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tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters Class Reference

#include <GlGraphRenderingParameters.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

That class defines all the paremters used by the GlGraph class during the rendering of a graph.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::GlGraphRenderingParameters ( )

Member Function Documentation

BooleanProperty* tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getDisplayFilteringProperty ( ) const [inline]

Get the boolean property use to filtering displaying of nodes/edges

int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getEdgesLabelStencil ( )

get stencil number for edges label

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getEdgesMaxSizeToNodesSize ( ) const

return if Edge max size is block to node size

int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getEdgesStencil ( )

get stencil number for edges

tlp::DoubleProperty* tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getElementOrderingProperty ( ) const

Gets the property used for element ordering. Setting it to NULL will use viewMetric if the ordering is enabled.

:DoubleProperty* The Property curretly used.
bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getFeedbackRender ( )

return true if the graph is draw with feedback information

std::string tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getFontsPath ( )

return the absolute path used for the fonts loading

unsigned int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getFontsType ( ) const

return the type of fonts used in the renderer(0=3D,1=bitmap,2=texture)

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getLabelsAreBillboarded ( ) [inline]

return if labels are billboarded

unsigned int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getLabelsBorder ( ) const

Get the size of the border that is added to any label when using bitmap fonts.

Use getLabelsDensity instead
int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getLabelsDensity ( )

Return labels density This density must be in interval -100 100 -100 : No labels 0 : No overlap 100 : All labels

int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getMaxSizeOfLabel ( )

return max size of label : this max size is only used if labels aren't be scaled

int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getMetaNodesLabelStencil ( )

get stencil number for meta-nodes label

int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getMetaNodesStencil ( )

get stencil number for meta-nodes

int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getMinSizeOfLabel ( )

return min size of label : this min size is only used if labels aren't be scaled

int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getNodesLabelStencil ( )

get stencil number for nodes label

int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getNodesStencil ( )

get stencil number for nodes

DataSet tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getParameters ( ) const
float tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getPointModeLOD ( ) const

Gets the LOD below which the point mode is activated.

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getPolylines3DAreBicolored ( ) [inline]

return if polylines are bicolored

int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getSelectedEdgesStencil ( )

get stencil number for selected edges

int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getSelectedMetaNodesStencil ( )

get stencil number for selected meta-nodes

int tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getSelectedNodesStencil ( )

get stencil number for selected nodes

Color tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getSelectionColor ( )

return the selection color

std::string tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getTexturePath ( ) const

return the absolute path used for texture loading

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isAntialiased ( ) const

return true if antialiasing is activated else false.

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isDisplayEdges ( ) const

return true if edges are displayed.

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isDisplayMetaNodes ( ) const

return true if meta-nodes are displayed.

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isDisplayNodes ( ) const

return true if nodes are displayed.

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isEdge3D ( ) const

return true if 3D drawing of edges is activated

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isEdgeColorInterpolate ( ) const

return true if color interpolation is activated

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isEdgeSizeInterpolate ( ) const

return true if color interpolation is activated

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isElementOrdered ( ) const

return true if element ordering is activated

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isElementZOrdered ( ) const

return true if element Z ordering is activated

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isIncrementalRendering ( ) const

return the incremental rendering state

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isLabelOverlaped ( )

return if labels can be overlaped

Use getLabelsDensity instead
bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isLabelScaled ( )

return if labels are scaled to node size

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isViewArrow ( ) const

return true if arrows drawing is activated else false.

See also:
bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isViewEdgeLabel ( ) const

return true if drawing of nodes' labels is activated.

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isViewMetaLabel ( ) const

return the true if viewMetaLabels is enable else false

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isViewNodeLabel ( ) const

return true if drawing of nodes' labels is activated.

bool tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::isViewOutScreenLabel ( ) const

return true if drawing of outscreen labels is activated.

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setAntialiasing ( const bool  state)

activate or deactivate anlialiasing

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setDisplayEdges ( const bool  state)

If true edges are displayed.

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setDisplayFilteringProperty ( BooleanProperty *  filteringProperty) [inline]

This property is use to filter nodes/edges display, for a node/edge if this property is false : the node/edge will not be diplayed Warning : this property will not be saved in DataSet

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setDisplayMetaNodes ( const bool  state)

If true meta-nodes are displayed.

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setDisplayNodes ( const bool  state)

If true nodes are displayed.

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setEdge3D ( const bool  state)

if true use 3D displaying of edges instead of 2D lines on ALL edges

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setEdgeColorInterpolate ( const bool  state)

activate or deactivate interpolation of nodes colors along edge

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setEdgeSizeInterpolate ( const bool  state)

activate or deactivate interpolation of nodes colors along edge

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setEdgesLabelStencil ( const int  stencil)

set stencil number for edges label

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setEdgesMaxSizeToNodesSize ( const bool  b)

set if Edge max size is block to node size

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setEdgesStencil ( const int  stencil)

set stencil number for edges

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setElementOrdered ( const bool  state)

If true node and edges are ordered according to the viewMetric property

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setElementOrderingProperty ( tlp::DoubleProperty *  property)

Defines which property is used for the element ordering.

propertyThe property to use to order the elements.
void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setElementZOrdered ( const bool  state)

If true node and edges are ordered according to the distance with camera

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setFeedbackRender ( bool  feedback)

if true draw graph with feedback information (very low)

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setFontsPath ( const std::string &  path)

set the absolute path used for the fonts loading

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setFontsType ( unsigned int  type)

set fonts type used in the renderer (0=3D,1=bitmap,2=texture)

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setIncrementalRendering ( const bool  state)

if true glgraph use the incremental rendering else display all elements in one pass

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setLabelOverlaped ( bool  state)

Set if labels can be overlaped

Use setLabelsDensity instead
void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setLabelsAreBillboarded ( bool  billboarded) [inline]

Set if labels are billboarded

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setLabelsBorder ( const unsigned  int)

Get the size of the border that is added to any label when using bitmap fonts. Setting this parameter to a high value enables de reduce the label density in the final drawing. Default value is set to 2 which enables readable labels.

Use setLabelsDensity instead
void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setLabelScaled ( bool  state)

Set if labels are scaled to node size

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setLabelsDensity ( int  density)

Set labels density This density must be in interval -100 100 -100 : No labels 0 : No overlap 100 : All labels

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setMaxSizeOfLabel ( int  size)

Set max size of label : this max size is only used if labels aren't be scaled

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setMetaNodesLabelStencil ( const int  stencil)

set stencil number for meta-nodes label

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setMetaNodesStencil ( const int  stencil)

set stencil number for meta-nodes

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setMinSizeOfLabel ( int  size)

Set min size of label : this min size is only used if labels aren't be scaled

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setNodesLabelStencil ( const int  stencil)

set stencil number for nodes label

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setNodesStencil ( const int  stencil)

set stencil number for nodes

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setParameters ( const DataSet &  )
void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setPointModeLOD ( const float  pointModeLOD)

Sets the LOD below which the point mode is activated. If the lod is strictly less than the value, the point mode will be activated.

pointModeLODThe LOD at which to enable point mode.
void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setPolylines3DAreBicolored ( bool  bicolored) [inline]

Set if polylines are bicolored

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setSelectedEdgesStencil ( const int  stencil)

set stencil number for selected edges

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setSelectedMetaNodesStencil ( const int  stencil)

set stencil number for selected meta-nodes

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setSelectedNodesStencil ( const int  stencil)

set stencil number for selected nodes

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setSelectionColor ( const Color &  color)

Change the selection color

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setTexturePath ( const std::string &  path)

set the path for the texture loading

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setViewArrow ( const bool  state)

activate or deactivate displaying of arrows along the graph's edges.

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setViewEdgeLabel ( const bool  state)

activate or deactivate displaying of labels on nodes.

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setViewMetaLabel ( const bool  state)

If true and if labels are activated label inside meta nodes will be displayed

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setViewNodeLabel ( const bool  state)

activate or deactivate displaying of labels on nodes.

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setViewOutScreenLabel ( const bool  state)

activate or deactivate displaying of labels outside the screen.

Tulip Software by LaBRI Visualization Team    2001 - 2012