Better Visualization Through Research
This is the complete list of members for tlp::Perspective, including all inherited members.
_dependencies | tlp::WithDependency | protected |
_externalFile | tlp::Perspective | protected |
_mainWindow | tlp::Perspective | protected |
_parameters | tlp::Perspective | protected |
_project | tlp::Perspective | protected |
addDependency(const char *name, const char *release) | tlp::WithDependency | inline |
addInOutParameter(const std::string &name, const std::string &help=std::string(), const std::string &defaultValue=std::string(), bool isMandatory=true) | tlp::WithParameter | inline |
addInParameter(const std::string &name, const std::string &help, const std::string &defaultValue, bool isMandatory=true) | tlp::WithParameter | inline |
addOutParameter(const std::string &name, const std::string &help=std::string(), const std::string &defaultValue=std::string(), bool isMandatory=true) | tlp::WithParameter | inline |
addParameter(const std::string &name, const std::string &help=std::string(), const std::string &defaultValue=std::string(), bool isMandatory=true) | tlp::WithParameter | inline |
author() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
category() const | tlp::Perspective | inlinevirtual |
centerPanelsForGraph(tlp::Graph *) | tlp::Perspective | virtual |
createPerspective(const QString &name) | tlp::Perspective | protectedslot |
date() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
dependencies() const | tlp::WithDependency | inline |
getParameters() const | tlp::WithParameter | |
group() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
icon() const | tlp::Perspective | inlinevirtual |
id() const | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
info() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
inputRequired() const | tlp::WithParameter | |
instance() | tlp::Perspective | static |
IsCancellable enum value (defined in tlp::Perspective) | tlp::Perspective | |
IsPreviewable enum value (defined in tlp::Perspective) | tlp::Perspective | |
isReservedPropertyName(QString name) | tlp::Perspective | |
IsStoppable enum value (defined in tlp::Perspective) | tlp::Perspective | |
mainWindow() const | tlp::Perspective | |
major() const | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
minor() const | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
name() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
NoProgressOption enum value (defined in tlp::Perspective) | tlp::Perspective | |
openProjectFile(const QString &path) | tlp::Perspective | protectedvirtualslot |
parameters | tlp::WithParameter | protected |
Perspective(const tlp::PluginContext *c) | tlp::Perspective | |
programmingLanguage() const (defined in tlp::Plugin) | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
progress(ProgressOptions options=ProgressOptions(IsPreviewable|IsStoppable|IsCancellable)) | tlp::Perspective | virtual |
ProgressOption enum name (defined in tlp::Perspective) | tlp::Perspective | |
redrawPanels(bool center=false)=0 | tlp::Perspective | pure virtual |
registerReservedProperty(QString) | tlp::Perspective | |
release() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
setInstance(tlp::Perspective *) | tlp::Perspective | static |
showAboutPage() | tlp::Perspective | protectedslot |
showErrorMessage(const QString &title, const QString &s) | tlp::Perspective | protectedslot |
showFullScreen(bool f) | tlp::Perspective | protectedslot |
showPluginsCenter() | tlp::Perspective | protectedslot |
showProjectsPage() | tlp::Perspective | protectedslot |
showTrayMessage(const QString &s) | tlp::Perspective | protectedslot |
start(tlp::PluginProgress *progress)=0 | tlp::Perspective | pure virtual |
terminated() | tlp::Perspective | inlinevirtualslot |
tulipMajor() const | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
tulipMinor() const | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
tulipRelease() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
typedInstance() | tlp::Perspective | inlinestatic |
~Perspective() (defined in tlp::Perspective) | tlp::Perspective | virtual |
~Plugin() (defined in tlp::Plugin) | tlp::Plugin | inlinevirtual |