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Detailed Description

Function Documentation

tlp::BooleanProperty::BooleanProperty ( Graph g,
std::string  n = "" 
) [inline, inherited]
virtual PropertyInterface* tlp::PropertyInterface::clonePrototype ( Graph ,
const std::string &   
) [pure virtual, inherited]
PropertyInterface* tlp::BooleanVectorProperty::clonePrototype ( Graph ,
const std::string &   
) [virtual, inherited]

Create an object of the same real type of the current property, in the the graph (first parameter) with the name (second parameter). Values are not copied.

Implements tlp::PropertyInterface.

PropertyInterface* tlp::BooleanProperty::clonePrototype ( Graph ,
const std::string &   
) [virtual, inherited]

Create an object of the same real type of the current property, in the the graph (first parameter) with the name (second parameter). Values are not copied.

Implements tlp::PropertyInterface.

virtual void tlp::PropertyInterface::copy ( const edge  src,
const edge  dst,
PropertyInterface prop,
bool  ifNotDefault = false 
) [pure virtual, inherited]

Set the value of an edge (first argument) in the current property (this) with the value of the edge (second argument) defined in prop (third argument) defined in this property (this). If the fourth argument is set to true, the value will be copied only if it is not the default value.

virtual void tlp::PropertyInterface::copy ( const node  src,
const node  dst,
PropertyInterface prop,
bool  ifNotDefault = false 
) [pure virtual, inherited]

Set the value of a node (first argument) in the current property (this) with the value of the node (second argument) defined in prop (third argument) If the fourth argument is set to true, the value will be copied only if it is not the default value.

Iterator<edge>* tlp::BooleanProperty::getEdgesEqualTo ( const bool  val,
Graph g = 0 
) [inherited]
tlp::Graph* tlp::PropertyInterface::getGraph (  )  [inline, inherited]

Returns the graph on which the property has been defined. WARNING : If the property is inherited the graph could be different that the one used to get that property.

MetaValueCalculator* tlp::PropertyInterface::getMetaValueCalculator (  )  [inline, inherited]

Returns the meta value calculator associated to this property

const std::string& tlp::PropertyInterface::getName (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return the name of the property

Iterator<node>* tlp::BooleanProperty::getNodesEqualTo ( const bool  val,
Graph g = 0 
) [inherited]
virtual std::string tlp::PropertyInterface::getTypename (  )  const [pure virtual, inherited]
std::string tlp::BooleanVectorProperty::getTypename (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Returns a string describing the type of the property. i.e. "graph", "double", "layout", "string", "integer", "color", "size", ...

Implements tlp::PropertyInterface.

std::string tlp::BooleanProperty::getTypename (  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Returns a string describing the type of the property. i.e. "graph", "double", "layout", "string", "integer", "color", "size", ...

Implements tlp::PropertyInterface.

void tlp::PropertyInterface::notifyAfterSetAllEdgeValue ( PropertyInterface  )  [protected, inherited]
void tlp::PropertyInterface::notifyAfterSetAllNodeValue ( PropertyInterface  )  [protected, inherited]
void tlp::PropertyInterface::notifyAfterSetEdgeValue ( PropertyInterface ,
const edge  e 
) [protected, inherited]
void tlp::PropertyInterface::notifyAfterSetNodeValue ( PropertyInterface ,
const node  n 
) [protected, inherited]
void tlp::PropertyInterface::notifyDestroy ( PropertyInterface  )  [protected, inherited]
void tlp::BooleanProperty::reverse (  )  [inherited]
void tlp::BooleanProperty::reverseEdgeDirection (  )  [inherited]
virtual tlp::PropertyInterface::~PropertyInterface (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Variable Documentation

Graph* tlp::PropertyInterface::graph [protected, inherited]
MetaValueCalculator* tlp::PropertyInterface::metaValueCalculator [protected, inherited]
std::string tlp::PropertyInterface::name [protected, inherited]

Tulip Software by LaBRI Visualization Team    2001 - 2011