Tulip  4.6.0
Better Visualization Through Research
tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters Class Reference

#include <GlGraphRenderingParameters.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GlGraphRenderingParameters ()
BooleanPropertygetDisplayFilteringProperty () const
int getEdgesLabelStencil () const
bool getEdgesMaxSizeToNodesSize () const
int getEdgesStencil () const
tlp::NumericPropertygetElementOrderingProperty () const
bool getFeedbackRender () const
std::string getFontsPath () const
unsigned int getFontsType () const
bool getLabelsAreBillboarded () const
unsigned int getLabelsBorder () const
int getLabelsDensity () const
int getMaxSizeOfLabel () const
int getMetaNodesLabelStencil () const
int getMetaNodesStencil () const
int getMinSizeOfLabel () const
int getNodesLabelStencil () const
int getNodesStencil () const
DataSet getParameters () const
int getSelectedEdgesStencil () const
int getSelectedMetaNodesStencil () const
int getSelectedNodesStencil () const
Color getSelectionColor () const
std::string getTexturePath () const
bool isAntialiased () const
bool isDisplayEdges () const
bool isDisplayMetaNodes () const
bool isDisplayNodes () const
bool isEdge3D () const
bool isEdgeColorInterpolate () const
bool isEdgeSizeInterpolate () const
bool isElementOrdered () const
bool isElementZOrdered () const
bool isLabelFixedFontSize () const
bool isLabelScaled () const
bool isViewArrow () const
bool isViewEdgeLabel () const
bool isViewMetaLabel () const
bool isViewNodeLabel () const
bool isViewOutScreenLabel () const
void setAntialiasing (const bool state)
void setDisplayEdges (const bool state)
void setDisplayFilteringProperty (BooleanProperty *filteringProperty)
void setDisplayMetaNodes (const bool state)
void setDisplayNodes (const bool state)
void setEdge3D (const bool state)
void setEdgeColorInterpolate (const bool state)
void setEdgeSizeInterpolate (const bool state)
void setEdgesLabelStencil (const int stencil)
void setEdgesMaxSizeToNodesSize (const bool b)
void setEdgesStencil (const int stencil)
void setElementOrdered (const bool state)
void setElementOrderingProperty (tlp::NumericProperty *property)
void setElementZOrdered (const bool state)
void setFeedbackRender (bool feedback)
void setFontsPath (const std::string &path)
void setFontsType (unsigned int type)
void setLabelFixedFontSize (bool state)
void setLabelsAreBillboarded (bool billboarded)
void setLabelsBorder (const unsigned int)
void setLabelScaled (bool state)
void setLabelsDensity (int density)
void setMaxSizeOfLabel (int size)
void setMetaNodesLabelStencil (const int stencil)
void setMetaNodesStencil (const int stencil)
void setMinSizeOfLabel (int size)
void setNodesLabelStencil (const int stencil)
void setNodesStencil (const int stencil)
void setParameters (const DataSet &)
void setSelectedEdgesStencil (const int stencil)
void setSelectedMetaNodesStencil (const int stencil)
void setSelectedNodesStencil (const int stencil)
void setSelectionColor (const Color &color)
void setTexturePath (const std::string &path)
void setViewArrow (const bool state)
void setViewEdgeLabel (const bool state)
void setViewMetaLabel (const bool state)
void setViewNodeLabel (const bool state)
void setViewOutScreenLabel (const bool state)

Detailed Description

That class defines all the parameters used by GlGraphComposite to render a graph.

See also:

Definition at line 38 of file GlGraphRenderingParameters.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Member Function Documentation

Get the boolean property use to filtering displaying of nodes/edges.

Definition at line 485 of file GlGraphRenderingParameters.h.

get stencil number for edges label

return if Edge max size is block to node size

get stencil number for edges

Gets the property used for element ordering. Setting it to NULL will use viewMetric if the ordering is enabled.

:NumericProperty* The Property currently used.

return true if the graph is draw with feedback information

Return the absolute path used for the fonts loading.

Return the type of fonts used in the renderer(0=3D,1=bitmap,2=texture)

return if labels are billboarded

Definition at line 462 of file GlGraphRenderingParameters.h.

Get the size of the border that is added to any label when using bitmap fonts.

Use getLabelsDensity instead

Return labels -density.

This density must be in interval -100 100 -100 : No labels 0 : No overlap 100 : All labels

return max size of label : this max size is only used if labels are not scaled and are not rendered with a fixed font size

get stencil number for meta-nodes label

get stencil number for meta-nodes

return min size of label : this min size is only used if labels are not scaled and are not rendered with a fixed font size

get stencil number for nodes label

get stencil number for nodes

Get parameters into a DataSet structure.

get stencil number for selected edges

get stencil number for selected meta-nodes

get stencil number for selected nodes

return the selection color

Return the absolute path used for texture loading.

Return true if antialiasing is activated else false.

Return true if edges are displayed.

Return true if meta-nodes are displayed.

Return true if nodes are displayed.

return true if 3D drawing of edges is activated

Return true if color interpolation is activated.

Return true if color interpolation is activated.

return true if element ordering is activated

return true if element Z ordering is activated

return if labels are rendered with a fixed font size (dynamic size otherwise)

return if labels are scaled to node size

Return true if arrows drawing is activated else false.

Return true if drawing of nodes' labels is activated.

Return the true if viewMetaLabels is enable else false.

Return true if drawing of nodes' labels is activated.

Return true if drawing of outscreen labels is activated.

activate or deactivate anlialiasing

If true edges are displayed.

This property is use to filter nodes/edges display, for a node/edge if this property is false : the node/edge will not be diplayed.

: this property will not be saved in DataSet

Definition at line 478 of file GlGraphRenderingParameters.h.

If true meta-nodes are displayed.

If true nodes are displayed.

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setEdge3D ( const bool  state)

if true use 3D displaying of edges instead of 2D lines on ALL edges

Activate or deactivate interpolation of nodes colors along edge.


Activate or deactivate interpolation of nodes colors along edge.


set stencil number for edges label

See setSelectedNodesStencil() documentation for more details on stencil number

set if Edge max size is block to node size

set stencil number for edges

See setSelectedNodesStencil() documentation for more details on stencil number

If true node and edges are ordered according to the viewMetric property.

Defines which property is used for the element ordering.

propertyThe property to use to order the elements.

If true node and edges are ordered according to the distance with camera.

if true draw graph with feedback information (very low)

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setFontsPath ( const std::string &  path)

Set the absolute path used for the fonts loading.

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setFontsType ( unsigned int  type)

Set fonts type used in the renderer (0=3D,1=bitmap,2=texture)

Set if labels must be rendered with a fixed font size (dynamic size otherwise)

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setLabelsAreBillboarded ( bool  billboarded) [inline]

Set if labels are billboarded.

Definition at line 469 of file GlGraphRenderingParameters.h.

Get the size of label border.

Get the size of the border that is added to any label when using bitmap fonts. Setting this parameter to a high value enables de reduce the label density in the final drawing. Default value is set to 2 which enables readable labels.

Use setLabelsDensity instead

Set if labels are scaled to node size


Set labels density.

This density must be in interval -100 100 -100 : No labels 0 : No overlap 100 : All labels

Set max size of label : this max size is only used if labels are not scaled and are not rendered with a fixed font size.

set stencil number for meta-nodes label

See setSelectedNodesStencil() documentation for more details on stencil number

set stencil number for meta-nodes

See setSelectedNodesStencil() documentation for more details on stencil number

Set min size of label : this min size is only used if labels are not scaled and are not rendered with a fixed font size.

set stencil number for nodes label

See setSelectedNodesStencil() documentation for more details on stencil number

set stencil number for nodes

See setSelectedNodesStencil() documentation for more details on stencil number

Set parameters with a DataSet structure.

set stencil number for selected edges

See setSelectedNodesStencil() documentation for more details on stencil number

set stencil number for selected meta-nodes

See setSelectedNodesStencil() documentation for more details on stencil number

set stencil number for selected nodes

Stencil is an OpenGl system to ensure that other entity can't be displayed above this entity. It's a "guaranted visibility" system. A small number causes a guaranted visibility Default value in Tulip is 0xFFFF (greater integer) And when we have stencil on entity value is 0x2

Change the selection color.

void tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setTexturePath ( const std::string &  path)

Set the path for the texture loading.

Activate or deactivate displaying of arrows along the graph's edges.


Activate or deactivate displaying of labels on nodes.

If true and if labels are activated label inside meta nodes will be displayed.

Activate or deactivate displaying of labels on nodes.

Activate or deactivate displaying of labels outside the screen.

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