Dependencies list ================= Cmake 2.6 (see Tulip 4.2 (see Boost 1.49 (see Note on BOOST library compilation ================================= Use the bootstrap script located in root directory of boost to build bjam (sh on linux and mac and call bootstrap.bat on windows). Command to create the version of Boost for Porgy. b2 --build-dir=the/build/directory link=static --toolset=(darwin|gcc|msvc-10.0) --variant=release --without-date_time --without-filesystem --without-graph --without-graph_parallel --without-iostreams --without-math --without-mpi --without-program_options --without-python --without-random --without-serialization --without-signals --without-system --without-test --without-thread --without-wave --without-regexp stage Use the right toolset in function of your build environment (darwin on Mac gcc on Linux and Windows with MINGW and msvc-10.0 for windows with Visual Studio 2010). If you build on MacOS you must add these flags. address-model=32_64 architecture=x86 --toolset=darwin If you build on a Linux AMD64 you need to add "cxxflags=-fPIC". Basic compilation instruction ============================= Porgy uses CMake as its build system. The simplest way to compile this package is: 1. Download the latest version of Tulip from (source package) 2. Decompress the Porgy Package in a folder Porgy in the externalplugins directory of the Tulip distribution 3. Go to the top level directory of the tulip soures, and create a `build` directory. Go to this `build` folder, and type `cmake ..` (or `cmake-gui` if you prefer the visual interface of CMake) . This will check for all of Tulip and Porgy's dependencies, and warn if some are missing. If dependencies are correctly installed Porgy will find it automatically. If you want to compile in debug (resp. Release) mode set the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable to "Debug" (resp. Release). See the CMake manual for more information. 2. Type `make` to compile. (if you have more than one core, use `-jX` where X is your number of cores + 1). 3. To install use `make install`. Porgy will be installed in the Tulip plugins directory found during the configuration process (1). You must have write access to the Tulip plugins directory. 4. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the source code directory by typing `make clean'. 5. To execute Porgy just launch tulip with the `tulip` command and choose the Porgy perspective or use from a command line `tulip_perspective -p Porgy`.