Better Visualization Through Research
This is the complete list of members for tlp::GlMainView, including all inherited members.
_dependencies | tlp::WithDependency | protected |
_overviewPosition (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protected |
_quickAccessBar (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protected |
_sceneConfigurationWidget (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protected |
_sceneLayersConfigurationWidget (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protected |
addDependency(const char *name, const char *release) | tlp::WithDependency | inline |
addInOutParameter(const std::string &name, const std::string &help=std::string(), const std::string &defaultValue=std::string(), bool isMandatory=true) | tlp::WithParameter | inline |
addInParameter(const std::string &name, const std::string &help, const std::string &defaultValue, bool isMandatory=true) | tlp::WithParameter | inline |
addListener(Observable *const listener) const | tlp::Observable | |
addObserver(Observable *const observer) const | tlp::Observable | |
addOutParameter(const std::string &name, const std::string &help=std::string(), const std::string &defaultValue=std::string(), bool isMandatory=true) | tlp::WithParameter | inline |
addParameter(const std::string &name, const std::string &help=std::string(), const std::string &defaultValue=std::string(), bool isMandatory=true) | tlp::WithParameter | inline |
addRedrawTrigger(tlp::Observable *) | tlp::View | slot |
addToScene(QGraphicsItem *item) | tlp::ViewWidget | protected |
applySettings() | tlp::GlMainView | slot |
assignNewGlMainWidget(GlMainWidget *glMainWidget, bool deleteOldGlMainWidget=true) (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protected |
author() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
category() const | tlp::View | inlinevirtual |
centerView(bool graphChanged=false) | tlp::GlMainView | virtualslot |
centralItem() const | tlp::ViewWidget | protectedvirtual |
clearRedrawTriggers() | tlp::View | slot |
configurationWidgets() const | tlp::GlMainView | virtual |
configurationWidgetsStyleSheet() const | tlp::View | virtual |
countListeners() const | tlp::Observable | |
countObservers() const | tlp::Observable | |
currentInteractor() const | tlp::View | |
currentInteractorChanged(tlp::Interactor *) | tlp::ViewWidget | protectedvirtualslot |
date() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
dependencies() const | tlp::WithDependency | inline |
draw() | tlp::GlMainView | virtualslot |
drawNeeded() | tlp::View | signal |
drawOverview(bool generatePixmap=true) | tlp::GlMainView | virtualslot |
emitDrawNeededSignal() | tlp::View | slot |
eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protected |
fillContextMenu(QMenu *menu, const QPointF &) (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protectedslot |
getGlMainWidget() const (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | |
getObject(tlp::node n) | tlp::Observable | static |
getObservableGraph() | tlp::Observable | static |
getObservables() const | tlp::Observable | protected |
getParameters() const | tlp::WithParameter | |
getReceived() const | tlp::Observable | |
getSent() const | tlp::Observable | |
GlMainView() (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | |
glMainViewDrawn(bool graphChanged) (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protectedvirtualslot |
graph() const | tlp::View | |
graphChanged(tlp::Graph *)=0 | tlp::View | protectedpure virtualslot |
graphDeleted(Graph *parentGraph) (defined in tlp::ViewWidget) | tlp::ViewWidget | protectedvirtualslot |
graphicsView() const | tlp::ViewWidget | virtual |
graphSet(tlp::Graph *) | tlp::View | signal |
group() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
hasOnlookers() const | tlp::Observable | protected |
holdObservers() | tlp::Observable | static |
icon() const | tlp::View | inlinevirtual |
id() const | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
info() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
inputRequired() const | tlp::WithParameter | |
interactors() const | tlp::View | |
interactorsChanged() (defined in tlp::View) | tlp::View | signal |
interactorsInstalled(const QList< tlp::Interactor * > &interactors) | tlp::View | protectedvirtualslot |
isAlive(tlp::node n) | tlp::Observable | static |
major() const | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
minor() const | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
name() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
notifyObservers() | tlp::Observable | protected |
Observable() (defined in tlp::Observable) | tlp::Observable | protected |
Observable(const Observable &) (defined in tlp::Observable) | tlp::Observable | protected |
observableDeleted() | tlp::Observable | protected |
observersHoldCounter() | tlp::Observable | inlinestatic |
openSnapshotDialog() | tlp::GlMainView | slot |
operator=(const Observable &) (defined in tlp::Observable) | tlp::Observable | protected |
OVERVIEW_BOTTOM_LEFT enum value (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | |
OVERVIEW_BOTTOM_RIGHT enum value (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | |
OVERVIEW_TOP_LEFT enum value (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | |
OVERVIEW_TOP_RIGHT enum value (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | |
overviewItem() const (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protected |
OverviewPosition enum name (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | |
overviewVisible() const (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | |
parameters | tlp::WithParameter | protected |
programmingLanguage() const (defined in tlp::Plugin) | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
quickAccessBarVisible() const (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protected |
redraw() | tlp::GlMainView | slot |
refresh() | tlp::GlMainView | virtualslot |
release() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
removeFromScene(QGraphicsItem *item) | tlp::ViewWidget | protected |
removeListener(Observable *const listener) const | tlp::Observable | |
removeObserver(Observable *const observerver) const | tlp::Observable | |
removeRedrawTrigger(tlp::Observable *) | tlp::View | slot |
sceneRectChanged(const QRectF &) (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protectedvirtualslot |
sendEvent(const Event &message) | tlp::Observable | protected |
setCentralWidget(QWidget *, bool deleteOldCentralWidget=true) | tlp::ViewWidget | protected |
setCurrentInteractor(tlp::Interactor *currentInteractor) | tlp::View | slot |
setGraph(tlp::Graph *graph) | tlp::View | slot |
setInteractors(const QList< tlp::Interactor * > &) | tlp::View | slot |
setOverviewPosition(const OverviewPosition &position) (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | |
setOverviewVisible(bool) | tlp::GlMainView | slot |
setQuickAccessBarVisible(bool) (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | protectedslot |
setState(const tlp::DataSet &)=0 | tlp::View | pure virtualslot |
setupUi() | tlp::ViewWidget | virtualslot |
setupWidget() | tlp::GlMainView | protectedvirtual |
setViewOrtho(bool) | tlp::GlMainView | slot |
showContextMenu(const QPoint &point, const QPointF &scenePoint) | tlp::View | slot |
snapshot(const QSize &outputSize=QSize()) const | tlp::GlMainView | virtual |
state() const =0 | tlp::View | pure virtual |
treatEvent(const Event &) | tlp::View | virtualslot |
treatEvents(const std::vector< Event > &events) | tlp::View | virtual |
triggers() const | tlp::View | |
tulipMajor() const | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
tulipMinor() const | tlp::Plugin | virtual |
tulipRelease() const =0 | tlp::Plugin | pure virtual |
undoCallback() (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | slot |
unholdObservers() | tlp::Observable | static |
View() | tlp::View | |
ViewWidget() (defined in tlp::ViewWidget) | tlp::ViewWidget | |
~GlMainView() (defined in tlp::GlMainView) | tlp::GlMainView | virtual |
~Observable() (defined in tlp::Observable) | tlp::Observable | protectedvirtual |
~Plugin() (defined in tlp::Plugin) | tlp::Plugin | inlinevirtual |
~View() | tlp::View | virtual |
~ViewWidget() (defined in tlp::ViewWidget) | tlp::ViewWidget | virtual |