Tulip Developer Handbook

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Installation
1. Options
3. Tulip Library
1. Introduction
2. Graphs
3. Hierarchy of graphs
4. Attributes
5. Properties
6. TUTORIAL Intro.
7. TUTORIAL 001 : Graphs creation, adding and deleting nodes or edges.
1. Header files
2. Creation of a Graph
3. Add nodes
4. Add edges
5. Delete an edge and a node
6. Printing the graph
7. Saving a graph
8. Graph deletion
9. Compiling and running the program.
10. Source Code
8. TUTORIAL 002 : Iterating over a graph (class Iterator and the macro forEach)
1. Header files (Same as Tutorial 1)
2. Iterating over all nodes
3. Iterating through a node predecessors
4. Iterating through a node successors
5. Iterating through a node neighbors (predecessors and successors)
6. Iterating through a node incoming edges
7. Iterating through a node outgoing edges
8. Iterating through a node adjacent edges
Don't forget memory leaks
9. Iterating on edges (all edges).
10. The forEach Macro
Source Code
9. TUTORIAL 003 : Properties
1. Header files and predefined properties
2. Creation of a property.
3. Initialize all properties.
4. Iterating over properties.
Source Code
10. TUTORIAL 004 : Create your first subgraph.
Source Code
11. TUTORIAL 005 : Properties and subgraphs
1. Introduction
2. Properties of subgraph1
3. Properties of subgraph2
Source Code
12. TUTORIAL 006 : Edges order.
1. Creation of the graph and its edges
2. Swap edges
3. Setting an order
Source Code
13. TUTORIAL 007 : Mutable Collection
14. TUTORIAL 008 : Graph Tests
15. TUTORIAL 009 : ObservableGraph
1. Our new class, GraphObserverTest :
2. The Main function
4. Tulip Open GL Library
1. Introduction
2. 2D/3D for Tulip
Augmented Displays with GlEntity system
Gl 2D/3D classes
Scene and layers
Examples of Gl shape uses
5. Tulip QT Library
1. Introduction
2. Interactors
Interactor example
Interactor Component
Interactor itself
View example
How to create a view
An other solution : Use AbstractView or GlMainView
4. Controllers
Empty Controller
Controller example
ControllerAlgorithmTools class
ControllerViewsTools class
ControllerViewsManager class
6. Plug-ins development
1. The PropertyAlgorithm class.
Overview of the class
Parameters :
The PluginProgress class.
Example of a plugin skeleton
2. The Algorithm class.
Public members
Protected members
3. Import plug-ins
Public members
Protected members
Skeleton an ImportModule derived class
4. Export plug-ins
Public members
Protected members
Skeleton of an ExportModule derived class
5. Compilation ( Makefiles )
7. Tulip graph format
1. Nodes
2. Edges
3. Clusters
4. Definitions of properties
Property Type
5. Properties of Tulip
6. GlScene
8. Programming Guidelines
1. Generalities
2. Naming conventions
3. Code Comments
4. Integration in Tulip project
GNU Build system
File adds
Compilation directives : Makefile.am
Variable prefix
9. Documentation Guidelines
1. Some antisocial English recommendations
2. Definitions
3. Tools installation
Docbook XSL Stylesheet
4. Handwriting for the manuals
Some Tricks
Docbook FAQ
5. Code documentation
Developer comments
Doxygen FAQ
6. References