tulipogl module API¶
Parametric curves computation¶
- tlpogl.computeBezierPoint(controlPoints, t)¶
Computes the position of the point at t (0 <= t <= 1) along a Bezier curve defined by a set of control points.
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of tlp.Coord) – the control points of the Bezier curve
- t (float) – the curve parameter
Return type: tlp.Coord
- tlpogl.computeBezierPoints(controlPoints[, nbCurvePoints=100])¶
Computes a set of points approximating a Bezier curve.
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of tlp.Coord) – the control points of the Bezier curve
- nbCurvePoints (integer) – the number of curve points to compute
Return type: list of tlp.Coord
- tlpogl.computeCatmullRomPoint(controlPoints, t[, closedCurve=False, alpha=0.5])¶
Computes the position of the point at t (0 <= t <= 1) along a Catmull-Rom curve defined by a set of control points. The features of this type of spline are the following :
- the spline passes through all of the control points
- the spline is C1 continuous, meaning that there are no discontinuities in the tangent direction and magnitude
- the spline is not C2 continuous. The second derivative is linearly interpolated within each segment, causing the curvature to vary linearly over the length of the segment
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of tlp.Coord) – the control points of the Catmull Rom curve
- t (float) – the curve parameter
- closedCurve (boolean) – if True, the curve will be closed, meaning a Bezier segment will connect the last and first control point
- alpha (float) – curve parameterization parameter (0 <= alpha <= 1), alpha = 0 -> uniform parameterization, alpha = 0.5 -> centripetal parameterization, alpha = 1.0 -> chord-length parameterization
Return type: tlp.Coord
- tlpogl.computeCatmullRomPoints(controlPoints[, closedCurve=False, nbCurvePoints=100, alpha=0.5])¶
Computes a set of points approximating a Catmull-Rom curve.
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of tlp.Coord) – the control points of the Catmull Rom curve
- closedCurve (boolean) – if True, the curve will be closed, meaning a Bezier segment will connect the last and first control point
- nbCurvePoints (integer) – the number of curve points to compute
- alpha (floatts to compute) – curve parameterization parameter (0 <= alpha <= 1), alpha = 0 -> uniform parameterization, alpha = 0.5 -> centripetal parameterization, alpha = 1.0 -> chord-length parameterization
Return type: list of tlp.Coord
- tlpogl.computeOpenUniformBsplinePoint(controlPoints, t[, curveDegree=3])¶
Computes the position of the point at t (0 <= t <= 1) along an open uniform B-spline curve defined by a set of control points. An uniform B-spline is a piecewise collection of Bezier curves of the same degree, connected end to end. The features of this type of spline are the following :
- the spline is C^2 continuous, meaning there is no discontinuities in curvature
- the spline has local control : its parameters only affect a small part of the entire spline
A B-spline is qualified as open when it passes through its first and last control points.
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of tlp.Coord) – the control points of the B-spline curve
- t (float) – the curve parameter
- curveDegree (integer) – the B-spline degree
Return type: tlp.Coord
- tlpogl.computeOpenUniformBsplinePoints(controlPoints[, curveDegree=3, nbCurvePoints=100])¶
Computes a set of points approximating an open uniform B-spline curve.
Parameters: - controlPoints (list of tlp.Coord) – the control points of the Catmull Rom curve
- curveDegree (integer) – the B-spline degree
- nbCurvePoints (integer) – the number of curve points to compute
Return type: list of tlp.Coord
- class tlpogl.GlGraphRenderingParameters¶
New in version 4.4.
That class holds all the rendering parameters for a Tulip OpenGL graph drawing. Use tulipgui.tlpgui.NodeLinkDiagramComponent.getRenderingParameters() to get an instance on a such object.
- getDisplayFilteringProperty()¶
Returns the boolean property used to filter the rendering of graph elements.
Return type: tulip.tlp.BooleanProperty
- getEdgesLabelStencil()¶
Returns the stencil value for edges labels.
Return type: integer
- getEdgesStencil()¶
Returns the stencil value for edges.
Return type: integer
- getElementOrderingProperty()¶
Returns the double property used for the ordered rendering of graph elements.
Return type: tulip.tlp.NumericProperty
- getFontsPath()¶
Returns the absolute path used for fonts loading (.ttf files).
Return type: string
- getLabelsAreBillboarded()¶
Returns the state of the labels billboarding (always facing the camera).
Return type: boolean
- getLabelsDensity()¶
Returns the labels density value.
Return type: integer
- getMaxSizeOfLabel()¶
Returns the maximum size of labels. That value is only used if the labels are not scaled to nodes sizes.
Return type: integer
- getMetaNodesLabelStencil()¶
Returns the stencil value for meta-nodes labels.
Return type: integer
- getMetaNodesStencil()¶
Returns the stencil value for meta-nodes.
Return type: integer
- getMinSizeOfLabel()¶
Returns the minimum size of labels. That value is only used if the labels are not scaled to nodes sizes.
Return type: integer
- getNodesLabelStencil()¶
Returns the stencil value for nodes labels.
Return type: integer
- getNodesStencil()¶
Returns the stencil value for nodes.
Return type: integer
- getSelectedEdgesStencil()¶
Returns the stencil value for selected edges.
Return type: integer
- getSelectedMetaNodesStencil()¶
Returns the stencil value for selected meta-nodes.
Return type: integer
- getSelectedNodesStencil()¶
Returns the stencil value for selected nodes.
Return type: integer
- getSelectionColor()¶
Returns the color of selection.
Return type: tulip.tlp.Color
- getTexturePath()¶
Returns the absolute path used for texture loading.
Return type: string
- isAntialiased()¶
Returns if antialiasing rendering is activated.
Return type: boolean
- isDisplayEdges()¶
Returns the state of the displaying of edges.
Return type: boolean
- isDisplayMetaNodes()¶
Returns the state of the displaying of meta-nodes.
Return type: boolean
- isDisplayNodes()¶
Returns the state of the displaying of nodes.
Return type: boolean
- isEdge3D()¶
Returns the state of the 3d edge rendering.
Return type: boolean
- isEdgeColorInterpolate()¶
Returns the state of the edge color interpolation.
Return type: boolean
- isEdgeSizeInterpolate()¶
Returns the state of the edge size interpolation.
Return type: boolean
- isElementOrdered()¶
Returns the state of the ordered rendering of graph elements.
Return type: boolean
- isElementZOrdered()¶
Returns the state of the z-ordered rendering.
Return type: boolean
- isLabelFixedFontSize()¶
Return type: boolean
- isLabelScaled()¶
Returns the state of the scaling of labels to nodes sizes.
Return type: boolean
- isViewArrow()¶
Returns the state of the displaying of arrows along the graph edges.
Return type: boolean
- isViewEdgeLabel()¶
Returns the state of the displaying of edges labels.
Return type: boolean
- isViewMetaLabel()¶
Returns the state of the displaying of labels inside meta-nodes.
Return type: boolean
- isViewNodeLabel()¶
Returns the state of the displaying of nodes labels.
Return type: boolean
- isViewOutScreenLabel()¶
Returns the state of the displaying of labels for elements outside the screen.
Return type: boolean
- setAntialiasing()¶
Activates/desactivates antialiasing.
Parameters: antialiasing (boolean) – the antialiasing state
- setDisplayEdges(displayEdges)¶
Activates / desactivates the displaying of edges.
Parameters: displayEdges (boolean) – the state of the displaying of edges.
- setDisplayFilteringProperty(property)¶
Sets the boolean property used to filter the rendering of graph elements. If sets to None, the filtering is desactivated. If the value for a node / edge in that property is False, it will not be displayed.
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.BooleanProperty) – the boolean property used to filter the rendering of graph elements
- setDisplayMetaNodes(displayMetaNodes)¶
Activates / desactivates the displaying of nodes.
Parameters: displayMetaNodes (boolean) – the state of the displaying of meta-nodes.
- setDisplayNodes(displayNodes)¶
Activates / desactivates the displaying of nodes.
Parameters: displayNodes (boolean) – the state of the displaying of nodes.
- setEdge3D(edge3d)¶
Activates / desactivates the 3d displaying of edges instead of 2d lines.
Parameters: edge3d (boolean) – the state of the 3d edge rendering
- setEdgeColorInterpolate(interpolate)¶
Activates / desactivates the interpolation of nodes colors along edges.
Parameters: interpolate (boolean) – the state of the edge color interpolation
- setEdgeSizeInterpolate(interpolate)¶
Activates / desactivates the interpolation of nodes sizes along edges.
Parameters: interpolate (boolean) – the state of the edge size interpolation
- setEdgesLabelStencil(stencil)¶
Sets the stencil value for edges labels. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
- setEdgesStencil(stencil)¶
Sets the stencil value for edges. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
- setElementOrdered(elementOrdered)¶
Activates / desactivates the ordered rendering of graph elements according to the values in the “viewMetric” double property.
Parameters: elementsOrdered – the state of the ordered rendering
- setElementOrderingProperty(property)¶
Defines which property should be used for the ordered rendering of graph elements. Setting it to None will use the “viewMetric” property if the ordering is enabled.
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.NumericProperty) – the property to use to order the rendering of graph elements
- setElementZOrdered(zOrdering)¶
Activates / desactivates the ordered rendering of elements according to their distance to the camera.
Parameters: zOrdering (boolean) – the state of the z-ordered rendering
- setFontsPath(path)¶
Sets the absolute path for fonts loading (.ttf files).
Parameters: path (string) – the absolute path of a directory for fonts loading.
- setLabelFixedFontSize(fixedFontSize)¶
Parameters: fixedFontSize (boolean) – the state of using fixed font size with labels
- setLabelScaled(labelScaled)¶
Activates / desactivates the scaling of labels to nodes sizes.
Parameters: labelScaled (boolean) – the state of the scaling of labels to nodes sizes.
- setLabelsAreBillboarded(billboardLabels)¶
Activates / desactivates labels billboarding (always facing the camera).
Parameters: billboardLabels (boolean) – the state of labels billboarding
- setLabelsDensity(density)¶
Sets the labels density value. It must be in the range [-100, 100]. The labels are displayed according to that value :
- -100 : no labels are displayed
- 0 : only non overlapping labels are displayed
- 100 : all labels are displayed
Parameters: density (integer) – a value in the range [-100, 100]
- setMaxSizeOfLabel(size)¶
Sets the maximum size of labels. That value is only used if the labels are not scaled to nodes sizes.
Parameters: size – the maximum size of labels Type: integer
- setMetaNodesLabelStencil()¶
Sets the stencil value for meta-nodes labels. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
- setMetaNodesStencil(stencil)¶
Sets the stencil value for meta-nodes. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
- setMinSizeOfLabel(size)¶
Sets the minimum size of labels. That value is only used if the labels are not scaled to nodes sizes.
Parameters: size – the minimum size of labels Type: integer
- setNodesLabelStencil(stencil)¶
Sets the stencil value for nodes labels. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
- setNodesStencil(stencil)¶
Sets the stencil value for nodes. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 255.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
- setSelectedEdgesStencil(stencil)¶
Sets the stencil value for selected edges. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 2.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
- setSelectedMetaNodesStencil(stencil)¶
Sets the stencil value for selected meta-nodes. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 2.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
- setSelectedNodesStencil(stencil)¶
Sets the stencil value for selected nodes. The lower the value is, the more the objects will be drawn on top of other ones. The default value is 2.
Parameters: stencil (integer) – a value in the range [0, 255]
- setSelectionColor(color)¶
Sets the color of selected elements.
Parameters: color (tulip.tlp.Color) – the selection color
- setTexturePath(path)¶
Sets the absolute path for textures loading.
Parameters: path (string) – the absolute path of a directory for textures loading.
- setViewArrow(arrow)¶
Activates / desactivates the displaying of arrows along the graph edges.
Parameters: arrow (boolean) – the state of the arrows rendering
- setViewEdgeLabel(edgeLabel)¶
Activates / desactivates the displaying of edges labels.
Parameters: edgeLabel (boolean) – the state of the edges labels rendering
- setViewMetaLabel(metaLabel)¶
Activates / desactivates the displaying of labels inside meta-nodes.
Parameters: metaLabel – the state of the displaying of labels inside meta-nodes.
- setViewNodeLabel(nodeLabel)¶
Activates / desactivates the displaying of nodes labels.
Parameters: nodeLabel (boolean) – the state of the nodes labels rendering
- setViewOutScreenLabel(outScreenLabel)¶
Activates / desactivates the displaying of labels for elements outside the screen.
Parameters: outScreenLabel (boolean) – the state of the labels rendering for elements outside the screen.
- class tlpogl.GlGraphInputData¶
New in version 4.4.
That class defines all the visual properties used to render a graph (layout, colors, sizes, ...). By default, Tulip creates a pool of default properties whose name is prefixed by “view”. Through the use of that class, you can set other properties as rendering input data.
Use tulipgui.tlpgui.NodeLinkDiagramComponent.getInputData() to get an instance on a such object.
- getElementBorderColor()¶
Returns the color property that defines the current borders colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.LayoutProperty
- getElementBorderWidth()¶
Returns the double property that defines the current borders widths of graph elements (see Border width of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty
- getElementColor()¶
Returns the color property that defines the current colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.ColorProperty
- getElementFont()¶
Returns the string property that defines the current font files used to render the labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.StringProperty
- getElementFontSize()¶
Returns the integer property that defines the current font size for labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
- getElementLabel()¶
Returns the string property that defines the current labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.StringProperty
- getElementLabelBorderColor()¶
Returns the color property that defines the current labels border colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.ColorProperty
- getElementLabelBorderWidth()¶
Returns the double property that defines the current labels borders widths of graph elements (see Border width of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty
- getElementLabelColor()¶
Returns the color property that defines the current labels colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Return type: tulip.tlp.ColorProperty
- getElementLabelPosition()¶
Returns the integer property that defines the current labels positions of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
- getElementLayout()¶
Returns the layout property that defines the current layout of graph elements (see Graph layout).
Return type: tulip.tlp.LayoutProperty
- getElementRotation()¶
Returns the double property that defines the current rotations of graph nodes (see Rotations of the nodes).
Return type: tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty
- getElementSelected()¶
Returns the boolean property that defines the current selection of graph elements (see Selection).
Return type: tulip.tlp.BooleanProperty
- getElementShape()¶
Returns the integer property that defines the current shapes of graph elements (see Shapes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
- getElementSize()¶
Returns the size property that defines the current sizes of graph elements (see Sizes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.SizeProperty
- getElementSrcAnchorShape()¶
Returns the integer property that defines the current shapes of the source edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
- getElementSrcAnchorSize()¶
Returns the size property that defines the current sizes of the source edges extremities (see Sizes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.SizeProperty
- getElementTexture()¶
Returns the string property that defines the current image files used to texture the shapes of graph elements (see Applying a texture to nodes or edges).
Return type: tulip.tlp.StringProperty
- getElementTgtAnchorShape()¶
Returns the integer property that defines the current shapes of the target edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty
- getElementTgtAnchorSize()¶
Returns the size property that defines the current sizes of the target edges extremities (see Sizes of graph elements).
Return type: tulip.tlp.SizeProperty
- getGraph()¶
Returns the graph associated to these data.
Return type: tulip.tlp.Graph
- reloadGraphProperties()¶
Restores all default graph visual properties (whose name is prefixed by “view”) as rendering input data.
- setElementBorderColor(property)¶
Sets the color property that defines the current borders colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.ColorProperty) – a color property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementBorderWidth(property)¶
Sets the double property that defines the current borders widths of graph elements (see Border width of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty) – a double property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementColor(property)¶
Sets the color property that defines the current colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.ColorProperty) – a color property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementFont(property)¶
Sets the string property that defines the current font files used to render the labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.StringProperty) – a string property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementFontSize(property)¶
Sets the integer property that defines the current font size for labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty) – an integer property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementLabel(property)¶
Sets the string property that defines the current labels of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.StringProperty) – a string property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementLabelBorderColor()¶
Sets the color property that defines the current labels borders colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.ColorProperty) – a color property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementLabelBorderWidth(property)¶
Sets the double property that defines the current labels borders widths of graph elements (see Border width of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty) – a double property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementLabelColor(property)¶
Sets the color property that defines the current labels colors of graph elements (see Colors of graph elements and labels).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.ColorProperty) – a color property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementLabelPosition(property)¶
Sets the integer property that defines the current labels positions of graph elements (see Labels of graph elements).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty) – an integer property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementLayout(property)¶
Sets the layout property that defines the current layout of graph elements (see Graph layout).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.LayoutProperty) – a layout property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementRotation(property)¶
Sets the double property that defines the current rotations graph nodes (see Rotations of the nodes).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.DoubleProperty) – a double property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementSelected(property)¶
Sets the boolean property that defines the current selection of graph elements (see Selection).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.BooleanProperty) – a boolean property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementShape(property)¶
Sets the integer property that defines the current shapes of graph elements (see Shapes of graph elements).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty) – an integer property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementSize(property)¶
Sets the size property that defines the current sizes of graph elements (see Sizes of graph elements).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.SizeProperty) – a size property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementSrcAnchorShape(property)¶
Sets the integer property that defines the current shapes of the source edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty) – an integer property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementSrcAnchorSize(property)¶
Sets the size property that defines the current sizes of the source edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.SizeProperty) – a size property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementTexture(property)¶
Sets the string property that defines the current image files used to texture the shapes of graph elements (see Applying a texture to nodes or edges).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.StringProperty) – a string property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementTgtAnchorShape(property)¶
Sets the integer property that defines the current shapes of the target edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.IntegerProperty) – an integer property attached to the graph associated to these data.
- setElementTgtAnchorSize(property)¶
Sets the size property that defines the current sizes of the target edges extremities (see Shapes of graph elements).
Parameters: property (tulip.tlp.SizeProperty) – a size property attached to the graph associated to these data.