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TlpQtTools.h File Reference

#include "tulip/Color.h"
#include "tulip/Reflect.h"
#include "tulip/Graph.h"
#include "tulip/GlMainWidget.h"
#include "tulip/DataSet.h"
#include <QtGui/QColor>
Include dependency graph for TlpQtTools.h:


  • namespace tlp

    The ColorButton widget provides a push button to display and allow user selection of a color.


  • TLP_QT_SCOPE bool tlp::openDataSetDialog (DataSet &outSet, const ParameterDescriptionList &sysDef, ParameterDescriptionList &inDef, const DataSet *inSet=NULL, const char *inName=NULL, Graph *inG=NULL, QWidget *parent=NULL)
  • TLP_QT_SCOPE void tlp::openGraphOnGlMainWidget (Graph *graph, DataSet *dataSet, GlMainWidget *glMainWidget)
  • TLP_QT_SCOPE void tlp::loadInteractorPluginsFromDir (std::string dir, PluginLoader *loader=0)
  • TLP_QT_SCOPE void tlp::loadViewPluginsFromDir (std::string dir, PluginLoader *loader=0)
  • TLP_QT_SCOPE void tlp::loadControllerPluginsFromDir (std::string dir, PluginLoader *loader=0)
  • TLP_QT_SCOPE bool tlp::canUseQGLPixelBuffer ()
  • TLP_QT_SCOPE bool tlp::getColorDialog (const QColor &color, QWidget *parent, const QString &title, QColor &result)
  • QColor tlp::colorToQColor (const Color &color)
  • Color tlp::QColorToColor (const QColor &color)
  • std::string tlp::QStringToTlpString (const QString &toConvert)
    Convert a string from Tulip to QString.
  • QString tlp::tlpStringToQString (const std::string &toConvert)
    Convert a QString to tulip string.
  • TLP_QT_SCOPE QString tlp::propertyTypeToPropertyTypeLabel (const std::string &typeName)
    Convert the property type string to a label to display in the GUI. The property type label is the string to display in the GUI instead of the basic property type string. By example for a property of type "double" the label displayed in the GUI will be "Metric".
  • QString tlp::propertyInterfaceToPropertyTypeLabel (const tlp::PropertyInterface *const property)
    Get the string to display as property type for the given property. The property type label is the string to display in the GUI instead of the property type string. By example for a property of type "double" the label displayed in the GUI will be "Metric".
  • TLP_QT_SCOPE std::string tlp::propertyTypeLabelToPropertyType (const QString &typeNameLabel)
    Convert the label of a property type to it's corresponding property type. The property type label is the string to display in the GUI instead of the property type string. By example for a property of type "double" the label displayed in the GUI will be "Metric".

Tulip Software by LaBRI Visualization Team    2001 - 2012