

void applySettings ()
virtual void centerView (bool graphChanged=false)
virtual void draw ()
virtual void drawOverview (bool generatePixmap=true)
void openSnapshotDialog ()
void redraw ()
virtual void refresh ()
void setOverviewVisible (bool)
void setViewOrtho (bool)
void undoCallback ()
- Public Slots inherited from tlp::ViewWidget
virtual void draw ()
virtual void setupUi ()
- Public Slots inherited from tlp::View
void addRedrawTrigger (tlp::Observable *)
virtual void applySettings ()
virtual void centerView (bool graphChanged=false)
void clearRedrawTriggers ()
virtual void draw ()=0
void emitDrawNeededSignal ()
virtual void refresh ()
void removeRedrawTrigger (tlp::Observable *)
void setCurrentInteractor (tlp::Interactor *currentInteractor)
void setGraph (tlp::Graph *graph)
void setInteractors (const QList< tlp::Interactor * > &)
virtual void setState (const tlp::DataSet &)=0
virtual void setupUi ()=0
void showContextMenu (const QPoint &point, const QPointF &scenePoint)
virtual void treatEvent (const Event &)
virtual void undoCallback ()

Public Member Functions

virtual QList< QWidget * > configurationWidgets () const
tlp::GlMainWidgetgetGlMainWidget () const
bool overviewVisible () const
QPixmap snapshot (const QSize &outputSize=QSize()) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from tlp::ViewWidget
virtual QGraphicsView * graphicsView () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from tlp::View
 View ()
virtual ~View ()
virtual std::string category () const
tlp::InteractorcurrentInteractor () const
tlp::Graphgraph () const
std::string icon () const
QList< tlp::Interactor * > interactors () const
virtual tlp::DataSet state () const =0
void treatEvents (const std::vector< Event > &events)
QSet< tlp::Observable * > triggers () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from tlp::Plugin
virtual std::string author () const =0
virtual std::string date () const =0
virtual std::string group () const =0
virtual int id () const
virtual std::string info () const =0
virtual std::string major () const
virtual std::string minor () const
virtual std::string name () const =0
virtual std::string programmingLanguage () const
virtual std::string release () const =0
virtual std::string tulipMajor () const
virtual std::string tulipMinor () const
virtual std::string tulipRelease () const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from tlp::WithParameter
template<typename T >
void addInOutParameter (const std::string &name, const std::string &help=std::string(), const std::string &defaultValue=std::string(), bool isMandatory=true)
template<typename T >
void addInParameter (const std::string &name, const std::string &help, const std::string &defaultValue, bool isMandatory=true)
template<typename T >
void addOutParameter (const std::string &name, const std::string &help=std::string(), const std::string &defaultValue=std::string(), bool isMandatory=true)
template<typename T >
void addParameter (const std::string &name, const std::string &help=std::string(), const std::string &defaultValue=std::string(), bool isMandatory=true)
getParameters () const
bool inputRequired () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from tlp::WithDependency
void addDependency (const char *name, const char *release)
const std::list< Dependency > & dependencies () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from tlp::Observable
void addListener (Observable *const listener) const
void addObserver (Observable *const observer) const
unsigned int countListeners () const
unsigned int countObservers () const
unsigned int getReceived () const
unsigned int getSent () const
void removeListener (Observable *const listener) const
void removeObserver (Observable *const observerver) const

Protected Slots

void fillContextMenu (QMenu *menu, const QPointF &)
virtual void glMainViewDrawn (bool graphChanged)
virtual void sceneRectChanged (const QRectF &)
void setQuickAccessBarVisible (bool)
- Protected Slots inherited from tlp::ViewWidget
virtual void currentInteractorChanged (tlp::Interactor *)
virtual void graphDeleted (Graph *parentGraph)
- Protected Slots inherited from tlp::View
virtual void currentInteractorChanged (tlp::Interactor *)
virtual void fillContextMenu (QMenu *, const QPointF &)
virtual void graphChanged (tlp::Graph *)=0
virtual void graphDeleted (tlp::Graph *parentGraph)=0
virtual void interactorsInstalled (const QList< tlp::Interactor * > &interactors)

Protected Member Functions

void assignNewGlMainWidget (GlMainWidget *glMainWidget, bool deleteOldGlMainWidget=true)
bool eventFilter (QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
tlp::GlOverviewGraphicsItem * overviewItem () const
bool quickAccessBarVisible () const
virtual void setupWidget ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from tlp::ViewWidget
void addToScene (QGraphicsItem *item)
virtual QGraphicsItem * centralItem () const
void removeFromScene (QGraphicsItem *item)
void setCentralWidget (QWidget *, bool deleteOldCentralWidget=true)
QPixmap snapshot (const QSize &outputSize=QSize()) const

Protected Attributes

tlp::QuickAccessBar * _quickAccessBar
tlp::SceneConfigWidget * _sceneConfigurationWidget
tlp::SceneLayersConfigWidget * _sceneLayersConfigurationWidget

Additional Inherited Members

- Signals inherited from tlp::View
void drawNeeded ()
void graphSet (tlp::Graph *)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from tlp::Observable
static ObservablegetObject (tlp::node n)
static const tlp::VectorGraph & getObservableGraph ()
static void holdObservers ()
static bool isAlive (tlp::node n)
static unsigned int observersHoldCounter ()
static void unholdObservers ()

Detailed Description

An abstract view that displays a GlMainWidget as its central widget.

The GlMainView subclasses ViewWidget and always uses a GlMainWidget as the central widget of the panel. It also adds the following features:

  • An overview of the scene that can be toggled on or off.
  • Some configuration widgets that modify the rendering parameters.
  • A quick access bar widget that allows the user to quickly modify some of the most used rendering parameters and graph properties (nodes color, edges display, etc)
  • The possibility to make snapshots of the current scene

Subclassing GlMainView means you will only want to display graphs in a single GlMainWidget. Switching the central widget can only be achieved from the ViewWidget class.

It is strongly unadvised to re-implement methods already implemented into tlp::View or tlp::ViewWidget. If you have to add custom behavior to those method, make sure to call the upper-class methods first:
void MyView::setupWidget() { // Where MyView is a subclass of tlp::GlMainView
GlMainView::setupWidget(); // call this first
// insert custom behavior here
See Also

Definition at line 61 of file GlMainView.h.

Member Function Documentation

void tlp::GlMainView::applySettings ( )

Force the settings set in the configuration widgets to be re-applied.

virtual void tlp::GlMainView::centerView ( bool  graphChanged = false)

Centers the scene's camera.

virtual QList<QWidget*> tlp::GlMainView::configurationWidgets ( ) const
a list of widgets that can be used to set up the view. Since several widgets can be retrived, user will be able to select them from a combo box where each widget will be identified by its windowsTitle.
See Also
This method must not instantiate configuration widgets on the fly.

Reimplemented from tlp::View.

virtual void tlp::GlMainView::draw ( )
virtual void tlp::GlMainView::drawOverview ( bool  generatePixmap = true)

Force the overview to be redrawn. Since GlMainView already detects graph's modifications, this method should not be called manually to avoid extra rendering.

void tlp::GlMainView::openSnapshotDialog ( )

Display a dialog that takes a snapshot of the current scene.

void tlp::GlMainView::redraw ( )
virtual void tlp::GlMainView::refresh ( )
void tlp::GlMainView::setOverviewVisible ( bool  )

Toggles the overview on or off.

virtual void tlp::GlMainView::setupWidget ( )

Sets up the central widget. This is similar to View::setupUi in the sense that the purpose of setupWidget is to construct the GUI element.

This method MUST call the setCentralWidget to provide the ViewWidget with a valid widget.

Implements tlp::ViewWidget.

void tlp::GlMainView::setViewOrtho ( bool  )

Toggles the orthogonal projection on or off, then draws.

QPixmap tlp::GlMainView::snapshot ( const QSize &  outputSize = QSize()) const

Takes a snapshot of the view's screen and saves it into the given pixmap. The snapshot is scaled to outputSize. If a null size is given, the snapshot is to be on a 1:1 ratio.

A non-null pixmap of the snapshot was correctly taken.

Implements tlp::View.