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tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE > Member List

This is the complete list of members for tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE >, including all inherited members.

cofactor() const tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE >
determinant() const tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE >
dist(const VECTOR &) const tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
dotProduct(const VECTOR &) const tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
fill(Obj obj)tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE > [inline]
tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE >::fill(const TYPE &obj)tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
inverse()tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE >
Matrix()tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE > [inline]
Matrix(const Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > &a)tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE > [inline]
Matrix(const std::vector< std::vector< Obj > > &covarianceMatrix)tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE >
norm() const tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
operator *=(const MATRIX &mat)tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE > [inline]
operator *=(const Obj &obj)tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE > [inline]
tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE >::operator *=(const TYPE &)tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE >::operator *=(const VECTOR &)tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
operator!=(const VECTOR &) const tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
operator+=(const TYPE &)tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
operator+=(const VECTOR &)tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
operator-=(const TYPE &)tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
operator-=(const VECTOR &)tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
operator/(const MATRIX &mat2) const tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE >
operator/(const Obj &obj) const tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE >
operator/=(const MATRIX &mat)tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE > [inline]
operator/=(const Obj &obj)tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE > [inline]
tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE >::operator/=(const TYPE &)tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE >::operator/=(const VECTOR &)tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
operator<(const VECTOR &) const tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
operator==(const VECTOR &) const tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
operator>(const VECTOR &) const tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
operator^=(const VECTOR &)tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline]
powerIteration(const int nIterations) const tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE > [inline]
transpose()tlp::Matrix< Obj, SIZE >
VECTOR(int v=0)tlp::Vector< Vector< Obj, SIZE >, SIZE > [inline, explicit]

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