tulip module API

Utility functions

Graph management


Creates and returns a new empty graph.

Return type:tlp.Graph

Loads a graph in the tlp format from a file (extension can be .tlp or .tlp.gz). Returns a new graph or None if the import fails.

  • filename (string) – the path to the tlp file
Return type:


tlp.saveGraph(graph, filename)

Saves a graph to a file in the tlp format. Extension of the destination file can be either .tlp (raw export) or .tlp.gz (compressed export). Returns True if the graph has been successfully saved.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph to export
  • filename (string) – the path to the destination file
Return type:


tlp.importGraph(importPluginName, dataSet[, newGraph = None])

Imports a graph using a Tulip import plugin (must be loaded). Returns a new graph or None if the import fails.

  • importPluginName (string) – the name of the Tulip import plugin
  • dataSet (tlp.DataSet) – a dataset filled with parameters to transmit to the import plugin
  • newGraph (tlp.Graph) – if provided, add imported graph elements in that graph
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the requested import plugin is not registered in the plugins database.

tlp.applyAlgorithm(graph, dataSet, algoName)

Applies an algorithm plugin (must be loaded) on a graph . Algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::Algorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.Algorithm interface in Python. Parameters can be transmit to the algorithm trough a DataSet object (refer to the plugin documentation to get its parameters list).

Returns a tuple whose first member is a boolean indicating if the algorithm has been successfully applied and second member is a string that can contain an error message if the algorithms fails during its execution.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to apply the algorithm
  • dataSet (tlp.DataSet) – a dataset filled with parameters to transmit to the algorithm
  • algoName (string) – the name of the algorithm plugin to call
Return type:

(boolean, string)

Throws :

an exception if the requested algorithm plugin is not registered in the plugins database.

tlp.newSubGraph(root[, name = "unnamed"])

Creates and returns an empty subgraph of a graph.

  • root (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which the subgraph will be created
  • name (string) – the subgraph name
Return type:


tlp.newCloneSubGraph(root[, name = "unnamed"])

Creates and returns a subgraph of a graph root that is equal to that graph (a clone subgraph).

  • root (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which the subgraph will be created
  • name (string) – the subgraph name
Return type:



Finds the first node whose input degree equals 0. Returns a tuple whose first member is a boolean indicating if such node exists and second member is the found node (invalid if there is no source);

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to find a source
Return type:

(boolean, tlp.node)

tlp.copyToGraph(outGraph, inGraph[, inSelection = None, outSelection = None])

Appends the selected part of a graph (properties, nodes and edges) into another one. If no selection is done, the whole input graph graph is appended. The output selection is used to select the appended nodes & edges

  • outGraph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to append elements
  • inGraph (tlp.Graph) – the graph to append
  • inSelection (tlp.BooleanProperty) – boolean property attached to inGraph, only selected elements will be appended if provided
  • outSelection (tlp.BooleanProperty) – boolean property attached to outGraph, appended nodes and edges will be selected if provided


The input selection is extended to all selected edge ends.

tlp.removeFromGraph(inGraph[, inSelection = None])

Removes the selected part of a graph (properties values, nodes and edges). If no selection is done, the whole graph is reseted to default value.

  • inGraph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to remove elements
  • inSelection (tlp.BooleanProperty) – boolean property attached to inGraph, only selected elements will be removed if provided


The selection is extended to all selected edge ends.

Graph measures and drawing tools


Returns the average path length of a graph, that is the sum of the shortest distances for all pair of distinct nodes in that graph divided by the number of those pairs. For a pair of non connected nodes, the shorted distance is set to 0.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute the average path length
Return type:



Returns the clustering coefficient of a graph as the average of the local clustering coefficients (see tlp.clusteringCoefficient()) of all the nodes.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on wich to compute the average clustering coefficient
Return type:


tlp.clusteringCoefficient(graph, result[, maxDepth = 1])

Assigns to each node its local clustering coefficient that is the proportion of edges between the nodes within its neighbourhood divided by the number of edges that could possibly exist between them. This quantifies how close its neighbors are to being a clique.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute the clustering coefficient for each node
  • result (tlp.DoubleProperty) – a graph property in which the results will be stored
  • maxDepth (integer) – the maximum distance between each node and its neighbours.
tlp.dagLevel(graph, result)

Assigns to each node of a Directed Acyclic Graph a level such that if the edge e(u,v) exists level(u) < level(v). The algorithm ensures that the number of level used is minimal.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute the dag level
  • result (tlp.IntegerProperty) – a graph property in which the results will be stored


The graph must be acyclic (no self loops).


Returns the minimum degree of the graph’s nodes.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute the minimum degree
Return type:



Returns the maximum degree of the graph’s nodes.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute the maximum degree
Return type:


tlp.maxDistance(graph, node, result, direction)

Computes the distances from a node to all the other nodes of a graph and return the maximum one.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute the maximum distance
  • node (tlp.node) – an existing graph node
  • result (tlp.IntegerProperty) – a graph property in which the results will be stored
  • direction (tlp.DIRECTED, tlp.INV_DIRECTED, tlp.UNDIRECTED) – specify if the graph must be directed or not
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph

tlp.reachableNodes(graph, startNode, maxDistance, direction)

Returns the nodes that can be reached from a node, according to a direction, at distance less or equal to a maximum one.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph to work on
  • startNode (tlp.node) – an existing graph node
  • maxDistance (integer) – the maximum distance to reach nodes
  • direction (tlp.DIRECTED, tlp.INV_DIRECTED, tlp.UNDIRECTED) – specify if the graph must be directed or not
Return type:

list of tlp.node

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph

tlp.computeBoundingBox(graph, layout, size, rotation[, selection = None])

Computes the bounding box of a graph according to nodes positions, edges bends, nodes z-rotations and sizes of elements.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute its bounding box
  • layout (tlp.LayoutProperty) – a layout property containing positions of the graph elements
  • size (tlp.SizeProperty) – a size property containing the sizes of the graph elements.
  • rotation (tlp.DoubleProperty) – a double property containing the z-rotations of nodes
  • selection (tlp.BooleanProperty) – a boolean property to restrain the computation of the bounding box to selected elements (if provided)
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the provided properties are not attached to the graph

tlp.computeBoundingRadius(graph, layout, size, rotation[, selection = None])

Computes a bounding sphere (or a bounding circle if the graph has a 2D layout) of a graph according to node position edge bends node z-rotation, and size of elements.

Returns a tuple of tlp.Coord whose first member is the center of the bounding sphere (circle for 2D layout) and second member is the farthest point from the center (computed from graph elements positions). To get the bounding radius, you have to compute the distance between the two members of the tuple (use the tlp.Vec3f.dist() method).

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute its bounding sphere
  • layout (tlp.LayoutProperty) – a layout property containing positions of the graph elements
  • size (tlp.SizeProperty) – a size property containing the sizes of the graph elements.
  • rotation (tlp.DoubleProperty) – a double property containing the z-rotations of nodes
  • selection (tlp.BooleanProperty) – a boolean property to restrain the computation of the bounding sphere to selected elements (if provided)
Return type:

(tlp.Coord, tlp.Coord)

Throws :

an exception if the provided properties are not attached to the graph

tlp.computeConvexHull(graph, layout, size, rotation[, selection = None])

Computes a convex hull of a graph according to nodes positions, edges bends, nodes z-rotations, and sizes of elements. Only works with 2D layouts. Returns a list of tlp.Coord containing the vertices of the graph convex hull correctly ordered.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute its convex hull
  • layout (tlp.LayoutProperty) – a layout property containing positions of the graph elements
  • size (tlp.SizeProperty) – a size property containing the sizes of the graph elements.
  • rotation (tlp.DoubleProperty) – a double property containing the z-rotations of nodes
  • selection (tlp.BooleanProperty) – a boolean property to restrain the computation of the convex hull to selected elements (if provided)
Return type:

list of tlp.Coord

Throws :

an exception if the provided properties are not attached to the graph

Plugins Management


Returns the current version number of Tulip in the form X.Y.Z, X being the major version, Y the minor version, and Z the patch version.

Return type:string

Looks for the Tulip plugins directory and fills the Tulip path variables : tlp.TulipLibDir, tlp.TulipPluginsPath, tlp.TulipBitmapDir. The plug-ins directory can be defined in different ways, given by order of prevalence:

  • the TLP_DIR environment variable, if it has a value
  • a fallback value of ‘C:/Tulip/lib/’ on windows, or ‘/usr/local/lib/’ on unix

Loads C++ plugins installed in the directories listed in the tlp.TulipPluginsPath variable (in the form “<path1>;<path2>” on windows and “<path1>:<path2>” on unix). The tlp.TulipPluginsPath can be initialized with standard Tulip directories by calling the tlp.initTulipLib() function.


Loads a C++ plugin from a specific shared library. Returns True if the plugin was correctly loaded.

  • filename (string) – the path to the shared library containing the Tulip plugin (file extension : .so on linux, .dylib on mac, .dll on windows)
Return type:



Loads C++ plugins located in a specific directory.

  • dir (string) – the path to the directory containing the Tulip plugins

Checks the dependencies of all C++ plugins loaded so far. If a plugin does not have all its dependencies fulfilled, it is unloaded and removed from the current plugins database.

tlp.getDefaultPluginParameters(pluginName[, graph = None])

Returns a dataset filled with default parameters (if any) for a given plugin (algorithm, import, property algorithm, ...).

  • pluginName (string) – the name of the plugin on which to retrieve its default parameters
  • graph (tlp.Graph) – if provided, property parameters will be retrieved from the graph if they exists
Return type:



Return a list containing the names of the import plugins (written in C++ or Python) loaded so far. Import plugins are objects implementing the tlp::ImportModule interface in C++ or the tlp.PythonImportModule interface in Python.

Return type:list of string

Return a list containing the names of the export plugins (written in C++ or Python) loaded so far. Export plugins are objects implementing the tlp::ExportModule interface in C++ or the tlp.PythonExportModule interface in Python.

Return type:list of string

Return a list containing the names of the algorithm plugins (written in C++ or Python) loaded so far. Algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::Algorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.Algorithm interface in Python.

Return type:list of string

Return a list containing the names of the boolean algorithm plugins (written in C++ or Python) loaded so far. Boolean algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::BooleanAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.BooleanAlgorithm interface in Python.

Return type:list of string

Return a list containing the names of the color algorithm plugins (written in C++ or Python) loaded so far. Color algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::ColorAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.ColorAlgorithm interface in Python.

Return type:list of string

Return a list containing the names of the double algorithm plugins (written in C++ or Python) loaded so far. Double algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::DoubleAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.DoubleAlgorithm interface in Python.

Return type:list of string

Return a list containing the names of the integer algorithm plugins (written in C++ or Python) loaded so far. Integer algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::IntegerAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.IntegerAlgorithm interface in Python.

Return type:list of string

Return a list containing the names of the layout algorithm plugins (written in C++ or Python) loaded so far. Layout algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::LayoutAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.LayoutAlgorithm interface in Python.

Return type:list of string

Return a list containing the names of the size algorithm plugins (written in C++ or Python) loaded so far. Size algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::SizeAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.SizeAlgorithm interface in Python.

Return type:list of string

Return a list containing the names of the string algorithm plugins (written in C++ or Python) loaded so far. String algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::StringAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.StringAlgorithm interface in Python.

Return type:list of string

Graph elements classes

class tlp.node

An instance of this class represent a node in a Tulip graph. It encapsulates an integer identifier. Use specific methods in the tlp.Graph class to get references on such objects ( for instance tlp.Graph.addNode(), tlp.Graph.getNodes(), tlp.Graph.getOutNodes(), ...). Node objects can be used as keys in a Python dictionnary.

The node identifier can be accessed through the id class member.


Returns True if the node is a valid one, meaning it is attached to a graph.

Return type:boolean
class tlp.edge

An instance of this class represent an edge in a Tulip graph. It encapsulates an integer identifier. Use specific methods in the tlp.Graph class to get references on such objects ( for instance tlp.Graph.addEdge(), tlp.Graph.getEdges(), tlp.Graph.getInEdges(), ...). Edge objects can be used as keys in a Python dictionnary.

The edge identifier can be accessed through the id class member.


Returns True if the edge is a valid one, meaning it is attached to a graph.

Return type:boolean

the Graph class

class tlp.Graph

This is the main Tulip class. It enables to :

  • create a directed graph
  • create and manipulate a sub-graphs hierarchy
  • get semantic iterators on graph elements
  • create and retrieve properties of different types to get/set data on the graph

This class can not be instanced directly. Use tlp.newGraph() to create a new empty graph.

Modification of the graph structure


Remove all nodes, edges and subgraphs from the graph .


Adds a new node in the graph and returns it. This node is also added in all the graph’s ancestors to maintain the sub-graph relation between graphs.

Return type:tlp.node

Adds an existing node in the graph. This node is also added in all the graph ancestors to maintain the sub-graph relation between graphs. Warning, the node must be an element of the graph hierarchy, thus it must be an element of the root graph. Warning : One can’t add an existing node to the root graph.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node to add to the graph
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the root graph

delNode(node[, deleteInAllGraphs = False])

Deletes a node in the graph. This node is also removed in all the sub-graphs of the graph to maintain the sub-graph relation between graphs.

  • node (tlp.node) – the node to delete
  • deleteInAllGraphs (boolean) – if True, remove the node in all the hierarchy of graphs
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph

addEdge(src, tgt)

Adds a new edge in the graph and returns it. This edge is also added in all the graph’s ancestors to maintain the sub-graph relation between graphs.

  • src (tlp.node) – the source node of the new edge
  • tgt (tlp.node) – the target node of the new edge
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the provided source or target node does not belong to the graph


Adds an existing edge in the graph. This edge is also added in all the graph’s ancestors to maintain the sub-graph relation between graphs. Warning, the edge must be an element of the graph hierarchy, thus it must be an element of the root graph. Warning : One can’t add an existing edge to the root graph

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge to add to the graph
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the root graph

delEdge(edge[, deleteInAllGraphs = False])

Deletes an edge in the graph. This edge is also removed in all the sub-graphs of the graph to maintain the sub-graph relation between graphs. The ordering of edges is preserved.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – the edge to delete
  • deleteInAllGraphs (boolean) – if True, remove the edge in all the hierarchy of graphs
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph

setEdgeOrder(node, edges)

Sets the order of the edges around a node. This operation ensures that adjacent edges of a node will be ordered as they are in the list of edges given in parameter.

  • node (tlp.node) – the node on which to set edges ordering
  • edges (list of tlp.edge) – the list of edges adjacent to the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph

swapEdgeOrder(node, edge1, edge2)

Swaps two edges in the adjacency list of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – the node on which swapping two edges in its adjacency list
  • edge1 (tlp.edge) – an edge adjacent to the node
  • edge2 (tlp.edge) – another edge adjacent to the node
Throws :

an exception if the node or one of the edges does not belong to the graph

setSource(edge, src)

Sets the source of an existing edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – the edge on which to change the source node
  • src (tlp.node) – the new source node of the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge or the node does not belong to the graph

setTarget(edge, tgt)

Sets the target of an existing edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – the edge on which to change the target node
  • tgt (tlp.node) – the new target node of the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge or node does not belong to the graph

setEnds(edge, src, tgt)

Sets both the source and target of an existing edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – the edge on which to change the source and target nodes
  • src (tlp.node) – the new source node of the edge
  • tgt (tlp.node) – the new target node of the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge or one of the nodes does not belong to the graph


Reverses the direction of an edge, the source becomes the target and the target becomes the source. Warning : The ordering is global to the entire graph hierarchy. Thus, by changing the ordering in a graph you change the ordering in the hierarchy.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – the edge on which to revert the direction.
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph

Creation and Modification of the sub-graphs hierarchy

addSubGraph([selection = None])

Creates and returns a new sub-graph. The elements of the new sub-graph are those selected in the selection. If there is no selection an empty sub-graph is returned.

  • selection (tlp.BooleanProperty) – a Boolean property whose selected elements will be added to the sub-graph
Return type:



Creates and returns a new sub-graph of the graph induced by a set of nodes. The sub-graph contains all the nodes of the set and all the existing edges between two nodes of the set including self-loops.

  • nodes (list of tlp.node) – the set of nodes from which to build the induced sub-graph
Return type:



Delete a sub-graph of this graph. The sub-graph’s sub-graphs become sub-graphs of the graph.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – the sub-graph to remove

Delete a sub-graph of this graph and all its sub-graphs.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – the sub-graph to remove

Returns the parent of the graph, if it has no parent (is the root graph), it returns itself.

Return type:tlp.Graph

Returns the root graph of the graph hierarchy.

Return type:tlp.Graph

Sets the parent of the graph (use very carefully). Standard users should never use this method.

  • superGraph (tlp.Graph) – the new parent for the graph in the hierarchy.

Returns an iterator on all the sub-graphs of the graph.

Return type:an iterator on tlp.Graph objects

Returns True if the graph argument is a direct sub-graph of the graph.

Return type:



Returns True if the graph argument is a descendant of this graph.

Return type:



Returns the sub-graph with the corresponding id or None if there is no sub-graph with that id.

  • id (integer) – a graph id
Return type:

tlp.Graph or None


Returns the descendant graph with the corresponding id or None if there is no descendant with that id.

  • id (integer) – a graph id
Return type:

tlp.Graph or None

Iterators on the graph structure


Returns an existing node of the graph.

Return type:tlp.node

Returns an iterator on the nodes.

Return type:an iterator on tlp.node objects
getInNode(node, i)

Returns the ith predecessor of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
  • i (integer) – the position in the predecessor nodes list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph or if the requested index is lesser than the number of predecessor nodes


Return an iterator on the predecessors of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
Return type:

an iterator on tlp.node objects

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph

getOutNode(node, i)

Returns the ith successor of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
  • i (integer) – the position in the successor nodes list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph or if the requested index is lesser than the number of successor nodes


Returns an iterator on the successors of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
Return type:

an iterator on tlp.node objects

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph


Returns an iterator on the neighbours of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
Return type:

an iterator on tlp.node objects

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph


Returns the underlying graph of a meta node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph


Returns an existing edge of the graph.

Return type:tlp.edge

Returns an iterator on the edges.

Return type:an iterator on tlp.edge objects

Returns an iterator on the outgoing edges of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
Return type:

an iterator on tlp.edge objects

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph


Returns an iterator on the incoming and outgoing edges of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
Return type:

an iterator on tlp.edge objects

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph


Returns an iterator on the incoming edges of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
Return type:

an iterator on tlp.edge objects

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph


Returns an iterator on the underlying edges of a meta edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge of the graph
Return type:

an iterator on tlp.edge objects

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph

Graph, nodes and edges informations about the graph stucture


Returns the graph’s id. This id is unique.

Return type:integer

Returns the number of nodes in the graph.

Return type:integer

Returns the number of edges in the graph.

Return type:integer

Returns the degree of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph


Returns the incoming degree of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph


Returns the outgoing degree of a node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph


Returns the source of the edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge of the graph
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph


Returns the target of the edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge of the graph
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph


Returns a tuple containing the two end nodes of an edge

  • edge – an existing edge of the graph
Return type:

(tlp.node, tlp.node)

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph

opposite(edge, node)

Returns the opposite node of the edge for the given node.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge of the graph
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph or if the given node is not linked by the edge


Returns True if the node is an element of the graph.

Return type:



Returns True if the node is a meta-node.

  • node (tlp.edge) – an existing node of the graph
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph


Returns True if the edge is an element of the graph.

Return type:



Returns True if the node is an element of the graph.

Return type:



Returns True if the edge is a meta-edge.

  • edge – an existing edge of the graph
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph

existEdge(node1, node2[, directed=True])

Returns the edge if it exists an edge between two nodes. If no edge is found, returns an invalid edge.

  • node1 (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
  • node2 (tlp.node) – an existing node of the graph
  • directed (boolean) – indicates if the direction of the edge (from source to target) must be taken in to account
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if one of the nodes does not belong to the graph

Access and compute graph properties


Returns the boolean property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the boolean property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the boolean property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the boolean property to return or to create
Return type:


computeBooleanProperty(algoName, result[, dataSet = None])

Computes a boolean property on the current graph using an external named boolean algorithm (plugin). Boolean algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::BooleanAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.BooleanAlgorithm interface in Python. The computed values will be stored in result. Warning: previous values stored in result will be deleted. Parameters can be transmit to the algorithm using a tlp.DataSet . In some cases, algorithms can use this tlp.DataSet in order to return some external information (not stored in result). Returns a tuple whose first member is a boolean indicating if the algorithm terminates successfully and second member is a string which can contain an error message.

  • algoName (string) – the name of the boolean algorithm to call
  • result (tlp.BooleanProperty) – a boolean property in which result of the algorithm will be stored
  • dataSet (tlp.DataSet) – a data set containing some parameters to transmit to the algorithm
Return type:

(boolean, string)

Throws :

an exception if the requested boolean algorithm plugin is not registered in the plugins database.


Returns the boolean vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the boolean vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the boolean vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the boolean vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the color property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the color property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the color property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the color property to return or to create
Return type:


computeColorProperty(algoName, result[, dataSet = None])

Computes a color property on the current graph using an external named color algorithm (plugin). Color algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::ColorAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.ColorAlgorithm interface in Python. The computed values will be stored in result. Warning: previous values stored in result will be deleted. Parameters can be transmit to the algorithm using a tlp.DataSet . In some cases, algorithms can use this tlp.DataSet in order to return some external information (not stored in result). Returns a tuple whose first member is a boolean indicating if the algorithm terminates successfully and second member is a string which can contain an error message.

  • algoName (string) – the name of the color algorithm to call
  • result (tlp.ColorProperty) – a color property in which result of the algorithm will be stored
  • dataSet (tlp.DataSet) – a data set containing some parameters to transmit to the algorithm
Return type:

(boolean, string)

Throws :

an exception if the requested color algorithm plugin is not registered in the plugins database.


Returns the color vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the color vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the color vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the color vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the double property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the double property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the double property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the double property to return or to create
Return type:


computeDoubleProperty(algoName, result[, dataSet = None])

Computes a double property on the current graph using an external named double algorithm (plugin). Double algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::DoubleAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.DoubleAlgorithm interface in Python. The computed values will be stored in result. Warning: previous values stored in result will be deleted. Parameters can be transmit to the algorithm using a tlp.DataSet . In some cases, algorithms can use this tlp.DataSet in order to return some external information (not stored in result). Returns a tuple whose first member is a boolean indicating if the algorithm terminates successfully and second member is a string which can contain an error message.

  • algoName (string) – the name of the double algorithm to call
  • result (tlp.DoublrProperty) – a double property in which result of the algorithm will be stored
  • dataSet (tlp.DataSet) – a data set containing some parameters to transmit to the algorithm
Return type:

(boolean, string)

Throws :

an exception if the requested double algorithm plugin is not registered in the plugins database.


Returns the double vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the double vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the double vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the double vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the integer property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the integer property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the integer property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the integer property to return or to create
Return type:


computeIntegerProperty(algoName, result[, dataSet = None])

Computes an integer property on the current graph using an external named integer algorithm (plugin). Integer algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::IntegerAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.IntegerAlgorithm interface in Python. The computed values will be stored in result. Warning: previous values stored in result will be deleted. Parameters can be transmit to the algorithm using a tlp.DataSet . In some cases, algorithms can use this tlp.DataSet in order to return some external information (not stored in result). Returns a tuple whose first member is a boolean indicating if the algorithm terminates successfully and second member is a string which can contain an error message.

  • algoName (string) – the name of the integer algorithm to call
  • result (tlp.IntegerProperty) – an integer property in which result of the algorithm will be stored
  • dataSet (tlp.DataSet) – a data set containing some parameters to transmit to the algorithm
Return type:

(boolean, string)

Throws :

an exception if the requested integer algorithm plugin is not registered in the plugins database.


Returns the integer vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the integer vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the integer vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the integer vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the meta-graph property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the meta-graph property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the meta-graph property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the meta-graph property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the layout property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the layout property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the layout property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the layout property to return or to create
Return type:


computeLayoutProperty(algoName, result[, dataSet = None])

Computes a layout property on the current graph using an external named layout algorithm (plugin). Layout algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::LayoutAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.LayoutAlgorithm interface in Python. The computed values will be stored in result. Warning: previous values stored in result will be deleted. Parameters can be transmit to the algorithm using a tlp.DataSet . In some cases, algorithms can use this tlp.DataSet in order to return some external information (not stored in result). Returns a tuple whose first member is a boolean indicating if the algorithm terminates successfully and second member is a string which can contain an error message.

  • algoName (string) – the name of the layout algorithm to call
  • result (tlp.LayoutProperty) – a layout property in which result of the algorithm will be stored
  • dataSet (tlp.DataSet) – a data set containing some parameters to transmit to the algorithm
Return type:

(boolean, string)

Throws :

an exception if the requested layout algorithm plugin is not registered in the plugins database.


Returns the coord vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the coord vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the coord vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the coord vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the size property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the size property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the size property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the size property to return or to create
Return type:


computeSizeProperty(algoName, result[, dataSet = None])

Computes a size property on the current graph using an external named size algorithm (plugin). Size algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::SizeAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.SizeAlgorithm interface in Python. The computed values will be stored in result. Warning: previous values stored in result will be deleted. Parameters can be transmit to the algorithm using a tlp.DataSet . In some cases, algorithms can use this tlp.DataSet in order to return some external information (not stored in result). Returns a tuple whose first member is a boolean indicating if the algorithm terminates successfully and second member is a string which can contain an error message.

  • algoName (string) – the name of the size algorithm to call
  • result (tlp.SizeProperty) – a size property in which result of the algorithm will be stored
  • dataSet (tlp.DataSet) – a data set containing some parameters to transmit to the algorithm
Return type:

(boolean, string)

Throws :

an exception if the requested size algorithm plugin is not registered in the plugins database.


Returns the size vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the size vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the size vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the size vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the string property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the string property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the string property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the string property to return or to create
Return type:


computeStringProperty(algoName, result[, dataSet = None])

Computes a string property on the current graph using an external named string algorithm (plugin). String algorithm plugins are objects implementing the tlp::StringAlgorithm interface in C++ or the tlp.StringAlgorithm interface in Python. The computed values will be stored in result. Warning: previous values stored in result will be deleted. Parameters can be transmit to the algorithm using a tlp.DataSet . In some cases, algorithms can use this tlp.DataSet in order to return some external information (not stored in result). Returns a tuple whose first member is a boolean indicating if the algorithm terminates successfully and second member is a string which can contain an error message.

  • algoName (string) – the name of the string algorithm to call
  • result (tlp.StringProperty) – a string property in which result of the algorithm will be stored
  • dataSet (tlp.DataSet) – a data set containing some parameters to transmit to the algorithm
Return type:

(boolean, string)

Throws :

an exception if the requested string algorithm plugin is not registered in the plugins database.


Returns the string vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the string vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the string vector property associated to name in the graph properties pool. If the property is not registered in the pool, it creates a new one and returns it. Using of del on that property will cause a segmentation violation (use tlp.Graph.delLocalProperty() instead).

  • name (string) – the name of the string vector property to return or to create
Return type:



Returns the property associated to name in the graph properties pool. The returned property is referenced by its base class tlp.PropertyInterface meaning getting and setting values can only be done via the use of strings. To get the property correctly typed, use the methods described above. If the property does not exist it returns None.

  • name (string) – the name of the property to return
Return type:



Returns True if a property of that name exists in the graph properties pool or in the pool of an ancestor in the sub-graphs hierarchy.

  • name (string) – the name of the property
Return type:



Returns True if a property of that name exists in the graph properties pool.

  • name (string) – the name of the property
Return type:



Removes and deletes the property associated to name in the graph properties pool.

  • name (string) – the name of the property to delete

Returns an iterator on the names of the properties local to the graph.

Return type:tlp.IteratorString

Returns an iterator on the names of the properties inherited from the graph’s ancestors.

Return type:tlp.IteratorString

Returns an iterator on the names of all the properties attached to the graph.

Return type:tlp.IteratorString

Update management


Marks the state of the current root graph in the hierarchy. The next updates will be recorded in order to be undone at the next call of the tlp.Graph.pop() method. Be careful that all the updates are undone except those who affect the ordering of edges.

  • unpopAllowed (boolean) – If set to False, the next updates could not be replayed after undone. If some previously undonevupdates exist they could no longer be replayed.

Restores a previously marked state of the current root graph in the hierarchy. The restored state does not remain marked.

  • unpopAllowed (boolean) – If set to False, the undone updates could not be replayed.

Marks again the current state of the root graph hierarchy and replays the last updates previously undone.


Returns True if a previously marked state can be restored.

Return type:boolean

Returns True if some previously undone updates can be replayed.

Return type:boolean

Returns True if the current state updates can be undone then replayed.

Return type:boolean

Meta-nodes management

createMetaNode(nodeSet[, multiEdges=True, delAllEdge=True])

Closes a set of existing nodes into a metanode and returns it. Edges from nodes in the set to other nodes are replaced with edges from the metanode to the other nodes. Warning: this method will failed when called on the root graph.

  • nodeSet (list of tlp.node) – a set of existing nodes
  • multiEdges (boolean) – indicates if a meta edge will be created for each underlying edge
  • delAllEdge (boolean) – indicates if the underlying edges will be removed from the entire hierarchy
Return type:


createMetaNodes(itGraph, quotientGraph)

Populates a quotient graph with one meta node for each iterated graph. Returns a list of created meta-nodes.

  • itGraph (an iterator on tlp.Graph objects) – a graph iterator, (typically a subgraph iterator)
  • quotientGraph (tlp.Graph) – the graph that will contain the meta nodes
Return type:

list of tlp.node

createMetaNode(subgraph[, multiEdges=True, delAllEdge=True])

Closes an existing subgraph into a metanode and returns it. Edges from nodes in the subgraph to nodes outside the subgraph are replaced with edges from the metanode to the nodes outside the subgraph. Warning: this method will failed when called on the root graph.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – an existing subgraph
  • multiEdges (boolean) – indicates if a meta edge will be created for each underlying edge
  • delAllEdge (boolean) – indicates if the underlying edges will be removed from the entire hierarchy
Return type:


openMetaNode(metaNode[, updateProperties=True])

Opens a metanode and replaces all edges between that meta node and other nodes in the graph. Warning: this method will failed when called on the root graph.

  • metaNode (tlp.node) – the meta-node to open
  • updateProperties (boolean) – If True, open meta node will update inner nodes layout, color, size, etc...

Tulip datatypes

class tlp.Vec3f

This class represents a vector with 3 floating point components. It can be instantiated as illustrated in the code below:

# Initializes a Vec3f with all components set to 0.0
v = tlp.Vec3f()

# Initializes a Vec3f with all components set to 1.0
v2 = tlp.Vec3f(1.0)

# Initializes a Vec3f by specifying the value of each component
v3 = tlp.Vec3f(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) 

# Initializes a Vec3f by copy
v4 = tlp.Vec3f(v3)

Numerous mathematical operations are available to work with vectors. The sample code below illustrates them:

# Instantiate two vectors
v = tlp.Vec3f(4.5, 1.0, 3.0)
v2 = tlp.Vec3f(1.5, 2.0, 6.0)

# Add two vectors, operator += is also available
v3 = v + v2

# Add a value to all components of a vector, operator += is also available
v4 = v + 2.0

# Subtract two vectors, operator -= is also available
v5 = v - v2

# Subtract a value to all components of a vector, operator -= is also available
v6 = v - 3.0

# Multiply two vectors (not vector product), operator *= is also available
v7 = v * v2

# Multiply each component of a vector by a value, operator *= is also available
v8 = v * 2.0

# Divide two vectors, operator /= is also available
v9 = v / v2

# Divide each component of a vector by a value, operator /= is also available
v10 = v / 2.0

# Perform a vector product, operator ^= is also available
v11 = v ^ v2

Each component of the vector can be read / written through the [] operator:

v = tlp.Vec3f(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)

# read first component
a = v[0]

# write third component
v[2] = 4.0

Operators for vectors equality (==), vectors difference (!=) and vectors comparison (<, >) are also available.


Computes and returns the distance between the vector (3d point) and another one.

Return type:



Computes and returns the dot product (scalar product) of the vector with another one

Return type:



Set the same value to each component of the vector.

  • val (float) – a value

Computes and returns the euclidean norm of the vector.

Return type:float
class tlp.Vec4f

This class represents a vector with 4 floating point components. Constructors, operators and methods are similar to those from the tlp.Vec3f class.

class tlp.Vec4i

This class represents a vector with 4 integer components. Constructors, operators and methods are similar to those from the tlp.Vec3f class.

class tlp.Coord

Bases: tlp.Vec3f

This class represents a point (coordinates) in a third dimensional space . Constructors and operators are similar to those defined in its base class tlp.Vec3f.


Returns the point as a tuple.

Return type:(float, float, float)

Returns the x coordinate of the point.

Return type:float

Returns the y coordinate of the point.

Return type:float

Returns the z coordinate of the point.

Return type:float
set(x, y, z)

Sets each coordinate of the point.

  • x (float) – a value
  • y (float) – a value
  • z (float) – a value

Sets the x coordinate of the point.

  • x (float) – a value

Sets the y coordinate of the point.

  • y (float) – a value

Sets the z coordinate of the point.

  • z (float) – a value
class tlp.BoundingBox

This class represents the 3D bounding box of an object. It is defined by two 3d points, the first one being the lowest point (bottom-left corner), the second being the highest (top-right corner).

A bounding box can be instantiated and manipulated the following ways:

# Initialize a non-valid bounding box.
# The minimum is (1, 1, 1) and the maximum is (-1, -1, -1).
bb = tlp.BoundingBox()

# Initialize a bounding box by specifying the lowest and highest point.
# The validity of the bounding box is checked in debug mode (an assertion is raised if it is not valid). 
bb2 = tlp.BoundingBox(tlp.Vec3f(0,0,0), tlp.Vec3f(10,10,10))

# Reading / writing the bounding box components can be done through the [] operator
min = bb2[0]
max = bb2[1]

Returns the geometrical center of the bounding box.

Return type:tlp.Vec3f

Returns the depth of the bounding box.

Return type:float

Expands the bounding box to one containing the vector passed as parameter. If the vector is inside the bounding box, it remains unchanged.

  • point (tlp.Vec3f) – A point in the 3D space we want the bounding box to encompass.

Returns the height of the bounding box.

Return type:float

Checks whether the bounding box’s lowest point is less than it’s highest point. “Less Than” means axis-by-axis comparison, i.e. x1 < x2 && y1 < y2 && z1 < z2.

Return type:boolean

Translates the bounding box by the displacement given by the vector passed as parameter.

  • displacement (tlp.Vec3f) – The displacement vector in 3D space to translate this bounding box by.

Returns the width of the bounding box.

Return type:float
class tlp.Size

Bases: tlp.Vec3f

This class represents a size in a third dimensional space (width, height, depth). Constructors and operators are similar to those defined in its base class tlp.Vec3f.


Returns the component of the size as a tuple.

Return type:(float, float, float)

Returns the depth component of the size.

Return type:float

Returns the height component of the size.

Return type:float

Returns the width component of the size.

Return type:float
set(width, height, depth)

Sets the three component of the size.

  • width (float) – a value
  • height (float) – a value
  • depth (float) – a value

Sets the depth component of the size.

  • depth (float) – a value

Sets the height component of the size.

  • height (float) – a value

Sets the width component of the size.

  • width (float) – a value
class tlp.Color

This class represents a color using the RGBA color space. It can be instantiated the following way:

# Each component must be in the range [0, 255]
redOpaque = tlp.Color(255, 0, 0)

blueTranslucent = tlp.Color(0, 0, 255, 100)

The value of each component can be read / written using the [] operator.


Returns the alpha component of the color.

Return type:integer

Returns the alpha component of the color in the OpenGL format (a float value between 0.0 and 1.0).

Return type:float

Returns the blue component of the color.

Return type:integer

Returns the blue component of the color in the OpenGL format (a float value between 0.0 and 1.0).

Return type:float

Returns the green component of the color.

Return type:integer

Returns the green component of the color in the OpenGL format (a float value between 0.0 and 1.0).

Return type:float

Returns the hue component (in the range [0, 360]) of the color in the HSV color space.

Return type:integer

Returns the red component of the color.

Return type:integer

Returns the red component of the color in the OpenGL format (a float value between 0.0 and 1.0).

Return type:float

Returns the saturation component (in the range [0, 255]) of the color in the HSV color space.

Return type:integer

Returns the value component (in the range [0, 255]) of the color in the HSV color space.

Return type:integer
set(red, green, blue, alpha)

Sets each component of the color. Each component must be in the range [0, 255].

  • red (integer) – the red component value
  • green (integer) – the green component value
  • blue (integer) – the blue component value
  • alpha (integer) – the alpha component value

Sets the alpha component of the color (must be in the range [0, 255]).

  • alpha (integer) – the alpha component value

Sets the blue component of the color (must be in the range [0, 255]).

  • blue (integer) – the blue component value

Sets the green component of the color (must be in the range [0, 255]).

  • green (integer) – the green component value

Sets the hue component of the color in the HSV color space (must be in the range [0, 360]).

  • hue (integer) – the hue component value

Sets the red component of the color (must be in the range [0, 255]).

  • red (integer) – the red component value

Sets the saturation component of the color in the HSV color space (must be in the range [0, 255]).

  • saturation (integer) – the saturation component value

Sets the value component of the color in the HSV color space (must be in the range [0, 255]).

  • value (integer) – the value component value
class tlp.ColorScale

This class represents a color scale to perform color mapping. The color scale can be either gradient (default) or predefined colors steps. If the color scale is a gradient, returned colors are interpolated in function of the position. If the color scale isn’t a gradient returned colors are the predefined colors steps.

The sample code below illustrates how to create and manipulate a color scale:

# Creating a color scale.
colorScale = tlp.ColorScale()

# Color scale initialization : from blue to red with gradient.
colorScale.setColorAtPos(0.0, tlp.Color(0,0,255))
colorScale.setColorAtPos(1.0, tlp.Color(255,0,0))       

# Get the color for the position 0.5, i.e. Color(127,0,127).
color = colorScale.getColorAtPos(0.5);
# Reinitialize the color scale : from blue to red without gradient.
newColors = []
# Get the color for the position 0.3, i.e. Color(0,0,255).
color = colorScale.getColorAtPos(0.3)
# Get the color for the position 0.7, i.e. Color(255,0,0).
color = colorScale.getColorAtPos(0.7)
This method computes the color associated to a specific position in the color scale and returns it.
  • pos (float) – This value defines the position of the color in the scale and must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (it will be clamped otherwise).
Return type:



Returns a dictionary corresponding to the color scale.

Return type:a dictionary whose indexes are of type float and the values of type tlp.Color

Returns True if the color scale is a gradient.

Return type:boolean
setColorAtPos(pos, color)

This method adds a color to the color scale at a specific position.

  • pos (float) – the position in the color scale (0.0 <= pos <= 1.0)
  • color (tlp.Color) – the color to add at the specified position
setColorScale(colors[, gradient = True])

This method configures the color scale. If the scale was previously configured the old configuration is lost.

  • colors (list of tlp.Color) – The colors to use in the color scale.
  • gradient (boolean) – If set to True, the color scale is a gradient
class tlp.StringCollection

This class represents a list of selectable string entries that can be used as plugin parameter. The list will appear as a combo box in the Plugin Parameter Dialog from the Tulip GUI.


Returns the string element at a certain index in the collection.

  • index (integer) – a valid index in the collection
Return type:



Returns True if the collection is empty.

Return type:boolean

Returns the index of the current selected string.

Return type:integer

Returns the current selected string value.

Return type:string

Adds a string value to this string collection.

  • element (string) – the string to add to the collection

Sets the current selected string index. Returns True if the provided index is valid.

  • index (integer) – a valid index in the string collection
Return type:



Sets the current selected string value. Returns True if the string value exists in the collection.

  • value (string) – a string value from the collection
Return type:



Returns the number of strings in the collection.

Return type:integer
class tlp.DataSet

This class is used to store a set of parameters to transmit to a Tulip algorithm. Below is an exhaustive list of data types that can be stored in a Tulip data set:

If you try to store an unsupported data type, an exception will be thrown. Each value stored in a data set is associated to a string key. Reading / Writing a value in a data set is done through the [] operator as illustrated below:

# data set creation
dataSet = tlp.DataSet()

# writing integer values
dataSet["height"] = 100
dataSet["width"] = 300

# reading integer values
area = dataSet["height"] * dataSet["width"] 

Checks if the data set contains a value associated to a particular key.

  • key (string) – the key to check
Return type:



Returns the list of keys associated to the values stored in the data set.

Return type:list of string

Remove the value associated to a particular key from the data set if it exists.

  • key (string) – the key of the value to remove.

Returns the number of values stored in the data set.

Return type:integer
class tlp.PluginProgress

This interface allows to notify and control the progression of a process.


Sets the state flag to cancel, notifying to the process that the user wants to cancel it. Canceling a process must stop it and revert all the changes performed since its start.


Returns a message describing the error encountered during the process. If no error has been encountered, an empty string is returned.

Return type:string

Returns True if the preview mode is enabled. The preview mode redraws the graph while applying the algorithm, making it slower.

Return type:boolean
progress(step, maxStep)

Use this method to notify the progression of the process.

  • step (integer) – the current step number
  • maxStep (integer) – the total number of steps
Return type:

a value indicating whether the progress has been stopped (tlp.TLP_STOP), cancelled (tlp.TLP_CANCEL), or will continue (tlp.TLP_CONTINUE).


Changes the comment about the process progression.

  • msg (string) – A description of what the process is currently doing, displayed to inform the user.

Sets the message describing the error encountered during the process.

  • errorMsg (string) – the error message to set

Enables / disables the preview mode. The preview mode redraws the graph while applying the algorithm, making it slower.

  • preview (boolean) – indicates if the preview mode should be activated

This tells the widget associated to this PluginProgress if it should show a preview checkbox, allowing the user to decide if the algorithm should draw a preview or not.

  • showPreview (boolean) – whether the progress widget should contain a preview checkbox or not.

Gets the current internal state of the PluginProgress.

Return type:a value indicating whether the progress has been stopped (tlp.TLP_STOP), cancelled (tlp.TLP_CANCEL), or will continue (tlp.TLP_CONTINUE).

Sets the state flag to stop, notifying to the process that the user wants to stop it. Stopping a process does not revert changes.

Graph properties classes

class tlp.PropertyInterface

Removes the value stored for the node given in parameter. The new value for the node is the default one.

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns a string representation of the edge default value.

Return type:string

Returns a string conversion of the value registered for the given edge.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the graph on which the property has been defined. WARNING : If the property is inherited the graph could be different that the one used to get that property.

Return type:tlp.Graph

Returns the name of the property.

Return type:string

Returns a string representation of the node default value.

Return type:string

Returns a string conversion of the value registered for the given node.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getNonDefaultValuatedEdges([subgraph = None])

Returns an iterator on all edges whose value is different from the default value.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter. In that case, only the edges owned by this sub-graph are returned by the iterator.
Return type:


getNonDefaultValuatedNodes([subgraph = None])

Returns an iterator on all nodes whose value is different from the default value.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter. In that case, only the nodes owned by this sub-graph are returned by the iterator.
Return type:



Returns a string describing the type of the property, i.e. “graph”, “double”, “layout”, “string”, “integer”, “color”, “size”, ...

Return type:string

Clears all edges registered values, and sets a new edge default value in converting the given string representation of a value. Returns True if the given string representation has been successfully converted to a value, False otherwise.

  • str (string) – a string representation of a value
Return type:



Clears all nodes registered values, and sets a new node default value in converting the given string representation of a value. Returns True if the given string representation has been successfully converted to a value, False otherwise.

  • str (string) – a string representation of a value
Return type:


setEdgeStringValue(edge, str)

Registers a new value for the given edge in converting the given string representation. Returns True if the given string representation has been successfully converted to a value, False otherwise.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • str (string) – a string representation of a value
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeStringValue(node, str)

Registers a new value for the given node in converting the given string representation. Returns True if the given string representation has been successfully converted to a value, False otherwise.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • str (string) – a string representation of a value
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.BooleanProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface

getNodesEqualTo(val[, graph = None])

Returns an iterator through all nodes belonging to the attached graph whose associated value is equal to the one given in parameter.

  • val (boolean) – a value
  • graph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case returns an iterator on nodes only belonging to that sub-graph
Return type:


getEdgesEqualTo(val[, graph = None])

Returns an iterator through all edges belonging to the attached graph whose associated value is equal to the one given in parameter.

  • val (boolean) – a value
  • graph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case returns an iterator on edges only belonging to that sub-graph
Return type:



Reverses all values associated to graph elements, i.e True => False, False => True .


Reverses all the direction of edges in the attached graph which are set to True in this boolean property.


Returns the default value associated to the edges.

Return type:boolean

Returns the value associated to a particular edge.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default value associated to the nodes.

Return type:boolean

Returns the value associated to a particular node.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same value on the whole set of edges.

  • val (boolean) – the value to set on the edges.

Sets the same value on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (boolean) – the value to set on the nodes.
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the value of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (boolean) – the value to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the value of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (boolean) – the value to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.ColorProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface


Returns the default value associated to the edges.

Return type:tlp.Color

Returns the value associated to a particular edge.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default value associated to the nodes.

Return type:tlp.Color

Returns the value associated to a particular node.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same value on the whole set of edges.

  • val (tlp.Color) – the value to set on the edges.

Sets the same value on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (tlp.Color) – the value to set on the nodes.
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the value of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (tlp.Color) – the value to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the value of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (tlp.Color) – the value to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.DoubleProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface

getNodeMin([subgraph = None])

Returns the minimum value on the nodes for that double property.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the minimum value on the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:


getNodeMax([subgraph = None])

Returns the maximum value on the nodes for that double property.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the maximum value on the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:


getEdgeMin([subgraph = None])

Returns the minimum value on the edges for that double property.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the minimum value on the edges belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:


getEdgeMax([subgraph = None])

Returns the maximum value on the edges for that double property.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the maximum value on the edges belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:



Performs an uniform quantification on nodes and edges based on the values stored in that double property. An uniform quantification tries to separate the nodes and edges in n classes of equivalent size according to theirs values in increasing order.

  • n (integer) – the number of desired classes


All previous values on nodes and edges will be erased and replaced by the id of the class they belong to.


Performs an uniform quantification on nodes based on the values stored in that double property. An uniform quantification tries to separate the nodes in n classes of equivalent size according to theirs values in increasing order.

  • n (integer) – the number of desired classes


All previous values on nodes will be erased and replaced by the id of the class they belong to.


Performs an uniform quantification on edges based on the values stored in that double property. An uniform quantification tries to separate the edges in n classes of equivalent size according to theirs values in increasing order.

  • n (integer) – the number of desired classes


All previous values on edges will be erased and replaced by the id of the class they belong to.


Returns the default value associated to the edges.

Return type:float

Returns the value associated to a particular edge.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default value associated to the nodes.

Return type:float

Returns the value associated to a particular node.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same value on the whole set of edges.

  • val (float) – the value to set on the edges.

Sets the same value on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (float) – the value to set on the nodes.
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the value of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (float) – the value to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the value of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (float) – the value to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.IntegerProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface

getNodeMin([subgraph = None])

Returns the minimum value on the nodes for that integer property.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the minimum value on the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:


getNodeMax([subgraph = None])

Returns the maximum value on the nodes for that integer property.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the maximum value on the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:


getEdgeMin([subgraph = None])

Returns the minimum value on the edges for that integer property.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the minimum value on the edges belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:


getEdgeMax([subgraph = None])

Returns the maximum value on the edges for that integer property.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the maximum value on the edges belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:



Returns the default value associated to the edges.

Return type:integer

Returns the value associated to a particular edge.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default value associated to the nodes.

Return type:integer

Returns the value associated to a particular node.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same value on the whole set of edges.

  • val (integer) – the value to set on the edges.

Sets the same value on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (integer) – the value to set on the nodes.
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the value of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (integer) – the value to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the value of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (integer) – the value to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.LayoutProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface

angularResolutions(node[, subgraph=None])

Returns a list of all angular resolution of a node. It is defined for 2D drawing, the third coordinates is omitted

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case returns the list of angular resolution for the node in that sub-graph
Return type:

list of float

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

averageAngularResolution([subgraph = None])

Returns the average angular resolution of the layout. It is only defined for 2D drawing, the third coordinate is omitted

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case computes the average angular resolution for the layout of the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:


averageAngularResolution(node[, subgraph = None])

Returns the average angular resolution of a node. It is only defined for 2D drawing, the third coordinate is omitted

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case computes the average angular resolution of a node in that sub-graph.
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

center([subgraph = None])

Centers the layout of the attached graph, meaning translating it in order that the center of its bounding box is (0,0,0)

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case centers the layout of the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.

Fixes embedding of the graph according to the layout, ie. sort edges around nodes according to their neighbors/bends position in the layout. Only works in 2D, the third coordinate is not taken into account.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case fixes embedding of that sub-graph
computeEmbedding(node[, subgraph=None])

Fixes embedding of the node according to the layout, ie. sort edges around the node according to their neighbors/bends position in the layout. Only works in 2D, the third coordinate is not taken into account.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case fixes embedding of the node in that sub-graph
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the number of edges crossings in the layout.


Returns the length of an edge, the bends are taken into account. Thus, it measures the length of a polyline. Warning this function only measures the length of the polyline between bends, when using curves like bezier etc... the result will not be the length of the curve.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getMin([subgraph = None])

Returns the minimum coordinate on the nodes in that layout property, i.e. the bottom-left corner of the graph drawing bounding box.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the minimum coordinate on the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:


getMax([subgraph = None])

Returns the maximum coordinate on the nodes in that layout property, i.e. the top-right corner of the graph drawing bounding box.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the maximum coordinate on the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:


normalize([subgraph = None])

Normalized the layout of the attached graph, meaning dividing each nodes and edges coordinate by the maximum magnitude of the whole coordinates set

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case normalizes the layout of the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.

Scales the layout in order to approach an aspect ratio (width / height) of 1.0 .

rotateX(alpha, itNodes, itEdges)

Rotates the layout around the X-axis of the nodes and edges provided through iterators according to an angle in degrees.

  • alpha (float) – an angle in degrees
  • itNodes (tlp.IteratorNode) – an iterator on graph nodes
  • itEdges (tlp.IteratorEdge) – an iterator on graph edges
rotateY(alpha, itNodes, itEdges)

Rotates the layout around the Y-axis of the nodes and edges provided through iterators according to an angle in degrees.

  • alpha (float) – an angle in degrees
  • itNodes (tlp.IteratorNode) – an iterator on graph nodes
  • itEdges (tlp.IteratorEdge) – an iterator on graph edges
rotateZ(alpha[, subgraph = None])

Rotates the current layout around the Z-axis according to an angle in degrees.

  • alpha (flot) – an angle in degrees
  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case rotates the layout of the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
rotateZ(alpha, itNodes, itEdges)

Rotates the layout around the Z-axis of the nodes and edges provided through iterators according to an angle in degrees.

  • alpha (float) – an angle in degrees
  • itNodes (tlp.IteratorNode) – an iterator on graph nodes
  • itEdges (tlp.IteratorEdge) – an iterator on graph edges
scale(scaleFactors[, subgraph = None])

Scales the current layout according to a vector of scale factors (sx, sy, sz).

  • move (tlp.Coord) – a vector of scale factors
  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case scales the layout of the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
scale(scaleFactors, itNodes, itEdges)

Scales the layout of the nodes and edges provided through iterators according to a vector of scale factors (sx, sy, sz).

  • move (tlp.Coord) – a vector of scale factors
  • itNodes (tlp.IteratorNode) – an iterator on graph nodes
  • itEdges (tlp.IteratorEdge) – an iterator on graph edges
translate(move[, subgraph = None])

Translates the current layout according to a movement vector.

  • move (tlp.Coord) – a movement vector
  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case translates the layout of the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
translate(move, itNodes, itEdges)

Translates the layout of the nodes and edges provided through iterators according to a movement vector.

  • move (tlp.Coord) – a movement vector
  • itNodes (tlp.IteratorNode) – an iterator on graph nodes
  • itEdges (tlp.IteratorEdge) – an iterator on graph edges

Returns the default value associated to the edges.

Return type:list of tlp.Coord

Returns the value associated to a particular edge.

Return type:

list of tlp.Coord

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default value associated to the nodes.

Return type:tlp.Coord

Returns the value associated to a particular node.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same value on the whole set of edges.

  • val (list of tlp.Coord) – the value to set on the edges.

Sets the same value on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (tlp.Coord) – the value to set on the nodes.
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the value of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (list of tlp.Coord) – the value to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the value of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (tlp.Coord) – the value to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.SizeProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface

getMin([subgraph = None])

Returns the minimum value on the nodes for that size property.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the minimum value on the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:


getMax([subgraph = None])

Returns the maximum value on the nodes for that size property.

  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case return the maximum value on the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
Return type:


scale(scaleFactors[, subgraph = None])

Scales the sizes of the nodes and edges according to a scale factors vector (sx, sy, sz).

  • scaleFactors (tlp.Size) – a vector of scales factor
  • subgraph (tlp.Graph) – a sub-graph can be given in parameter, in that case scales the size of the nodes belonging to that sub-graph.
scale(scaleFactors, itNodes, itEdges)

Scales the sizes of the nodes and edges provided through iterators according to a scale factors vector (sx, sy, sz).

  • scaleFactors (tlp.Size) – a vector of scale factors
  • itNodes (tlp.IteratorNode) – an iterator on graph nodes
  • itEdges (tlp.IteratorEdge) – an iterator on graph edges

Returns the default value associated to the edges.

Return type:tlp.Size

Returns the value associated to a particular edge.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default value associated to the nodes.

Return type:tlp.Size

Returns the value associated to a particular node.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same value on the whole set of edges.

  • val (tlp.Size) – the value to set on the edges.

Sets the same value on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (tlp.Size) – the value to set on the nodes.
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the value of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (tlp.Size) – the value to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the value of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (tlp.Size) – the value to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.StringProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface


Returns the default value associated to the edges.

Return type:string

Returns the value associated to a particular edge.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default value associated to the nodes.

Return type:string

Returns the value associated to a particular node.

Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same value on the whole set of edges.

  • val (string) – the value to set on the edges.

Sets the same value on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (string) – the value to set on the nodes.
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the value of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (string) – the value to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the value of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (string) – the value to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.BooleanVectorProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface


Returns the default list of values associated to the edges.

Return type:list of boolean

Returns the list of values associated to a particular edge.

Return type:

list of boolean

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default list of values associated to the nodes.

Return type:list of boolean

Returns the list of values associated to a particular node.

Return type:

list of boolean

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same list of values on the whole set of edges.

  • val (list of boolean) – the list of values to set on the edges

Sets the same list of values on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (list of boolean) – the list of values to set on the nodes
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (list of boolean) – the list of values to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (list of boolean) – the list of values to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getNodeEltValue(node, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

setNodeEltValue(node, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (boolean) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackNodeEltValue(node, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular node. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (boolean) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular node. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (boolean) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getEdgeEltValue(edge, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

setEdgeEltValue(edge, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (boolean) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackEdgeEltValue(edge, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (boolean) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (boolean) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.CoordVectorProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface


Returns the default list of values associated to the edges.

Return type:list of tlp.Coord

Returns the list of values associated to a particular edge.

Return type:

list of tlp.Coord

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default list of values associated to the nodes.

Return type:list of tlp.Coord

Returns the list of values associated to a particular node.

Return type:

list of tlp.Coord

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same list of values on the whole set of edges.

  • val (list of tlp.Coord) – the list of values to set on the edges

Sets the same list of values on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (list of tlp.Coord) – the list of values to set on the nodes
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (list of tlp.Coord) – the list of values to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (list of tlp.Coord) – the list of values to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getNodeEltValue(node, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

setNodeEltValue(node, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (tlp.Coord) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackNodeEltValue(node, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular node. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (tlp.Coord) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular node. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (tlp.Coord) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getEdgeEltValue(edge, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

setEdgeEltValue(edge, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (tlp.Coord) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackEdgeEltValue(edge, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (tlp.Coord) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (tlp.Coord) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.ColorVectorProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface


Returns the default list of values associated to the edges.

Return type:list of tlp.Color

Returns the list of values associated to a particular edge.

Return type:

list of tlp.Color

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default list of values associated to the nodes.

Return type:list of tlp.Color

Returns the list of values associated to a particular node.

Return type:

list of tlp.Color

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same list of values on the whole set of edges.

  • val (list of tlp.Color) – the list of values to set on the edges

Sets the same list of values on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (list of tlp.Color) – the list of values to set on the nodes
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (list of tlp.Color) – the list of values to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (list of tlp.Color) – the list of values to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getNodeEltValue(node, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

setNodeEltValue(node, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (tlp.Color) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackNodeEltValue(node, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular node. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (tlp.Color) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular node. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (tlp.Color) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getEdgeEltValue(edge, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

setEdgeEltValue(edge, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (tlp.Color) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackEdgeEltValue(edge, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (tlp.Color) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (tlp.Color) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.DoubleVectorProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface


Returns the default list of values associated to the edges.

Return type:list of float

Returns the list of values associated to a particular edge.

Return type:

list of float

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default list of values associated to the nodes.

Return type:list of float

Returns the list of values associated to a particular node.

Return type:

list of float

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same list of values on the whole set of edges.

  • val (list of float) – the list of values to set on the edges

Sets the same list of values on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (list of float) – the list of values to set on the nodes
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (list of float) – the list of values to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (list of float) – the list of values to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getNodeEltValue(node, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

setNodeEltValue(node, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (float) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackNodeEltValue(node, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular node. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (float) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular node. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (float) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getEdgeEltValue(edge, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

setEdgeEltValue(edge, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (float) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackEdgeEltValue(edge, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (float) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (float) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.IntegerVectorProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface


Returns the default list of values associated to the edges.

Return type:list of integer

Returns the list of values associated to a particular edge.

Return type:

list of integer

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default list of values associated to the nodes.

Return type:list of integer

Returns the list of values associated to a particular node.

Return type:

list of integer

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same list of values on the whole set of edges.

  • val (list of integer) – the list of values to set on the edges

Sets the same list of values on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (list of integer) – the list of values to set on the nodes
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (list of integer) – the list of values to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (list of integer) – the list of values to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getNodeEltValue(node, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

setNodeEltValue(node, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (integer) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackNodeEltValue(node, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular node. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (integer) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular node. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (integer) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getEdgeEltValue(edge, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

setEdgeEltValue(edge, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (integer) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackEdgeEltValue(edge, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (integer) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (integer) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.SizeVectorProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface


Returns the default list of values associated to the edges.

Return type:list of tlp.Size

Returns the list of values associated to a particular edge.

Return type:

list of tlp.Size

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default list of values associated to the nodes.

Return type:list of tlp.Size

Returns the list of values associated to a particular node.

Return type:

list of tlp.Size

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same list of values on the whole set of edges.

  • val (list of tlp.Size) – the list of values to set on the edges

Sets the same list of values on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (list of tlp.Size) – the list of values to set on the nodes
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (list of tlp.Size) – the list of values to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (list of tlp.Size) – the list of values to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getNodeEltValue(node, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

setNodeEltValue(node, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (tlp.Size) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackNodeEltValue(node, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular node. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (tlp.Size) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular node. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (tlp.Size) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getEdgeEltValue(edge, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

setEdgeEltValue(edge, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (tlp.Size) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackEdgeEltValue(edge, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (tlp.Size) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (tlp.Size) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

class tlp.StringVectorProperty

Bases: tlp.PropertyInterface


Returns the default list of values associated to the edges.

Return type:list of string

Returns the list of values associated to a particular edge.

Return type:

list of string

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Returns the default list of values associated to the nodes.

Return type:list of string

Returns the list of values associated to a particular node.

Return type:

list of string

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Sets the same list of values on the whole set of edges.

  • val (list of string) – the list of values to set on the edges

Sets the same list of values on the whole set of nodes.

  • val (list of string) – the list of values to set on the nodes
setEdgeValue(edge, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular edge.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (list of string) – the list of values to set on the edge
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

setNodeValue(node, val)

Sets the list of values of a particular node.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (list of string) – the list of values to set on the node
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getNodeEltValue(node, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

setNodeEltValue(node, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular node at the given index.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (string) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the node has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackNodeEltValue(node, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular node. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • val (string) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular node. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeNodeValue(node, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular node. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • node (tlp.node) – an existing node
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (string) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

getEdgeEltValue(edge, index)

Returns the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
Return type:


Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

setEdgeEltValue(edge, index, val)

Sets the value in the list attached to a particular edge at the given index.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • index (integer) – the index in the list
  • val (string) – the value to set in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property or if the list attached to the edge has a size smaller than the given index.

pushBackEdgeEltValue(edge, val)

Inserts a value at the end of the list attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is incremented by one.

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • val (string) – the value to add in the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property


Removes the value at the end of the list (if not empty) attached to a particular edge. The size of the list is decremented by one.

Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. A default value will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
Throws :

an exception if the edge does not belong to the graph attached to the property

resizeEdgeValue(edge, size, val)

Resizes the list attached to a particular edge. The value given in paramater will be assigned to new elements (if any).

  • edge (tlp.edge) – an existing edge
  • size (integer) – the new size of the list
  • val (string) – the value to assign on new elements in the list
Throws :

an exception if the node does not belong to the graph attached to the property

Tulip plugins classes

class tlp.WithParameter

This class describes parameters for a plug-in. These parameters can be of multiple types, and are used to generate a GUI that will be shown when the plug-in in invoked by the user.

addBooleanParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a boolean parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the boolean parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (“true” or “false”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addBooleanPropertyParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a tlp.BooleanProperty parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the tlp.BooleanProperty parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “<property_name>”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addColorParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a tlp.Color parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the tlp.Color parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “(R, G, B, A)”, e.g. for red : “(255,0,0,255)”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addColorPropertyParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a tlp.ColorProperty parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the tlp.ColorProperty parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “<property_name>”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addColorScaleParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a tlp.ColorScale parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the tlp.ColorScale parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “((R, G, B, A), ..., (R, G, B, A))”, e.g. gradient from black to white : “((0,0,0,255), (255,255,255,255))”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addDoublePropertyParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a tlp.DoubleProperty parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the tlp.DoubleProperty parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “<property_name>”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addFloatParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a floating point number parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the floating point number parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “[0-9]*[.][0-9]+”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addIntegerParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds an integer parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the integer parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “[0-9]+”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addIntegerPropertyParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a tlp.IntegerProperty parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the tlp.IntegerProperty parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “<property_name>”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addLayoutPropertyParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a tlp.LayoutProperty parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the tlp.LayoutProperty parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “<property_name>”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addPropertyParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a tlp.PropertyInterface parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the tlp.PropertyInterface parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “<property_name>”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addSizePropertyParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a tlp.SizeProperty parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the tlp.SizeProperty parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “<property_name>”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addStringCollectionParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a tlp.StringCollection parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the tlp.StringCollection parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “entry1;entry2;...;entryN”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addStringParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a string parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the string parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
addStringPropertyParameter(name[, help = None, defaultValue = None, isMandatory = True])

Adds a tlp.StringProperty parameter to the plug-in.

  • name (string) – the name of the tlp.StringProperty parameter to add
  • help (string) – a description of the parameter, that will be displayed to the user
  • defaultValue (string) – the default value (in the form “<property_name>”) the parameter should take, to be the initial value in the GUI
  • isMandatory (boolean) – specify whether this parameter requires a value or not
class tlp.Algorithm

Bases: tlp.WithParameter

This abstract class describes a general algorithm plugin. Basic functionality consists in checking the algorithm can run on the current Graph (e.g. is the graph simple ?) then running the algorithm. The algorithm can and should report progress and which task it is performing if it is decomposed in multiple phases (e.g. layouting the graph, coloring it, ...).

class attributes


The tlp.Graph this algorithm will be run on.


A tlp.DataSet containing parameters for this algorithm, if any.


A tlp.PluginProgress to give feedback to the user. It can be None, so use with caution.

class methods


This method is called before applying the algorithm on the input graph. You can perform some precondition checks here. Derived classes can reimplement it. Must return a tuple whose first member indicates if the algorithm can be applied and the second one can be used to provide an error message

Return type:(boolean, string)

This method is the entry point of the algorithm when it is called. Derived classes must implement it. A boolean must also be returned to indicate if the algorithm was successful.

Return type:boolean
class tlp.PropertyAlgorithm

Bases: tlp.WithParameter

This base class describes plugins who only modify one property, e.g. selection, layout, ...

class attributes


The tlp.Graph this property algorithm will be run on.


A tlp.DataSet containing parameters for this property algorithm, if any.


A tlp.PluginProgress to give feedback to the user. It can be None, so use with caution.

class methods


Checks whether the algorithm can be applied on this graph or not. Derived classes can reimplement it. Must return a tuple whose first member indicates if the algorithm can be applied and the second one can be used to provide an error message.

Return type:(boolean, string)

This method is called to run the property algorithm. Derived classes must implement it. It is a good practice to report progress through the PluginProgress. The PluginProgress should also be used to report errors, if any. Must return a boolean to indicate if the execution was successful.

Return type:boolean
class tlp.BooleanAlgorithm

Bases: tlp.PropertyAlgorithm

This class is the base interface for selection plugins.

class attributes


The result of the algorithm must be stored in this tlp.BooleanProperty.

class tlp.ColorAlgorithm

Bases: tlp.PropertyAlgorithm

This class is the base interface for color plugins.

class attributes


The result of the algorithm must be stored in this tlp.ColorProperty.

class tlp.DoubleAlgorithm

Bases: tlp.PropertyAlgorithm

This class is the base interface for metric plugins.

class attributes


The result of the algorithm must be stored in this tlp.DoubleProperty.

class tlp.IntegerAlgorithm

Bases: tlp.PropertyAlgorithm

This class is the base interface for integer plugins.

class attributes


The result of the algorithm must be stored in this tlp.IntegerProperty.

class tlp.LayoutAlgorithm

Bases: tlp.PropertyAlgorithm

This class is the base interface for layout plugins.

class attributes


The result of the algorithm must be stored in this tlp.LayoutProperty.

class tlp.SizeAlgorithm

Bases: tlp.PropertyAlgorithm

This class is the base interface for size plugins.

class attributes


The result of the algorithm must be stored in this tlp.SizeProperty.

class tlp.PythonImportModule

Bases: tlp.WithParameter

This abstract class describes an import plugin.

class attributes


An empty tlp.Graph to populate when running the import process


A tlp.DataSet containing parameters for this import plugin, if any


A tlp.PluginProgress to give feedback to the user. It can be None, so use with caution

class methods


This method is called to import a graph. Derived classes must implement it. A boolean must also be returned to indicate if the import was successful.

Return type:boolean
class tlp.PythonExportModule

Bases: tlp.WithParameter

This abstract class describes an export plugin.

class attributes


The tlp.Graph to export


A tlp.DataSet containing parameters for this export plugin, if any


A tlp.PluginProgress to give feedback to the user. It can be None, so use with caution

class methods


This method is called to export the graph. Derived classes must implement it. A boolean must also be returned to indicate if the export was successful.

Return type:boolean

Graph test classes

class tlp.SelfLoops

The tlp.SelfLoops class represents a self loop that has been replaced by two nodes and three edges. The method tlp.AcyclicTest.makeAcyclic() returns a list of this type.

It contains the following variables :

  • old (tlp.edge) : the self loop edge that has been replaced
  • n1 (tlp.node) : the first node added
  • n2 (tlp.node) : the second node added
  • e1 (tlp.edge) : the edge added between the node at the extremity of the loop and n1
  • e2 (tlp.edge) : the edge added between n1 and n2
  • e3 (tlp.edge) : the edge added between the node at the extremity of the loop and n2
class tlp.AcyclicTest

Returns a tuple whose first member is a boolean indicating if the graph is acyclic or not and second member is a list of edges that create cycle (when the graph is not acyclic).

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the acyclic test
Return type:

(boolean, list of tlp.edge)


Returns True if the graph is acyclic, False if not. The result is cached (ie. the next call with the same graph is done in O(1) time)

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the acyclic test
Return type:



Makes the graph acyclic, by reversing edge direction (feedback arc set problem). If there is self loops, a new node is added with two edges that points to it. Returns a tuple containing whose first member is a list of reversed edges and second member is a list of transformed self loops.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph to make acyclic
Return type:

(list of tlp.edge, list of tlp.SelfLoops)

class tlp.BiconnectedTest

Returns True if the graph is biconnected (ie. one must remove at least two nodes in order to disconnect the graph), False otherwise.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the biconnected test
Return type:



If the graph is not biconnected, adds edges in order to make the graph biconnected. Returns a list of added edges.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph to make biconnected.
Return type:

list of tlp.edge

class tlp.ConnectedTest

Computes the sets of connected components. Returns a list of connected components.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute the sets of connected components
Return type:

list of list of tlp.node


Returns True if the graph is connected (ie. it exists an undirected path between each pair of nodes), False otherwise.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the connected test
Return type:



If the graph is not connected, adds edges in order to make the graph connected. Returns a list of added edges.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph to make connected
Return type:

list of tlp.edge


Returns the number of connected components in the graph.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute the number of connected components
Return type:


class tlp.OuterPlanarTest

Returns True if the graph is outerplanar (i.e. a graph with an embedding in the plane such that all vertices belong to the unbounded face of the embedding), False otherwise.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the outerplanarity test
Return type:


class tlp.PlanarityTest

Returns a list of edges that prevents to make the graph planar (ie. part of the minor of K3,3 or K5).

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute the obstruction edges
Return type:

list of tlp.edge


Returns True if the graph is planar (i.e. the graph can be drawn in such a way that no edges cross each other), False otherwise.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the planarity test
Return type:



Returns True if the current embedding of the graph is planar, False otherwise.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the planar embedding test
Return type:



Changes the order of edges around the nodes in order to make the embedding planar (the graph must be planar for that). Returns True if the graph is planar, False otherwise.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute a planar embedding
Return type:


class tlp.SimpleTest

Returns True if the graph is simple (i.e. it contains no self loops or parallel edges), False otherwise.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the simple test
Return type:



Makes the graph simple by removing self loops and parallel edges if any. Returns a list of removed edges.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph to make simple
Return type:

list of tlp.edge


Performs a simple test and returns a tuple with 3 elements. The first element is a boolean indicating the result of the test. The second element is a list of found parallel edges. The third element is a list of found self loops.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the simple test
Return type:

(boolean, list of tlp.edge, list of tlp.edge)

class tlp.TreeTest
cleanComputedTree(graph, tree)

Cleans the graph from a tree previously computed with the tlp.TreeTest.computeTree() method.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph to clean from a tree
  • tree (tlp.Graph) – the tree to remove from the graph

Computes a rooted tree from the graph. The algorithm is the following :

  • if the graph is a rooted tree, returns the graph
  • if the graph is a free tree, returns a rooted clone subgraph
  • if the graph is connected, makes a clone subgraph and returns a rooted spanning tree of that clone
  • if the graph is not connected, makes a clone subgraph, computes a tree for each of its connected components, adds a simple source and returns the clone.
  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to compute a rooted tree
Return type:



Returns True if the graph is a topological tree (i.e. if the graph was undirected, there would be no cycle), False otherwise.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the free tree test
Return type:



Returns True if the graph is a rooted tree (i.e. a graph with one node designated as the root), False otherwise.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the tree test
Return type:


makeRootedTree(graph, root)

Turns a free tree into a rooted tree.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the tree to make rooted
  • root (tlp.node) – the node to designate as the root of the tree
class tlp.TriconnectedTest

Returns True if the graph is triconnected (i.e. a connected graph such that deleting any two nodes (and incident edges) results in a graph that is still connected), False otherwise.

  • graph (tlp.Graph) – the graph on which to perform the triconnected test
Return type:
