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This example gives a minimalistic approach of interaction with a graphIn this example, we are making an interactor plugin for Node link diagram view that will activate zoom and pan and display information when you click on a node/edge.

The code contains a step-by-step explanation of the process, please refer to classes documentation for more information about their usage.

#include <QPropertyAnimation>
#include <QGraphicsView>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QGraphicsProxyWidget>
#include <tulip/MouseInteractors.h>
#include <tulip/Interactor.h>
#include <tulip/GlMainView.h>
#include <tulip/GlMainWidget.h>
#include <tulip/GlScene.h>
using namespace tlp;
In this class we create an GLInteractorComponent
In first see InteractorPlugin
class InteractorPluginComponent : public InteractorComponent {
QGraphicsProxyWidget *_informationWidgetItem;
QLabel *_informationLabel;
public :
Basic constructor
In this constructor we create a label to display information
And a QGraphicsProxyWidget to show information in Tulip QGraphics system
InteractorPluginComponent() {
_informationLabel=new QLabel();
_informationWidgetItem=new QGraphicsProxyWidget();
This function is call when the view associated to this interactor is changed
So at this moment we add information QGraphicsItem to the QGraphicsScene
void viewChanged(View * view) {
Most important function of an interactor component
When an event arrive on your interactor : this function is call
You have to process it and return true. If the event do nothing in your interactor : this function return false;
bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent* e) {
If you have clicked on a node/edge, information widget is visible.
And if you use the wheel of the mouse we hide the information widget
if(_informationWidgetItem->isVisible() && e->type()==QEvent::Wheel) {
return false;
Check if the event is a mouse event
QMouseEvent * qMouseEv = dynamic_cast<QMouseEvent *>(e);
if(qMouseEv != NULL) {
GlMainView *glMainView=dynamic_cast<GlMainView*>(view());
Check if event is a left mouse button press
if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && qMouseEv->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
If you have clicked on a node/edge, information widget is visible.
And if you reclick : hide it
if(_informationWidgetItem->isVisible()) {
else {
Select entities under the mouse cursor
The result of selection is stored in SelectedEntity
And pickNodesEdges return true if you click on node or edge
SelectedEntity selectedEntity;
if (glMainView->getGlMainWidget()->pickNodesEdges(qMouseEv->x(),qMouseEv->y(),selectedEntity)) {
Change text of the information label with
- If you click on a node : "Click on node id : nodeId"
- If you click on an edge : "Click on edge id : edgeId"
QString text("Click on ");
if(selectedEntity.getEntityType() == SelectedEntity::NODE_SELECTED)
text+="node ";
text+="edge ";
text+=" id : "+QString::number(selectedEntity.getComplexEntityId());
- Update QLabel with new text
- Auto resize QLabel
- Set position of the label at mouse position
- Display it
Here we just add a small smooth animation on the label pop
QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(_informationWidgetItem, "opacity");
We have treated the event so we return true
return true;
We don't have treated the event se we return false
return false;
If you want to create an interactor plugin, the first think to do is to create a sub class of InteractorComposite
class InteractorPlugin : public InteractorComposite {
QLabel *_configurationLabel;
This macro is here to register information about the plugin
PLUGININFORMATION(Plugin name, Author, Date, Plugin long name, version, type of plugin (Navigation,Information...))
PLUGININFORMATION("InteractorPlugin", "Tulip Team", "05/10/2012", "Demo Interactor", "1.0", "Information")
The constructor
Here we specify the icon of interactor with Qt qrc system, and the ToolTip text of the plugin
InteractorPlugin(const tlp::PluginContext*):InteractorComposite(QIcon(":/i_interactor_plugin.png"),"Demo Interactor") {
Here we create a label with a minimal configuration text
This text will be displayed when you click on the name of the plugin
_configurationLabel=new QLabel(QString("This is a demo interactor.<br>")
+"You can zoom and pan and display information if you click on a node/edge.");
~InteractorPlugin() {
delete _configurationLabel;
Here we construct the interactor
An InteractorComposite is a list of InteractorComponent.
It's like a chain of responsibility :
- When an event arrive the first InteractorComponent catch it in eventFilter function.
- If the InteractorComponent don't process this event (if eventFilter function return false), the event is passed to the second InteractorComponent
In this example we have two InteractorComponent
The first one : InteractorPluginComponent is the example InteractorComponent
The second one : MouseNKeysNavigation is a standard Tulip InteractorComponent who activate Zoom and pan interaction
void construct() {
push_back(new MouseNKeysNavigator);
push_back(new InteractorPluginComponent);
In this function we say : this plugin is compatible with Node Link Diagram View
If you don't implement this function your plugin won't be displayed in interactors tool bar
bool isCompatible(const std::string &viewName) const {
return (viewName=="Node Link Diagram view");
In this function we say : _configurationLabel is the configuration widget
QWidget* configurationWidget() const {
return _configurationLabel;
In Plugin system we have a priority system to display interactor icon
If priority is low, you interactor will be at the left of the interactord tool bar
unsigned int priority() const {
return 5;
With this macro you register your plugin in Tulip plugin engine