Tulip  5.3.1
Large graphs analysis and drawing
Deprecated List
Member tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setAllEdgeValue (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tedge::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v, const Graph *graph)
Since Tulip 5.0 this method signature is deprecated, use method setValueToGraphEdges instead
Member tlp::AbstractProperty< Tnode, Tedge, Tprop >::setAllNodeValue (typename tlp::StoredType< typename Tnode::RealType >::ReturnedConstValue v, const Graph *graph)
Since Tulip 5.0 this method signature is deprecated, use method setValueToGraphNodes instead
Member tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::getLabelsBorder () const
Use getLabelsDensity instead
Member tlp::GlGraphRenderingParameters::setLabelsBorder (const unsigned int)
Use setLabelsDensity instead
Member tlp::GlMainWidget::doSelect (const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height, std::vector< tlp::node > &sNode, std::vector< tlp::edge > &sEdge, tlp::GlLayer *layer=nullptr)
this function should not be used anymore, use pickNodesEdges()
Member tlp::GlMainWidget::doSelect (const int x, const int y, tlp::ElementType &type, tlp::node &n, tlp::edge &e, tlp::GlLayer *layer=nullptr)
this function should not be used anymore, use pickNodesEdges()
Member tlp::GlMainWidget::selectGlEntities (const int x, const int y, std::vector< GlSimpleEntity *> &pickedEntities, tlp::GlLayer *layer=nullptr)
this function should not be used anymore, please use pickGlEntities() instead.
Member tlp::GlMainWidget::selectGlEntities (const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height, std::vector< GlSimpleEntity *> &pickedEntities, tlp::GlLayer *layer=nullptr)
this function should not be used anymore, please use pickGlEntities() instead.
Member tlp::Interactor::configurationWidget () const
Use QWidget *configurationDocWidget() and/or QWidget *configurationOptionsWidget() instead
Member tlp::NodeLinkDiagramComponentInteractor::setPriority (const unsigned int p)
The priority should not be changed dynamically. Use the third argument of the constructor to initialize the priority.
Member tlp::PropertyInterface::setAllEdgeStringValue (const std::string &value, const Graph *graph)=0
Since Tulip 5.0 this method signature is deprecated use method setStringValueToGraphEdges instead
Member tlp::PropertyInterface::setAllNodeStringValue (const std::string &value, const Graph *graph)=0
Since Tulip 5.0 this method signature is deprecated use method setStringValueToGraphNodes instead