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Member tlp::computeBoundingRadius (const Graph *graph, const LayoutProperty *layout, const SizeProperty *size, const DoubleProperty *rotation, const BooleanProperty *selection=0)

make that fucntion return a new type of class called BoundingSphere

test if that function correctly compute a bounding sphere.

Member tlp::computeConvexHull (const Graph *graph, const LayoutProperty *layout, const SizeProperty *size, const DoubleProperty *rotation, const BooleanProperty *selection=0)

refactor code from GlConvexHull here

Class tlp::VectorGraph
split the file in .h .cpp

Member tlp::VectorGraph::delEdges (const node n)

Member tlp::VectorGraph::existEdge (const node src, const node tgt, const bool directed=true) const

Tulip Software by LaBRI Visualization Team    2001 - 2011