Better Visualization Through Research
This is the complete list of members for tlp::Gl2DRect, including all inherited members.
auxIndices (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
bottom (defined in tlp::Gl2DRect) | tlp::Gl2DRect | protected |
boundingBox (defined in tlp::GlSimpleEntity) | tlp::GlSimpleEntity | protected |
buffers (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
draw(float lod, Camera *camera) | tlp::Gl2DRect | virtual |
fillColors (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
filled (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
generated (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
getBottomRightColor() | tlp::GlRect | virtual |
getBottomRightPos() | tlp::GlRect | virtual |
getBoundingBox() | tlp::Gl2DRect | virtual |
getCenter() | tlp::GlRect | virtual |
getOutlineSize() | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | |
getStencil() | tlp::GlSimpleEntity | inline |
getTexture() | tlp::Gl2DRect | virtual |
getTextureName() | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | |
getTopLeftColor() | tlp::GlRect | virtual |
getTopLeftPos() | tlp::GlRect | virtual |
getXML(std::string &outString) | tlp::Gl2DRect | virtual |
Gl2DRect() | tlp::Gl2DRect | |
Gl2DRect(float top, float bottom, float left, float right, const std::string &textureName, bool inPercent=false) | tlp::Gl2DRect | |
Gl2DRect(float bottom, float left, float height, float width, const std::string &textureName, bool xInv, bool yInv) | tlp::Gl2DRect | |
GlPolygon(const bool filled=true, const bool outlined=true, const std::string &textureName="", const float outlineSize=1) | tlp::GlPolygon | |
GlPolygon(const std::vector< Coord > &points, const std::vector< Color > &fillColors, const std::vector< Color > &outlineColors, const bool filled, const bool outlined, const std::string &textureName="", const float outlineSize=1) | tlp::GlPolygon | |
GlPolygon(const unsigned int nbPoints, const unsigned int nbFillColors, const unsigned int nbOutlineColors, const bool filled=true, const bool outlined=true, const std::string &textureName="", const float outlineSize=1) | tlp::GlPolygon | |
GlRect(const Coord &topLeftPos, const Coord &bottomRightPos, const Color &topLeftCol, const Color &bottomRightCol, bool filled=true, bool outlined=false) | tlp::GlRect | |
GlRect(const Coord ¢er, const float width, const float height, const Color &fillColor, const Color &outlineColor) | tlp::GlRect | |
GlRect(bool filled=true, bool outlined=false) | tlp::GlRect | |
GlSimpleEntity() | tlp::GlSimpleEntity | inline |
hideOutlineLod (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
indices (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
inPercent (defined in tlp::Gl2DRect) | tlp::Gl2DRect | protected |
inRect(double x, double y) | tlp::GlRect | |
invertYTexture (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
isVisible() const | tlp::GlSimpleEntity | inline |
left (defined in tlp::Gl2DRect) | tlp::Gl2DRect | protected |
lighting (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
normalArray (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
outlineColors (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
outlined (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
outlineSize (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
parents (defined in tlp::GlSimpleEntity) | tlp::GlSimpleEntity | protected |
point(const unsigned int i) const | tlp::GlPolygon | virtual |
point(const unsigned int i) | tlp::GlPolygon | virtual |
points (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
polygonMode (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
resizeColors(const unsigned int nbColors) | tlp::GlPolygon | virtual |
resizePoints(const unsigned int nbPoints) | tlp::GlPolygon | virtual |
right (defined in tlp::Gl2DRect) | tlp::Gl2DRect | protected |
setBottomRightColor(const Color &bottomRightCol) | tlp::GlRect | virtual |
setBottomRightPos(const Coord &bottomRightPos) | tlp::GlRect | virtual |
setCenterAndSize(const Coord ¢er, const Size &size) | tlp::GlRect | |
setCoordinates(float bottom, float left, float width, float height) | tlp::Gl2DRect | virtual |
setFillColor(const Color &color) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | |
setOutlineColor(const Color &color) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | |
setOutlineSize(float size) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | |
setStencil(int stencil) | tlp::GlSimpleEntity | inlinevirtual |
setTexture(const std::string &name) | tlp::Gl2DRect | virtual |
setTextureName(const std::string &name) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | |
setTopLeftColor(const Color &topLeftCol) | tlp::GlRect | virtual |
setTopLeftPos(const Coord &topLeftPos) | tlp::GlRect | virtual |
setVisible(bool visible) | tlp::GlSimpleEntity | virtual |
setWithXML(const std::string &inString, unsigned int ¤tPosition) | tlp::Gl2DRect | virtual |
stencil (defined in tlp::GlSimpleEntity) | tlp::GlSimpleEntity | protected |
texArray (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
textureName (defined in tlp::GlAbstractPolygon) | tlp::GlAbstractPolygon | protected |
top (defined in tlp::Gl2DRect) | tlp::Gl2DRect | protected |
translate(const Coord &mouvement) (defined in tlp::Gl2DRect) | tlp::Gl2DRect | virtual |
visible (defined in tlp::GlSimpleEntity) | tlp::GlSimpleEntity | protected |
xInv (defined in tlp::Gl2DRect) | tlp::Gl2DRect | protected |
yInv (defined in tlp::Gl2DRect) | tlp::Gl2DRect | protected |
~Gl2DRect() | tlp::Gl2DRect | inlinevirtual |
~GlPolygon() (defined in tlp::GlPolygon) | tlp::GlPolygon | virtual |
~GlRect() | tlp::GlRect | virtual |
~GlSimpleEntity() | tlp::GlSimpleEntity | virtual |