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tlp::StructDef Member List
This is the complete list of members for tlp::StructDef, including all inherited members.
add(const char *str, const char *inHelp=NULL, const char *inDefValue=NULL, bool mandatory=true)tlp::StructDef
buildDefaultDataSet(DataSet &ioDataSet, Graph *inG=NULL)tlp::StructDef
erase(std::string str)tlp::StructDef
getDefValue(std::string str) const tlp::StructDef
getField() const tlp::StructDef
getHelp(std::string str) const tlp::StructDef
isMandatory(std::string str) const tlp::StructDef
setDefValue(std::string name, std::string value)tlp::StructDef

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