Tulip  4.6.0
Better Visualization Through Research
00001 /*
00002  *
00003  * This file is part of Tulip (www.tulip-software.org)
00004  *
00005  * Authors: David Auber and the Tulip development Team
00006  * from LaBRI, University of Bordeaux
00007  *
00008  * Tulip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00009  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00010  * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
00011  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00012  *
00013  * Tulip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00014  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00016  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
00017  *
00018  */
00021 #ifndef GLAXIS_H_
00022 #define GLAXIS_H_
00024 #include <tulip/GlComposite.h>
00025 #include <tulip/Color.h>
00027 const float DEFAULT_GRAD_WIDTH = 6.;
00029 const float MAGIG_FACTOR = (1.f / (1.3f));
00031 namespace tlp {
00033 class GlLabel;
00035 /**
00036  * @ingroup OpenGL
00037  * @brief A base class to draw an axis with graduations
00038  *
00039  * This class allow to render an axis with graduations. This class is there for code factorisation
00040  * and should not be used directly. Use derivated classes instead : GlQuantitativeAxis for a numerical
00041  * graduated axis and GlNominativeAxis for a string graduated axis
00042  */
00043 class TLP_GL_SCOPE GlAxis : public GlComposite {
00045 public :
00047   enum AxisOrientation {HORIZONTAL_AXIS, VERTICAL_AXIS};
00049   enum LabelPosition {LEFT_OR_BELOW, RIGHT_OR_ABOVE};
00050   enum CaptionLabelPosition {LEFT, RIGHT, BELOW, ABOVE};
00052   /**
00053    * @brief GlAxis constructor
00054    *
00055    * @param axisName the name of the axis
00056    * @param axisBaseCoord the base coord of the axis (if the axis is horizontal, it is the the left end, if vertical it is the down end)
00057    * @param axisLength the length of the axis
00058    * @param axisOrientation the orientation of the axis, 2 possible values (HORIZONTAL_AXIS or VERTICAL_AXIS)
00059    * @param axisColor the color of the axis
00060    */
00061   GlAxis(const std::string &axisName, const Coord &axisBaseCoord, const float axisLength,
00062          const AxisOrientation &axisOrientation, const Color &axisColor);
00064   /**
00065    * @brief GlAxis destructor
00066    */
00067   virtual ~GlAxis();
00069   /**
00070    * @brief Method which returns the base coordinates of the axis
00071    */
00072   Coord getAxisBaseCoord() const {
00073     return axisBaseCoord;
00074   }
00075   /**
00076    * @brief Method which returns the length of the axis
00077    */
00078   float getAxisLength() const {
00079     return axisLength;
00080   }
00081   /**
00082    * @brief Method which returns the name of the axis
00083    */
00084   std::string getAxisName() const {
00085     return axisName;
00086   }
00087   /**
00088    * @brief Method which returns the orientation of the axis
00089    */
00090   AxisOrientation getAxisOrientation() const {
00091     return axisOrientation;
00092   }
00093   /**
00094    * @brief Method which returns the width of the axis graduations
00095    */
00096   float getAxisGradsWidth() const {
00097     return axisGradsWidth;
00098   }
00099   /**
00100    * @brief Method which returns the distance between the axis graduations
00101    */
00102   float getSpaceBetweenAxisGrads() const {
00103     return spaceBetweenAxisGrads;
00104   }
00105   /**
00106    * @brief Method which returns the axis graduations labels height
00107    */
00108   float getLabelHeight() const {
00109     return labelHeight;
00110   }
00112   /**
00113    * @brief Method which returns the max axis graduations labels width
00114    */
00115   float getMaxLabelWidth() const {
00116     return maxGraduationLabelWidth;
00117   }
00119   /**
00120    * @brief Method which returns the color of the axis
00121    */
00122   Color getAxisColor() const {
00123     return axisColor;
00124   }
00126   /**
00127    * @brief Method to set the axis name
00128    */
00129   void setAxisName(const std::string &axisName) {
00130     this->axisName = axisName;
00131   }
00132   /**
00133    * @brief Method to set the axis length
00134    */
00135   void setAxisLength(const float axisLength) {
00136     this->axisLength = axisLength;
00137   }
00138   /**
00139    * @brief Method to set the axis color
00140    */
00141   void setAxisColor(const Color &axisColor) {
00142     this->axisColor = axisColor;
00143   }
00144   /**
00145    * @brief Methods to set the axis graduations Width
00146    */
00147   void setAxisGradsWidth(const float axisGradsWidth) {
00148     this->axisGradsWidth = axisGradsWidth;
00149   }
00151   /**
00152    * @brief Methods to set the max caption width
00153    */
00154   void setMaxCaptionWidth(const float maxCaptionWidth) {
00155     this->maxCaptionWidth = maxCaptionWidth;
00156   }
00158   /**
00159    * @brief Method to update the axis drawing.
00160    *
00161    * It has to be called when one (ore more) of the setters methods above has been used
00162    * This method erase the whole axis drawing and redraw the axis line and the caption (if any)
00163    * The axis graduations have to be reset by calling setAxisGraduations
00164    */
00165   virtual void updateAxis();
00167   /**
00168    * @brief Method to set the axis graduations. No need to call updateAxis after calling this method.
00169    *
00170    * @param axisGradsLabels the labels of the graduations, they will be equally spaced on the axis
00171    * @param axisGradsLabelsPosition the relative position of the axis graduations label. Two possible values : LEFT_OR_BELOW (if the axis is horizontal, labels will be on the left of the axis, otherwise below) or RIGHT_OR_ABOVE
00172    *
00173    */
00174   void setAxisGraduations(const std::vector<std::string> &axisGradsLabels,
00175                           const LabelPosition &axisGradsLabelsPosition = LEFT_OR_BELOW);
00178   void setAxisGraduationsMaxLabelWidth(const float maxWidth) {
00179     maxGraduationLabelWidth = maxWidth;
00180   }
00182   /**
00183    * @brief Method which adds a caption to the axis. No need to call updateAxis after calling this method.
00184    *
00185    * @param captionPos the relative position of the caption. Two possible values : LEFT_OR_BELOW (if the axis is vertical, caption will be below of the axis, otherwise on the left) or RIGHT_OR_ABOVE
00186    * @param captionHeight the caption text height
00187    * @param captionFrame if true the caption will be framed
00188    * @param maxCaptionWidth fill this parameter if you want to restrain the caption width
00189    * @param captionOffset fill this parameter if you want to fix the offset between the axis and the caption
00190    * @param caption if this parameter is filled, use this value as caption text, otherwise the caption text will be the axis name
00191    */
00192   void addCaption(const CaptionLabelPosition &captionPos, const float captionHeight, const bool captionFrame = false,
00193                   const float maxCaptionWidth = 0, const float captionOffset = 0, const std::string caption = "");
00195   /**
00196    * @brief Method to set the axis graduations labels size.
00197    *
00198    * This method can be used if you want axis with same labels size
00199    *
00200    * @param height the height for labels
00201    *
00202    */
00203   void setGradsLabelsHeight(float height);
00205   void translate(const Coord &c);
00207   float getCaptionHeight() const;
00209   void setCaptionHeight(float height, bool frame);
00211 private :
00213   void buildAxisLine();
00216 protected :
00218   void computeBoundingBox();
00219   virtual Coord computeCaptionCenter(const bool captionFrame);
00220   virtual void computeCaptionSize(float height);
00221   void addAxisCaption(const Coord &captionLabelCenter, const bool captionFrame);
00223   std::string axisName;
00224   Coord axisBaseCoord;
00225   float axisLength;
00226   AxisOrientation axisOrientation;
00227   LabelPosition axisGradsPosition;
00228   Color axisColor;
00229   float axisGradsWidth;
00230   float spaceBetweenAxisGrads;
00231   float captionWidth;
00232   float captionHeight;
00233   float baseCaptionHeight;
00234   bool captionFrame;
00235   std::string captionText;
00236   GlLabel *captionLabel;
00237   float labelHeight;
00238   float captionOffset;
00239   GlComposite *axisLinesComposite;
00240   GlComposite *captionComposite;
00241   GlComposite *gradsComposite;
00242   std::vector<GlLabel*> gradsLabelsVector;
00243   bool captionSet;
00244   CaptionLabelPosition captionPosition;
00245   float maxCaptionWidth;
00246   float maxGraduationLabelWidth;
00247 };
00249 }
00251 #endif /* GLAXIS_H_ */
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